Post CommentKevin Adair supports this music, which makes him a gay. Lambgoat should be embarrased for posting something like this utter shit.
2nd page news material for lambgoat. Front page news for MTV
since when did it change to "Lambgoat: Hardcore//Metal//Shitty Emo// Reviled Forum. Seriously, if I wanted to know about this, I'd read Chris Carrabbas diary.
the same day your mom started giving out free handjobs in the parking lot of walmart
Isn't Lg supposed to be a Metal/Hardcore site?
i liked the first cd. second cd wasnt that good. but seriously, who cares if equal vision lost another big band?
"......will forever be considered part of the Equal Vision family." (this band made us more money that Bane ever could.
Which gay.....since Bane has and always will be a better band then AFS
hahahaha whut the fck this band should catch HEB.B
Armor For Sleep is a joke, why would lambgoat post this garbage....i have no clue
who gives a fck about this suck ass mtv band
arent these guys like pop/punk screamo? --- whys their news here?
hope they all die a slow and painful death, with many open sores
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first. pure shit.