Post CommentYay for Bodom & Amarth...a big nay for Trivium...and that's all there really is to say about that.
COB is the only band that matters on this tour. 12/14 i'm there
May go 11/28, don't know if it's worth the 2 hour trip.
that gay from children of bodom looks like avril lavigne. amon amarth pwns.
i'm watching amon amarth then leaving.
This is like In Flames touring with fcking mudvayne... fcking ridiculous.
AMON AMARTH!! will be there 12/3...fcking trivium is everywhere....they need to just stay home.
trivium will get kicked off when people notice the singers gay ears
11/26 bodom and amarth own all u gays
How anyone cannot like the brilliance that is children of bodom is beyond me. Amon also kick ass. Trivium are way out of their league.
only other gays will notice any singers "gay ears"
i can care less for Trivium, But Amon Amarth and Children Of Bodom will own all your tastes in music anyday
i think there should be and NC date on the 12/7. someone make that happen.
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I'm gonna be gay and say FIRST POST like all these other gays that do it. Actually I don't mean it but these are some sick bands.