Post CommentThis is going to be sweet if they come to NorCal.
deathstar has more vocalists than all the bands on this tour put together
more bullshit music about friends being family and your crews and shit? fck this shit...get a mind of your own...
actually xdeathstarx doesnt have more than all of them combined cause POR has 2 but yeeah, this would be some sweet shows for people that appreciate hardcore...not for fans of metallica/korn though
I saw a commercial...they sound gay. Straight edgers for the most part make horrible music.....High On Fire vs Bleeding Through...who kicks ass?
^^^^^^^^^High On Fire vs. Bleeding Through? That comparison doesn't even make any sense. That's like comparing a chair to a ham sandwich.
^^ maybe you should shut your mouth and die you gay
all of you are fcking homos, especially severedintwo
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fck you! you just wait and see! we'll tear your factories down, we've got strength through unity!