Falling in Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke calls out Eddie Trunk and Brent Woods over pedophilia claim
Brent Woods has played guitar for Aerosmith, Sebastian Bach, and Gene Simmons, among others

Never afraid to speak his mind online, Falling In Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke has called out radio DJ Eddie Trunk (SiriusXM) and his friend Brent Woods for allegedly enabling pedophilia. Woods is a well-known guitarist for Aerosmith, Sebastian Bach, and Gene Simmons.
Here's what he said on a Tiktok video:
This message is to Eddie Trunk and also his friend Brent. Why are you guys hanging out with underage girls? Brent, why are you having sex with teenagers when you're literally over 30 or 40 years old? That's called pedophilia. In prison we would f*cking kill you. Eddie Trunk, that is very suspicious that you condone these actions. I would like for you to make a public statement about how you do not condone Brent's pedophilia actions. Your friend, your guitar player friend that holds contests for underage girls and then he has sex with them, grooms them and all that stuff. If I'm wrong, you can just file a lawsuit against me. Sue me if I'm wrong.
Continuing on Instagram, he stated the following:
This message is for Eddie Trunk, and any of these big large bands that hire Brent Woods on guitar like Aerosmith and all these other legacy bands that hire pedophiles, if I find out you guys are gonna keep being complacent in pedophilia, I'm gonna open up a can of worms and none of you pieces of sh*t won't.
He then showed a picture of Woods with his then-girlfriend:
Here's a picture of Brent dating a 16-year-old girl right here with screenshots and evidence. This man is a pedophile. He's like 55 years old right here. A 55-year-old man that plays for all these legacy bands that you guys are all complacent over, and turn a blind eye over, you guys are all hiring this pedophile turn the blind eye to him. Eddie Trunk, Sebastian Bach and all you other f*cking losers, you guys are all rooted in pedophilia, you guys are all pieces of sh*t.
He also shared a Tweet of the sam sentiment:
@EddieTrunk hey Eddie I been asking you why you think it's okay to hang out with 16 year old girls and give them alcohol and knowingly support your friend Brent woods who fucks minors and sexting 12 year olds and you have audacity to tweet about thr Super Bowl. Why don't you tell everyone about why this is okay? Why are you giving kids alcohol and condoning pedophilia?
Following the announcement that Sebastian Bach would be headlining the upcoming "Rock For Ronnie" concert, a fundraiser for the Dio Cancer Fund, Radke seemed to be offended at this, continuing his attack against Bach in particular. Perhaps he thought the Ronnie referred to him, or that they were willingly ignoring the allegations:
Sebastian, you've seen my video about your friend f"cking kids, and you wanna go post this admat that you're gonna headline some shitty festival. The festival's called 'Rock For Ronnie' and Sebastian Bach's f*cking headlining it. I'm f*cking dead, dude. I'm talking about all your friends being pedophiles and then 54 minutes later, you post 'Rock For Ronnie; brother. You kidding me?
None of the people he called out have responded directly, but more details may emerge.
Woods has since made his IG profile private. Both he and Eddie Trunk have also been removed from the upcoming Rock For Responders event marketing.
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