Post Commentlords is the best band going right now... what the fck are they doing on the road with poison the well though, scenebots won't appreciate that shit
I think Gods and Lords should tour together. wtf
lords great band!!!! good dudes. they should tour with the cursed. that'd be insane.
they are pretty neat, not sure why they are touring with psw though
haa haa haa ^^^ are they even still around?
one time i was at some show and we beat up some bros, and they were claiming lords as security tossed em out. but they were like 16, so im gonna go with no.
/\/\/\/\ made no sense at all. also is initial still around?
touring with PTW will have alot of kids see them it's good exposure and ptw has never disappointed live. get over it you fcks, every and cant be your best kept secret.
LORDS fckin' rip. They will destroy PTW, but it also is totally weird that they are touring with them.
Lords are so fcking GOD!!!!Get with the program...idiots.
this is fcking rad for them. jade tree is finally starting to sign good bands again.
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