Post CommentI hear the guy formely of Hell Within is looking to be in another band.
Interested parties should send an email here with a subject line of "im a gay."
the_Network is pretty killer, Pete is a good dude for sure.. Tour the west coast when you find a replacement!
Make Tim do all the vocals....he sure is fck aint doin anything behind that kit......LOL
Nate Johnson was already in that band....and every other one
Yet another metalcore band that will fall apart as quickly as they got together.
yeah....network sure did just come together. Haven't been around for like 6 or 7 years or anything like that.
ion_stasi 6/14/2007 9:11:39 AM 10/100 Mbps
this band? metalcore??? wow you guys are fcking idiots. sorry pete! just wait til they see u play and u smash their faces in after backflipping off your cab
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first post? maybe. meh whatever.