Post CommentSet Your Goals plays orange county 5 times in 3 months. word.
fck both of these bands up the fcking ass
that isnt a tour, tours dont have 5 days off between dates.
Set your goals is a pssy version of Stretch armstrong, who is a pssy version of anything hardcore....plus the distance just sucks
this tour is also coming to Wichita, KS on July 26th at JC's House of Rock with Have Heart, Verse, and Shipwreck
the distance...the distance....didnt they used to be a hardcore band?
fck this flavor of the week bullshit, in a year nobody will give two shits about this pop-punk/"hardcore" gay shit.
2 bands who stole their names from walter schreifels.
The Distance was pretty bad when they played hardcore...this poppy shit they're on is almost a relief. Set Your Goals is pretty horrible too. Keep this tour away from St. Louis.
fck the both of these shit bands.
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shit fcking tour