Post Commenti think every comment so far has been from one of these bands.......where the fck is that milwaukee bar at
gozer 10/13/2006 10:07:28 AM we are headlining the 28th date! fckmusic34 10/13/2006 10:27:17 AM i'm playing the 28th show too... shit im playing the 28th show too lolololol
i just heard gaza on myspace. they're pretty sick. i dont like thumbscrew nearly as much.
way to hit every upstate ny place but syracuse.
can't wait to meet everyone, this is going to be fun.
isn't the network a new wave band with the dudes from green day?
isn't the network a new wave band with the dudes from green day? yes. it was green day + members of devo. but apparently there's 19 bands with the name 'the network'
darn missed cali. i might have shed a tear if i gave a shit
Thumbscrew are some fun ass mother fckers.
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first post nig fcks