NewsMay 13, 2006 1:53 PM ET5,591 views

Behold...the Arctopus signs w/ BMA

Black Market Activities has officially signed New York City's Behold...the Arctopus. Commenting on the band, Black Market states: "they are an extreme, instrumental and very experimental band that have as much in common with Ruins, Voivod or Cynic as they do with harsher tech-metal bands like Psyopus or Necrophagist." The group's BMA debut "Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning" features a compilation of material from the group's previous releases on Troubleman Records and Epicene Sound Systems in addition to several live tracks. You can check out some of their material here.


Post Comment

master_of_puppies 5/13/2006 11:02:35 AM

good stuff

Dyami_LIAV 5/13/2006 11:19:00 AM

Awesome band, awesome dudes. Congrats - 2nd post.

ass_cobra 5/13/2006 11:33:34 AM

good dudes, AMAZING band. good shit!

Imalwaysright 5/13/2006 11:42:22 AM

Goooooooood band.

ofgo 5/13/2006 11:44:20 AM

Good band.. I like BMA releases. This will be goood

MikeDeadworks 5/13/2006 11:46:10 AM

***snooooze time***

sacralplexus 5/13/2006 12:18:02 PM


onemanbarfight 5/13/2006 12:41:38 PM

Awesome work BMA, now sign TJPC and the takeover is complete.

xduderx 5/13/2006 1:56:12 PM


cydrx 5/13/2006 3:10:06 PM

needs some f*kn vocals

cryptic_slaughter 5/13/2006 3:12:16 PM


blastbeatsrock 5/13/2006 3:31:14 PM

this band is the breasts

Fenton_D_Daxter_the_IV 5/13/2006 3:36:09 PM

What a shitty label

a_new_religion 5/13/2006 3:40:37 PM

needs new material

xvegeedgex 5/13/2006 3:43:57 PM

Epic band, indeed.

AndyFaint 5/13/2006 3:47:16 PM

Who the hell is TJPC?

kragg 5/13/2006 6:11:18 PM

Is it mandatory to have the word "pus" in your band's name to play this style?

SeveredinTwo 5/13/2006 6:19:22 PM

fck tech > fck you

Turd_Ferguson 5/13/2006 8:28:07 PM

Never heard the band but I bet it is good because its Black Market.

YouAreHearingMeTalk 5/13/2006 8:49:28 PM

Kragg - And what type of style do you think this is, this band sounds more like indie bands like Don Cab and the fcking Champs than like gore metal. But seriously, that is good fcking news.

din 5/13/2006 9:29:17 PM

i love this band. i would really like for them to come to Boston alfckingready

carexinxslaughter 5/13/2006 10:00:56 PM

sweet shit definitely getting this

jaynumber13 5/13/2006 10:16:27 PM

This is better than the soup I'm eating.

hxcobd 5/13/2006 11:35:14 PM

Yaaay, more instrumental tech metal. *passes out pillows*

deathgore55 5/14/2006 4:33:29 AM

love this band!!!

Adam_Oshkosh 5/14/2006 1:37:58 PM

behold is absolutely amazing. BMA on the other hand is not. so im sad

bard7741 5/15/2006 8:23:19 PM

awesome band, good for them.

ajx2 5/16/2006 3:31:59 AM

yesssssssss love this band

scenepoints 5/16/2006 3:16:36 PM

"Yaaay, more instrumental tech metal. *passes out pillows*"....well with prime examples of heterosexuality like you around, its no wonder why maine has such a good name.

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