Post CommentI can't picture an actual grind band being on Hand of Hope.
holy shit .....hand of hope was never like this.....who knew?
Please stop calling garbage like this grind.
awesome band. and i was expecting that, lambgay.
How the fck is this awesome? Seriously, give me one reason why this should get any more respect than the average band of scrawny gays playing scales and trying to act all ca-raaaaazy. fck that noise.
this band is fcking terrible. eat my c-ck
What a terriable label for them to sign too. Those dudes are bunch of c-cky dicks and think their music is better then the world.
^^^ I could say the same thing about your shitty ass band. gay
this is closer to grind than i would of expected but still too much norma jean influence for my liking.
They should have to stand before a firing squad for having that name.
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