Post CommentPoster above snorts cocaine off of hooker's asscrack.
matt hooker once tried out for megadeth but he quit right after stealing my equipment and selling it to chris poland for favors
better headline "as i lay dying to cash in on new hot topic popularity"
re-release, poor quality shitty metalcore for all! woo
man, the "nice story, tell it to readers digest" bit never gets old...
this is like unleashing more aids in africa, it's useless
beneath the encasing of ashes fcking sucked. nuff said
"Beneath the encasing of ashes" is such a generic metalcore album title.
i have both of them. who wants to buy them and be 133333333t?!?!
Apparently Jesus wasn't pleased with the originals.
"Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes" was actually a decent album before they decided to go commercial...
funny, that record sounds alot like endthisday's "sleeping beneath the ashes of creation"...hhmmmm
I'm praying that someone decides to murder this entire band dimebag style
anyone admitting that this album was Good... is probably gay. eat the c-ck gays
the split is very fcking good, in fact, i'll go ahead and say the fll is good also
their full length sounds more like zao's "where blood and fire bring rest" or "Liberate te ex inferis"
"Apparently Jesus wasn't pleased with the originals." - thats what im talking about. keep em comin.
Start your own band, prove how much better they are, or shut the fck up, troglodytes.
the only 'american tragedy' going on here is Jesus' non-intention of sending these gays to their deaths
I actually enjoy the newest record a lot, and Frail Words to a lesser extent. BTEOA was pretty much a mediocre, poorly produced Zao rip-off though, not much of a point in making the band seem less professional than they are.
They should look into UN-issuing all their releases. You're not fcking metal, you go to church.
*UN-releasing makes more sense. redo. god is gay.
Nothing like cheap shots at someone's beliefs from ignorant "metal" elitists. Nice, easy, and safe. Keep losing at life, kids.
not out of print...only hot topic is allowed to carry it/
You guys hate this band only because they went commercial... FGTS.
This pathetic specimen is among other bands a cancer spreading it's commercial, packed, and prepared "metal" through the masses
To me, this headline reads the same as "New Airborne Strain Of AIDS Discovered"
I dont like this band because they are fcking embarassing dorks and do not play good music; the god and part is just fule on the shit fire. Why do people defend bands they are not even in? fcking weirdo gays.
So many haters without talent. AILD is very good at what they do, commercial metalcore at its best.
that cd was sweet.... cuz i got a billion dollars for it on ebay.
http://cgi.ebay.com/As-I-Lay-Dying-Beneath-The-Encasing-Of-Ashes-RARE- OOP_W0QQitemZ4828976352QQcategoryZ307QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZView Item
thisaintsweettea 1/30/2006 2:16:44 PM "the god and part is just fule on the shit fire." --- Learn English and get a better opinion, dummy.
all great epics must end in the killing of a virgin. AILD failed to realize this.
As I Lay CRYING.... these guys have pussies that bleed year round!
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