Post Commentit's not gay if I ride the sybian and the GIRL watches....right?
maybe EVR is heading back to hardcore again. it's like every few years it deviates away, puts out some shitty bands no one cares about, but then comes back to the 'core.
^^^^^^agreed dude. hopefully this means they'll sign a few more good bands before going back to their pile of shit roster again.
i dont get how EVR wants to put out the new boy sets fire. after the eulogy was the last good thing they put out.....they just need to hang em up.
maybe EVR will screw them over just like they did to Trial. fck equal vision. champion was going to sign to them, im not surprised betrayed did. this sucks.
Or they see it for what it is, a good band with a lot of hype around them who will make them some money. period, end of story.
this band will go on a west coast tour... get their shit stolen... and break up a month later.
you're an idiot. this band is touring europe for the cro-mags 20th anniversary in like a week.
doesn't this band not tour? why do they keep signing deals with labels and releasing stuff if that's the case?
http://www.myspace.com/betrayed ...yea, they really don't tour. you kids who know nothing about bands should really just shut the fck up.
One of the few (and by few I mean couple. No, maybe they're the only one.) hardcore acts around these days that I like.
rarrrrrr... i'm toughguy hardcore.... woooooooo..... fck this.
i will support this band, but EVR needs to remove the plug from thy ass.
vertigo_index 4/17/2006 6:40:59 PM rarrrrrr... i'm toughguy hardcore.... woooooooo..... fck this.^^^^^^youre a fcking tool if you think they are tough guy hardcore
Yeah, this is definitely not tough-guy hardcore. Haters and clowns best hold their tongues.
definitely not "tough guy" by any means. they remind me lots of a mix between straight faced and good riddance. good for them and good for evr. you kids need to stop giving a fck about record labels so much.
Labels mean very little. This band is good hardcore. Your sniveling music-Nazi cuts mean nothing.
One of the best bands i've seen live in years. i can't wait. kinda old news though...
this will rule. can't wait. todd jones is a mad man.
Equal Vision only produces straight gay music
Great news. This is an amazing move for Betrayed and EVR.
"omgwhatacoolx 4/17/2006 6:05:47 PM http://www.myspace.com/betrayed ...yea, they really don't tour blah blah blah" my bad for not catching the latest news and tour dates on myspace. oops. guess I lost scene points, huh?
i hope vertigo is joking. obviously this moron has never listend to betrayed. why dont dumbfcks like him stop posting stupid shit wihtout knowing anything about the band first?
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lol at this band