Post CommentI'm reading the names of these venues and thinking... do these places even exist? Monkey Mania, Metal Frat, Cesspool Castle, Mooch and Burn... fcking rediculous!
They all exist dude. Playing the show on the 4th, tis gonna slayyyyyy.
LOL dude, go look at yourself in the mirro...your obviously bigtime full of yourself. Dont you have better things to do then sit around all day and chill on lambgoat? you act like its a fcking religion. Go eat shit and die. was that witty ???
This band is the shit. One of the best records of the year!
why in hell would they play joplin? i hope they go see the spook light
Actually, Hairy Marys is owned by that dude in Slipknot...the one that stands around beating a keg while the rest of the band bRiNgS bRutAl mElOdIc mEtAl!!1 pEoPlE -=sHit!!!
I like this band aside from their God complex.
lots of weird animal names on this venue list.... monkey mania, black sheep, electric snake. 20%
Hairy Mary's definitely isn't owned by any member of the 'knot.
too bad the metalfrat show never happened. worst. night. ever.
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i bet they want chicago on the 14th...not gonna happen