NewsMay 6, 2007 11:09 PM ET5,641 views

Locked In A Vacancy calling it quits

Locked In A Vacancy vocalist Dyami Bryant has left the group following a personal health crisis. As a result, the remaining members of the New York City metal/hardcore outfit will start a new band. Here's the official word from the band: "On the morning of April 7th Dyami Bryant, vocalist for Locked In A Vacancy, was rushed to a hospital in NYC after having severe stomach pains for over 6 hours. He was eventually diagnosed as having a serious gastro-intestinal condition, and after numerous tests underwent surgery 3 days later. With Dyami recuperating in the hospital the band was forced to cancel their string of shows with The Breathing Process, as well as a few shows in late April/early May that we had really been looking forward to playing. After about 2 and a half weeks in the hospital and a few days with family, Dyami finally returned home earlier this week to finish recuperating at home. Unfortunately, this sudden illness affected Dyami pretty deeply physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and he now feels lead to step down from his position as the vocalist for Locked In A Vacancy. We as a band don't believe we can go on as Locked In A Vacancy without him. He was an enormous part of this band and we feel nobody could properly replace him. His writing and singing we feel are a huge part of what made us LIAV. We all hope that Dyami gets well soon, and we wish him the best! There will more than likely be a final show or string of shows with Dyami singing once he’s fully recovered from his weakened state and 100% better – we’ll keep you posted! The remaining members of LIAV will continue on under a different name. We were already working on new material that will more than likely end up being used in the new project. We are currently seeking a new vocalist for this project - interested parties can contact us via our Myspace page."


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webmaster 5/6/2007 8:11:04 PM

Dyami is a good dude and we wish him the best.

southside 5/6/2007 8:17:28 PM

almost first post?

bullfrog 5/6/2007 8:18:25 PM

almost second post!

Dick_Rhee 5/6/2007 9:23:32 PM

Sorry to hear this. Dyami is a top knotch guy, as is everyone else in LIAV. Get well soon.

xtodayithawx 5/6/2007 9:50:35 PM

fck...LIAV owns

despair_is_my_muse 5/6/2007 10:20:40 PM

i had the chance to met him in NYC a couple of years ago, nice and awesome dude. best wishes to him and the rest of the band.

onemoremotherfucker 5/6/2007 10:43:32 PM

xtodayithawx 5/6/2007 9:50:35 PM fck...LIAV owns ...sooo true. good luck to them

ELjustin 5/6/2007 11:12:59 PM

this sucks

JohnnyJohnny 5/6/2007 11:19:36 PM

Very nice guy. I wish him the best.

punksucksgo 5/6/2007 11:23:48 PM

sucks man......dyami and liav have been a big part of hardcore and metal on the east coast for a long wishes to dyami and the new band.

BodyInFlames154 5/6/2007 11:46:43 PM

fck this band.

ARCHITECTkills 5/7/2007 12:54:19 AM

Dyami is a fcking rad dude, stuck to his guns for years and is as legit as they come. best of luck to him and his family as well as his friends/the rest of LIAV.

rocknroll_goonsquad 5/7/2007 1:32:13 AM


arsonaut 5/7/2007 1:56:10 AM

weird.. havent heard this band's name in years... i figured they just broke up... and when i finally hear their name.. its about them breaking up

burntbythegay 5/7/2007 4:38:53 AM

looks like the gay was swallowing too much c-m. i hope he dies.

ass_cobra 5/7/2007 4:49:25 AM

Dyami truly is a warrior, all the best to him.

Dave2112 5/7/2007 6:12:22 AM

Worst name ever, but these dude def honour each other and their band, and that deserves the outmost respect. Get better Dyami.

CRoss 5/7/2007 8:12:01 AM

Dyami = one of the rare good dudes. Respects and best wishes on recovery , and to the rest of the band, a double thumbs up.

vdburns 5/7/2007 9:19:01 AM

LOL @ The Breathing Process.

gozer 5/7/2007 9:19:14 AM

exit the futliltiy ward is a fcking sweet CD!

bensy 5/7/2007 10:15:03 AM

Its Always Darkest... is a nasty cd too. Everyone should start sweating this band hard now that they are broken up! Best to Dyami, that motherfcker is true blue.

khann 5/7/2007 10:55:30 AM

Amazing band, feel bad for Dyami

metal_mania 5/7/2007 11:07:28 AM

terrible band name

metal_mania 5/7/2007 11:09:00 AM

good band tho

brendanmnrtms 5/7/2007 11:21:18 AM

Get well soon

enemy2casualty 5/7/2007 12:35:08 PM

i care - nobody

Gaptoothgomez 5/7/2007 3:48:06 PM

Terrible news. Dyami is one of the most awesome dudes in this east coast scene, best of luck man. Good luck to the rest of the guys too.

burntbythegay 5/7/2007 7:32:27 PM

dyami is a gay and a little bitch. fck him.

TDBRecords 5/8/2007 11:03:54 AM

Great dude, great band. Bummed.

eatshitandlive 5/8/2007 7:50:46 PM

yo burnt by the gay, why don't you watch your fcking mouth. dyami put alot of long and hard years into being in LIAV. he was always promoting music and working hard at what he does. Dyami is a good dude

eatshitandlive 5/8/2007 7:51:14 PM

p.s. i fcked your mom in the ass last night you fcking gay

myeyeshavevisualAIDS 5/8/2007 9:17:29 PM

If I lose my temper you're totaled, man. - Andrew Clark

getaids 5/9/2007 10:50:16 AM

Awesome dude, awesome band. Sucks this is how they had to go out. Wish you the best, Dyami.

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