NewsMarch 17, 2025 3:45 PM ET2,737 views

Flogging Molly share update on frontman Dave King's health

flogging molly dave king 25

Ashley Beasley

This past February Los Angeles, CA-based Celtic punk outfit Flogging Molly canceled their 2025 touring and live plans due to frontman Dave King battling a "very serious health date".

The band shared the following on February 5th:

To our family, friends and fans,

Our fearless leader, the inimitable Dave King, is currently battling a very serious health condition. Dave and Bridget ask everyone to respect their privacy at this time, we will share as we can. Any good thoughts or prayers you can send Dave's way, he and we would appreciate it.

Unfortunately Flogging Molly will be unable to perform shows in 2025. With the Salty Dog Cruise 12 days away, the boat will sail as planned with 18 bands, and members of Flogging Molly, on board to celebrate the cruise, the community and our captain, Dave King.

Thank you,
Flogging Molly


Today, Monday, March 17th the band's social media shared another brief update written by King's wife Bridget.

She shared the following:

Hi everyone, I've wanted to reach out for some time, but it was necessary to wait until we were safely out of the woods first. 

On January 24th, Dave suffered a brain hemorrhage and underwent two subsequent surgeries to save his life. He then spent two weeks in a coma, followed by varying stages of treatment and recovery. On February 28th he underwent yet another surgery and I now feel confident we are on the other side of this. 

He is now entering into the next phase of his recovery and wants nothing more than to play music again. The road ahead is uncertain but we, as ever, will roll with the punches and hope to see you all in the near future. 

I'd like to thank Dave's neurosurgeon, Mr. Kieron Sweeney and his amazing team at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin. Thank you. Thank you for saving my husband's life. 
To all of the nurses and staff in both St. Brigid's and Richmond Wards, thank you. Your extraordinary level of care was also integral to him being where he is today. 

To friends and family whose support was unwavering throughout this ordeal, a heartfelt thank you. 

And a special thanks to everyone who sent well wishes and messages of support. 
Please look after each other and tell your people you love them. Life can change in an instant. 

Until we meet again, 



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anonymous 4 days ago

Flogging GOOlly

anonymous 4 days ago

No one asked

anonymous 4 days ago

Who cares. Hope he croaks.

anonymous 4 days ago

"very serious health date". Lurk, you suck

anonymous 4 days ago

Is he the guy in the band with the hat?

anonymous 4 days ago

I g­e­t p­a­i­d o­v­e­r $­2­2­0 p­e­r h­o­u­r w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e w­i­t­h 2 k­i­d­s a­t h­o­m­e. I n­e­v­e­r t­h­o­u­g­h­t I w­o­u­l­d b­e a­b­l­e t­o d­o i­t b­u­t m­y b­e­s­t f­r­i­e­n­d e­a­r­n­s o­v­e­r $­3­5­,­0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h....➤ ­𝐖­­­­­𝐰­­­­­𝐰.­­𝐍­­­𝐞­­­𝐭­­­𝐩­­­𝐚­­­𝐲­­­𝟏­­­.­­𝐂­­­𝐨­­­𝐦

anonymous 4 days ago

She got the go ahead to post this on st Patrick's day

anonymous 4 days ago


anonymous 4 days ago

Keep fighting Dave!

anonymous 4 days ago

And bitch ass lurk leaves the comments on. You're a real piece of shit that should've experienced this without a community having your back. f*cking scumbag

anonymous 4 days ago

^ haemorrhage might reset what little is going on in your brain, little man. nobody'd miss you.

anonymous 4 days ago

Hope this guy recovers especially bc they didn't do a f*cking gofundme

VottScogel 4 days ago

now I'm-uh...aimin' for heaven-uh....but probably wind up down in hell-uh where upon this alter-uh...i will hang my guilt ridden head-uh but this time I'll take before I begin-uh three sheets to the wind-uh three sheets to the wind-uh always made me laugh the way he sang that lol

#173 - Ray Harkins of Taken/Bloodguilt

#172 - Greg Burgess of Allegaeon