Post Commentarmor for sleep is good, other bands are shit
That tour is comming to Albany, NY....like a month before those dates. But in the end, no care ever. Just an observation
chiodos is good. the other bands are gay.
yes!!! its not coming here to my town!!! hahahaha fck the rest of you!!!
3/16 Portland, ME The Station - will be there drunk and with a dildo to slap the gay out of the bands with............. i think my arm will fall off first
chiodos is fcking terrible, and this is coming from someone who likes armor for sleep almost enough to go to this crap show.
that boys night out ep was good, fck what you guys say.
Here's the lineup for me: SUck, Suck, ***AMAZING** and never heard of it.
I dont mind BNO if I'm in the mood for something different. A little lighter.
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