Post CommentShit c-mfaced band. wont be there. break up already homogays.
Wow, alot of TBAs on this tour. This band (whoever they are) are going to be sorrily disappointed by the end of this one. Shit name by the way.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Who? WTF?
Another scene core band i'm guessing someone tell me if im wrong here?
thank god this isnt coming to Connecticut
....and then they break up halfway through tour
Do we really need another band with the word massacre in thier name?
I like how un-suspecting bands book shows In Lagrange, GA and end up getting fcking robbed.
brain jonestown called they want their "massacre" back
LOVE THIS BAND and fck all these gays above
look_ma_no_hands 1/4/2007 1:26:37 PM thank god this isnt coming to Connecticut It is coming to CT. I am glad you're coming to watch the Chiefs get SHREDDED on Saturday.
shit band. their van needs to crash or get robbed so we can make fun of them in the news post dedicated to them trying to raise money via paypal.
you gays just dont know. will be there 2/16
listen to bands before talking shit. will be there 1/20
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who? huh? 1st?