Post Commentnevea tears = has a girl drummer... and shes alright...The Valentine sucks though
opposite for me. i like the valentine, but nevea tears is teh boring
Yeah Nevea Tears blow but The Valentine is good
The girl drummer left Nevea Tears months ago.
i like one nevea tears song, the rest is teh suck.
i like one nevea tears song, the rest is teh suck.
the valentine is fcking sick..and they know how to rock...and they know how to do bitches and fck up parties..and they are one of the better bands out there now..straight up rock..seth is hot.
STILL NO CANADIAN/TORONTO DATES SPOTTED! WHAT THE fck! This is an absolute heartland-American scene-conspiracy to starve the Canadians from their congestion of good music.
wtf? you guys actually like this horseshit? I think the only reason I'd go to this show is to forearm some girly pant wearing sissies in the face. these bands suck ass.
neither band showed up for the first date, so my grind band played for 15 mintues and everyone went home
Is this a make believe tour?They were no show at the 2nd date either.I think it was due to extremely shitty booking...
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who the hell is this?