Post Commentgay fcking name, gay fcking comparison bands, gay fcking band.
About byautumnsend: Buffalo, NY hardcore band in the vein of everytime i die, norma jean and he is legend - HOOOOOOOW EMBARASSING!
Gay name, check Main influence is the botch rip off band, Check Look like complete gays, Check. Yep, we have the making for yet another shitty band. get fcked
that is a TERRIBLE name for a band. it's not 2001 anymore, gays.
damn everyone covered just about every piece of shit talking they can be done...what will we do now?? I got it, they have small dicks too, fck you!!
how about that, another hardcore band with autumn in their name.
Buffalo sucks. Worst place I've ever been to.
Calling this band hardcore is like calling It Dies Today, Norma Jean, or Bleeding Through hardcore. Just stop, please, and band with the word "Autumn" MUST be dealt with immediately
so basically a shit label signed another gay band. not surprised.
"Autumn" ...do people not understand how unoriginal this word is anymore... "has the whole world gone CRAZY?"
holy shit, they are on the same label as Summers End i wouldn't have signed them based on the name alone. hahaahha
Like ETID i bet no one is like ETID there the best hardcore band ever you kids know that.
Anyone catch the latest news from Kurt Loder????
hahahaha @ Summer's End and By Autumn's End being on the same label
they are "comparable to such bands as Every Time I Die and Norma Jean." this always means shitty scene trap
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first postaaaaaaaaa no care. SOUNDS LIKE SHIT.