Post CommentI_phantom 11/9/2005 10:34:02AM uh, who dares wins came out in 96', get your fcking facts straight. thats what it says, retard. and i think it is '96.
I think goaters put way too much weight into typos.
wow thats pointless. they should stick to reunion shows. good band though
they shouldve released it somewhere else. Victory are a bunch of crooks.
People who think sXe kids are bitches will probably bitch about this making them hypocrites
let the past be the past. they weren't that good to begin with
haha...next thing you know prayer for a fallen angel will be back. I wonder if karl will sing like a pssy in this as well.
what all other bands had members in Path Of Resistance?
he doesn't sing on the new Freya/Hoods split... in fact Freya basically sounds like Earth Crisis on that. Which is a good thing.
This is pretty awesome, but I'd still rather see Another Victim reunion.
not really a big earth crisis dude ( I came later) but i dont think they should have done the victory thing. sure, theyll get a shitload of cash to record, a big name producer, a sw33t tourbus and a music video, but victory now owns their lives.
victory is a fck stick label that signs bands for a number of records deal, i bet they are still under contract. but of course "dedicated to hardcore" "Hawthorne Heights rocks"
DEF fcking stoked on this! And I would love for a Prayer For A Fallen Angel reuinion too, although Id still prefer an Earth Crisis reunion
I can't lie, I used to rock out to Who dares wins. Then His hero is gone and Neurosis had to come ruin my life.
fck the haters. oh yeah, and i'm sure they won't be touring anytime soon (directed at whoever said they will get a nice tourbus out of releasing with victory).
LOL, why? No more please. Victory loses again.
Every hardcore kid should gather and form a big X in a parking lot and then have a helicopter land on top of every one of them! VEGAN gayS!!!!!!!
Victory is putting out the Path record more than likely because he has a clause that will get them sued up the ass if they do it with someone else. fck Victory.
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uh, who dares wins came out in 96', get your fcking facts straight.