Zulu have announced that they are officially putting the project on pause following the startling allegations against frontman Anaiah Rasheed Muhammad. Their vocalist has denied these allegations.
The band's full statement:
We are aware of the allegations brought forth against Anaiah. We stand in solidarity with all people who are victims of abuse, and condemn the mistreatment of those vulnerable in our communities. Our hearts go out to anyone who has experienced any form of physical or emotional abuse, assault, or any other act that has caused harm and taken their agency away from them.
Other members of Zulu have separated ourselves from Anaiah and will no longer be working with or performing with him in any capacity.
We want to acknowledge the allegations were never disclosed to us prior, and we were immediately concerned reading the detailed account. We were aware there were unresolved issues between the parties involved, but not the nature of the allegations.
In regards to our previous drummer's posts, while he was filling in on tour with us he did not disclose knowledge of these allegations other than what we understood to be issues surrounding their relationship.
He ultimately did not play with us because of confusion over scheduling.
We understand that this has been extremely upsetting and disappointing to anyone who supported this band, it's message and what it's represented. Upon our return home we have withdrawn from scheduled performances and will be officially putting this project on pause.
Post CommentWasn't expecting today to end up being a great one, but here we are.
Your fill in drummer knew what was going on, but you didn't?! Also, you believe the allegations, but what about the part about his band mates calling her to threaten her? Do you believe that part?!
Who cares , fake band anyways . Daddy got them on everything.
anonymous 22 minutes ago Your fill in drummer knew what was going on, but you didn't?! Also, you believe the allegations, but what about the part about his band mates calling her to threaten her? Do you believe that part?! Exactly, more holes than Swiss cheese for this cover story.
On pause = Broke up but let's not say that so people still buy our merch & keep an eye on us. Enablers. 🖕🖕
I think Flatspot has two other bands on the label with women beaters .
C'mon, we need like 5 more articles about this. Please
Hilariously blows up in their faces. I remember when one of the members was in the lambgoat comments saying "DIE MAD WHITE PEOPLE". I wonder if they still feel the same way after their own vocalist was the reason for their undoing. Shocking a person who prints ABOLISH WHITE HARDCORE on a t shirt for a scene with a mostly white audience is obnoxious and toxic enough to commit Zulu Level Domestic Abuse? Who could have predicted.
On pause and in the online unemployment queue from their Cricket phones.
^ Rick, Stop scting mascupije and otigh! Your an lbese loser who works at Walmart and os cloendd and laugjrf at every dsy by peiolr!!
Like these tourists would leave $ on the table- replacement singer in a month while the wife beater does a solo career
Lurk, you're f*cking retarded and a constant embarrassment to yourself and everyone around you.
Now we may actually stop hearing about this joke of a "hardcore" band. Pussies
Flat Spot Records: The same shitty label that signed End It, whose vocalist literally called the vocalist of Oceano a nggr. Where's the "anti racist" crowd now?
If you're white and you cosign anything with the words "black power" in it just kys.
the fact that he wore those glasses and no one knew is crazy lol let me guess did he use they them too
hopefully this is the first of many cracks that destroys tiktok hardcore for good. All you newjacks out there, this is the average hc band for you. a bunch of scumbags behind the scenes placating their ignorant audience and putting up a front. Newsflash your favorite bands are likely guilty of way worse than just being a sex pest. Tourists take notes. This is your wake up call. Listen to actually good bands or find a new trend.
So many fake ass bands around new york state just got put on notice.
I love how easy it is to topple a woke that's completely up their own asses. The mere mention of someone looking at another person funny and the whole inflated operation implodes. Too hilarious
Hope they are gone for good. Keep Islam THE f*ck out of our culture.
First iseeyouspacecowboy and now Zulu, what a year! Hopefully more shitty bands self destruct
I know the singer didn't die, but the dude Thursday is probably available.
Taco Bell dog here. Speaking of things on pause, don't forget about nacho fries available now for a limited time. Live mas.
Blackpowerviolence lives down to its name. Sounds like a bunch of dysfunctional people. Later creeps.
seeyouspacecowboy, check. zulu, check. next up... scowl.
Literally never heard of this band Zulu rhymes with both poo poo and doo doo.
Absolutely insane this totally dogsh!t band ever had fans. The covid boom era of hardcore is f*cking embarrassing and a total stain on it's history. Please end the rest of these mediocre bands ASAP.
Oh no! NOOOO guys I'm literally breaking down right now. I can't believe this lame no name band that 7 people listen to is "on pause" (not breaking up. Get that merch, baby) and I don't think I'm safe right now. No one cares. Zulu is poopoo
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