Post Commenthow do you do a westcoust tour and not play your home town?
they're playing SLC 2/15, show just got added today.
robinson=waste of a talented drummer...fcking shit music
Robinson rules. Sweet drunk-ass american-ass dudes. They need to get back over to the east coast.
fckin waste of a talented drummer........................hahaha jeremy.................lilbit.............hahaha ah
Gaza should book a tour in Palestine.
The last time Gaza and Robinson booked a tour, they ended up in the hospital because I kicked their asses.
there is one venue in santa rosa these guys could play at and yet it is TBA. burn in hell
both of these bands are incredible. eat fist, gays.
cryptic_slaughter 1/4/2007 1:43:01 PM I DONT CARE WHERE I GO WHILE ON TOUR hahaha. my old band was supposed to do a show with both these bands
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