Post Commentso I checked my watch... turns out its not time to care.
"My last show will be December 30th @ The Knights of Columbus in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you can come out, please do so we can have one last dance." *picks up change*
C'mon out and break it down for the big guy upstairs. You know who I'm talkin' about, br0 - M0SH 4 JESUS!
what the hell...i think 90% of the guys in these bands are bi-polar and forget their meds before tour.
Ehhh. I like these guys. Too bad.
Too bad he didn't freak out and BLOW HIS BRAINS OUT AFTER MURDERING THE REST OF THE BAND!!!!!!!! THEY SUCK!!!!!!!!
man that sucks.... Jimmy was a really good kisser too. No joke.
Heard he got offered shift manager at McDonalds right next to the Knights of Columbus.
I can't dance to this. prefer more of a 'waltz' feel.
i like them, but how hard is it ggonna be to find someone that can do what he did?
dont care... actually take that back... very glad
is there like a standard speech for leaving shitty "hardcore" (whatever it is these days) bands now?
damn somebody already beat me to the punch and made a Dan Weyandt of Zao rip off comment
haha this guy tried to fight me cuz i called him a fcking pssy because his band is terrible now. is anybody really going to miss him? hes lame and haste the gay will never be good again anyway... just break up
oh MAN. no more breaking it down for teh Big Man! oh man oh MAN. : (
don't say the new stuff is bad, it is all bad
This gayry is on the front page and Emperor isnt. fcking pathetic
WWHTDD is the question you should ask yourself
him and the dude from Symphony in Peril are starting a youth mission? i called this dude out a few weeks back at a show and i thought he was gonna cry. hopefully equal amounts of kids did the same thing and he is fed up w/ it.
if zao tried to get on the radio you would get haste the day
I hear it's going to be their heaviest, fastest, and darkest material to date.
So in other words, he realized the noise pollution must come to an end.
We should all be thanking "God" for making him quit. Maybe they can find someone who actually has some decent vocals.
jimmy is one of the best guys i have ever met, shitty news.
he joined the path of the dark side...
he is one of the nicest guys around though...hell be missed
Jimmy rules.. One of the most sincere people in this game...
Well, if he's as nice as everybody says he is, he must be a fckING gay!!!
I saw the music video for this band. they like dudes
good then they wont sound like a zao ripoff
Very nice guy if you ever meet him. But I really don't care about this news, god bands, or god period. They all sound the same anyway. They all sound like Zao. Must be their 'god given voice.'
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first post! *picks up change*