Post Commentwow, that's some stiff compettition they were up against.
Nickel Creek could play circles around as i lay dying. lame. Atleast switchfoot and unwritten law didn't win. on the other hand, who has even heard of this award?
if that acceptance speech couldve been anymore cliche
I agree with panzram... why didn't Unbroken ever win this?
is this a christ rock award or something? as i gay gaying is gay
The moral of the story is: San Diego needs better bands.
I have to agree, the new record is awesome.
Interesting a band makes a 2 Album long song and they win an award. That's cute.
this is what you get for supporting hardcore gays
they're ok. first 2 albums were decent, latest was meh.
Well deserved. The only reason anyone hates on these guys is 'cause of their mainstream attention they have been recieving. Deep down, we all know they are pretty incredible musicians. Period.
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first post....gay award...