Post Commentgood stay the fck away from new york, we don't need to be gayed up anymore.
gay tour, will not be attending when it comes to orlando on the 14th. The chariot blows doosh. the only ok band on this bill is 12 gauge valentine...amazing stage presence.
unless inhale/exhale does nothing but cover nasum this tour has no redeeming value whatsoever.
Yeah guys.... All these bands and their fans are literally gay just because theyr different from you. I like ABR though. The Chariots okay.
will go only because the chariot is pretty much all kc kids now
watching the chariot at sounds was the longest and most painfull 20 minutes of my life do people actually enjoy that garbage?
august burns red are complete shit. the chariot is okay. won't be there. shit bands=shit tour.
holy BREE, batman! the Chariot can suck a herpes infested c-ck.
Wow, The Chariot are a complete fckmess. I like August Burns Red, but not as much as I used to due to like what, 3 line up changes already? TGV can get fcked. Along with Intake/Defecate.
August Burns Red is very talented - no matter who's playing their instruments. The Chariot is absolutely wretched - absolutely unmemorable
accidents need to happen sometimes to weed out the terrible bands.
i'll go to 10/15 if its not too expensive ... which is probably why i wont be going.
will be there at the san antonio date...shit its only 10 bucks!!!.....but i could sure go for some 10 dollar std infested whore.....hmm...wat to chose??
Twelve Gauge ValentineTwelve Gauge ValentineTwelve Gauge ValentineTwelve Gauge ValentineTwelve Gauge Valentine
youngblood records > young blood tour
twelve gauge blows hard on blackie dick
The Chariot is one of the best bands in Hardcore right now. The rest of this tour licks.
^^ get the fck outta here. The Chariot is soo horrible. Disgust-core bullshit
CONGRATS solid state on signing 3 of the shittiest generic bullshit bands in the nation.
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first post, shit tour