Post Commenti need another breath to release something new.
another breath will be recording this winter and the new full length will be out in spring. the new songs they've been playing are awesome.
slipknot then blue monday, what could be next?
i read about this at rivalry a few weeks ago. i'm looking foward to it.
NOT NOW, NOT EVER is one of the greatest hardcore albums ever (in my opinion). The spring seems too far away.
great bands, can't wait to see them both with allegiance and betrayed
cant wait for this split. its gonna be awesome. both awesome bands though im looking forward to go it alone's side more.
this is the best fcking news i have herd in a while... next to SLIPKNOT BITCH'ES!
"NOT NOW, NOT EVER is one of the greatest hardcore albums ever " whoaa lets not go nuts here
Yet another great release through Rivalry. One of the best independent labels right now, IMO.
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first post...stoked