Post CommentDecent tour. I'm there 11/11. Killswitch's new album better be good, or i might get a little angry.
Only reedeming thing about this tour is that it's coming nowhere near me.
KsE is still awesome, it's just really hard to enjoy their shows now. Too many gays. Ozzfest.
ahh the progression of lambgoat.com is funny. about 3 years ago everyone would have been all over this and super excited about it. now we got these gays that you know listen to KSE but for the sake of lambgoat.com they will trash them.
further more, KSE is an amazing band and all the haters are jealous because their band will never be nothing but local.
holy fck you guys are gay, leave this site and never come back.
i'd be there if three was a fckING NEW YORK DATE gayS
man, i wish they were coming to LA. this looks like a good tour. bury your dead kicks ass
Killswitch Engage has been releasing the same cd over and over for years, and no one has caught on, I feel like I am taking crazy pills.
AC/DC has been releasing the same album for the better part of 30 years now and they have millions of fans...
Tucson, AZ! fck yeah!!! Will be there.
Ugh why does Lambgoat even post these? They're barely underground music anymore...and they suck tee-hee
FutureWaves 10/6/2006 2:37:54 PM Killswitch Engage has been releasing the same cd over and over for years, and no one has caught on, I feel like I am taking crazy pills. You know nothing you idiot.
I think the people in Killswitch Engage know their fanbase is full of tools. They don't really care about the music they play, they're pretty much metal-sell outs. You would know this if you knew their history.
fck these bands and fck all you people going to this tour.
No, no, and no. Sad to say that Bury Your Dead is the most original band on the tour though! Seriosuly, sho writes better song names besides rear c*nt?!
negicore 10/6/2006 2:51:07 PM this could be an overcast tour *should
todayistheday 10/6/2006 5:45:05 PM all bands from MA ..yet no MA date.... Yeah, what the fck? Oh well, bury your dead and shadows fall blow, and KSE just arent really interesting anymore.
i would go if there were more good bands. KSE are amazing musicians. Shadows fall minus their singer is good shit, but bury your dead?..come on. Almost as shitty as likeing shitty converge
i'd go if this shit was worth 20$, but i doubt it will be with the huge gays at these shows. NO FUN!
No way this isn't coming to MA. Come on.
^ This is every show in MA 4 years ago. Who cares if it comes here? They play around here all the time!
Shadows Fall are terrible, rest of the tour smokes. New BYD is amazing. Will be there if this hits Toronto.
killswitch in new orleans - awesome. leave the other gay bands behind though please.
anaturaldisaster 10/7/2006 6:45:30 PM Shadows Fall are terrible, rest of the tour smokes. New BYD is amazing. HAHA GOODBYE FRUIT
How come every tour seems to pass Chicago up???
smells like someone shit in their cereal
Genericfest 2006. Will be a bunch of bros there.
so Killswitch...cool... shadows fall... booo.... but i really dont get why bury your dead is on this tour.
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