ex-Cro Mags vocalist John Joseph calls late Warzone frontman Raybeez a child predator

John Joseph, vocalist of NYHC progenitors Cro-Mags for more than twenty years, has put another notable hardcore frontman on blast.
Joseph, currently of Bloodclot, took to Instagram last night to call out late Warzone vocalist Raymond "Raybeez" Barbieri, who fronted the aforementioned seminal hardcore punk band until his death in 1997. (This is the same Raybeez who was commemorated on the rear artwork of most Victory Records releases for two decades.)
Chief among Joseph's allegations is that Raybeez got "young runaway boys and girls high on drugs and alcohol and took advantage of them sexually."
Joseph also partially blames Raybeez for the 2018 death of Warzone bandmate Todd Youth, who later spent time in Murphy's Law and Danzig, among others.
His full remarks are as follows:
"One of the dudes in this photo was a predator of the worse kind in the New York Hardcore Punk scene. The truth is while he was pretending to help young runaway boys and girls - he got them high on drugs and alcohol and took advantage of them sexually. As a matter fact the guy on the right is Todd Youth and he was one of Ray Beez victims when he came to the city in the 80s as a young runaway- I was in a band with Todd and he told me that he'd never forgive Ray for what he did to him. He broke down and told me what happened. Todd went through a lifetime of addiction because of it - and lost his battle in 2018 from heroin. There's a lot of other people who know these stories too. In fact last week I was at a show with some old school New York Hardcore dudes and we talked about it. They admitted they'd heard the same things over the years. I mentioned this to a good friend of mine recently and he told me a story about Ray telling him 'Yo let's' get with these girls' my friend said they were around 13 or 14. He was like 'I'm not doing that shit'. Ray even took young hardcore kids over to the pyramid club in NYC where he worked to have sex with older gay men. That dude was the Jimmy Savile of hardcore - a fake public image - while he destroyed kids lives - and as someone who was taken advantage of as a kid in foster homes and suffered through decades of addiction to deal with it - he's lucky I found all this sh*t out after he passed away. I bit my tongue long enough and after talking with those dudes last week, I said fcuk that - this dude is getting put on blast. RIP Todd Youth and all the other victims of sexual abuse who weren't able to work through their pain. 💔"
Post CommentRaybeez was a diddler that is fact, stories been going around for over 20 years
John is so edgy and that's a super cool thing for a dude pushing 60 to be
John Joseph has "hair piece" sincerily, gnarly Harley Flannel-grin. Brazilian jew jitsu. tie kuan dough.nuts'
Might be true (probably is), but goddamn, this dude will do just about anything to try to remain relevant in hardcore.
He died of AIDS complications and people still cover that up
Funny how a lot of people say the same EXACT shit about John, and if you ever seen the guy around little young girls you know he is a f*cking CREEP TO THE THOUSANDTH POWER
Same thing happening today with all the trans rights and sjw bullshit. It's a recruitment pipeline to exploit young people and take sexual advantage of them. Finally you assholes are waking up to what we've been saying for the past 10 years. Something is f*cked up and it's not all right.
"So he'd be friends with Trump." Lol rent free. Trump won pussy, cry more. 😂🤡🖕
"Lol rent free. Trump won pussy, cry more." Your hero is a pedo
NYHC is filled with the lowest common denominator dregs of society. Let them fight!!
Todd was blowing Ray up until the day he OD'd, this is bs
Innocent until proven guilty. This is a new America now
To call someone out after they died 20 + years ago? Cmon man?
Then why did Todd.do a huge Raybeez tribute show in NYC in 2017 if he hated Ray so much???
I thought this was common knowledge, nyhc was just a bunch of limp wrists
None of these f*cking bands matter to anyone under 50 you f*cking senile karaoke singer, but keep acting like nyhc myths from decades ago are the kendrick/drake feud
Vogel here, I make 350k a year and my idol Raybeez was no saint
John Joseph and Harley should stab each other to death
Why hasn't that retard harley pulled a dwid (fellow retard) and just re record their overrated first album with different members like the other bed shitters their age. Band sucks ass except best wishes
Every accusation is a confession. Someone needs to sew little johnnys mouth shut
John is just jealous Ray was a pitcher and not a catcher, John having much experience having his boy-pussy cored out at Spofford before he went AWOL from the U.S. Navy.
Can't even finish his accusations properly. King of DNF
John Joseph has got a new band in the works it is called "Hell Toupe" OOOOOOHHH!!!! YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
I don't even really know who Rick Ta Life is. That's before my time. WEBBY needs to realize that the old people are dead now. Tim Lambesis is our generation, not the NYHC bullshit from 15 years earlier.
Jj is only saying this because Todd is dead. Anyone who knew him knows this isn't the story. If he was alive,his skinny ass would rip dudes wig off
I'm surprised John didn't figure out a way to blame Dr. Fauci for Ray's diddlings.
Justin Cook is out there somewhere punching the air because Raypees never molested him.
welp hardcore is over now, on ward to metal. like zero unitity, just throwing shade to use a a stepping stone to make you Cool. if you're over 35 and do nothing but try and be cool, anything that comes from your mouth is a lie.
I just wanted to compliment the anon above who wrote "tie kuan dough.nuts" because that made me chuckle. Thank you everyone and have a wonderful day.
No wonder Tony Brummel paid tribute to him on all Victory releases.
JJ gets more pathetic with each passing day. I don't believe one thing that comes out of his mouth.
also, anything Rick Ta Life says should be taken with an entire silo of salt, not just a grain.
>for more than a year afterward, every release on Victory Records was dedicated to his memory, as were two independent compilations. These albums, as well as benefit concerts, raised funds for several non-profit groups Ray had worked for which helped at-risk youth. He worked with AT RISK YOUTH. f*cking Jerry Sandsusky of hardcore. Evil
He had 16 years to call him out while he was still bu28 years after he He had 16 years to call him out while he was still alive, but he's doing it now? 28 years after he died? It's not true until there are receipts i.e. victims coming forward publicly (why not he's dead no fear of reprisal or lawsuits.) If it is true they were all enablers - Roger, Vinny, Todd, Jimmy G ALL of them. You knew it but didn't stop it.
"If it is true they were all enablers - Roger, Vinny, Todd, Jimmy G ALL of them. You knew it but didn't stop it" Hardcore isn't a safe space like some Disney fairytale, it's full of the worst humans on earth
right, people don't realize that hardcore attracts the most f*cked in the head people. it's not even music, just people screaming and shit over shitty chords with no musicality. of course it attracts the worst and stupidest.
Raybeez was a diddler and anyone that's been around knows this
"It's not true until there are receipts" This is what denial looks like
If you believe this wig wearing smooth brained retard then you are part of the problem, this asshole will do anything to try and draw attention to himself so he can sell his shitty self help books and bullshit walking tours etc… he's hardcore's biggest grifter and if u believe this shit go ahead and check out some of his other conspiracy theories on IG, they will all probably make a lot of sense to you.
^ So when I was told this 20 years ago by Todd Youth it was a lie?
^ So when I was told this 20 years ago by Todd Youth it was a lie? Todd Youth who constantly praised & spoke well of Ray & played TWO tribute sets to Ray in NYC. Who are you?
^ So when I was told this 20 years ago by Todd Youth it was a lie? Nah, it's a lie now and Todd youth didn't tell u shit 20 years ago herb
The same type of people who would believe this are the same type of people who believe that JJ has a natural hairline
JJ is far form the first person to bring this up, people in denial are all born after the year 2000
JJ get off your moms computer and go clean up her house or cut the grass or some shit, because we all know u ain't getting a real job.
NYHC, the refuge for unemployed, uneducated mongoloids.
To the commenter who said: " I'm surprised John didn't figure out a way to blame Dr. Fauci for Ray's diddlings." Thank you for making me snort laugh today. Happy PMA to you in all you do
Don't forget the struggle, don't forget Raybeez was a Diddler
Todd was f*cked up long before he met Ray. Ray was on drugs and very sketchy.. especially with women. Never heard anything about boy touching. JJ needs to change his wig glue regardless, that dude is a thief, a bully, a deserter, a liar, and s tin foil hat wearing moron.
Todd never trash talked Ray.. even played a memorial show for him. But he certainly trash talked John a lot after his Bloodclot stint. JJ is a f*cking cartoon.
This is the most truth the site has released in years
All this shittalk while Cro M.A.G.A. supporting a still living convicted rapist. No wonder nobody wants to book the fake Cro Mags anymore.
"Your hero is a pedo" He's also your new president. 🤣
Yet so many New York "bros" were involved in the Tompkins tribute to Raybeez... makes no sense... so glad i checked out of nyhc over 15 years ago. More drama than a soap.
Y'all dweebs really think that LG or JJ is a credible news source an thats f*ckin sad, this dudes a clown and so is anyone that listens to a word that comes out this bitch mfs mouth 🤡🖕
Kids that have been into hardcore for 15 minutes are in denial
Jj is going to get his ass beat but he doesn't play shows so it's not going to happen. Todd had zero issues with ray. Both are dead so he can keep taking shit on Twitter
Remember when John Joseph dropped the hard r in his New York hardcore chronicles interview around 3:45?
^ he's from the mean streets of the les and also know bad brains. He can say n*gger
Can I get a Witneeeeesssssss ! Not for nothing I always thought Ray might be Gay, BUT I can not see dudes like Jimmy Gestapo and Vinny Stigma, English Nick, Harley, Mike Judge, and so on tolerating that shit and praising the dude publicly all these years… Nah his name would have died with him had that happened none of those dudes would have allowed that shit… Somebody Ask Tommy Rat he is probably the only honest one out of the bunch lol
How much you wanna bet this scumbags about to release another book… "The Krishna Guide to kiddie f*cking" coming in 2025… Seriously ironic this dudes calling anyone out for kid touching/f*cking when he has literally been an important member of an organization that is KNOWN for hiding runaways world wide and trading them amongst their leadership ie kids from NYC end up at a temple in Puerto Rico getting r*ped by the "guru" there, kids from PR end up in Cali, Cali kids go to India, Indian kids to canada, canadiens come to NYC to John Joseph's temple of kid f*cking on St Marks… Smh wow idk I always felt like Ray might be Gay or bisexual…. John Joseph i always felt was a straight up CREEP way too touchy feely with the young girls for my liking. Idk there's also the fact Todd did countless benefits and compilations in Rays name junkie or not someone who was abused would never support that shit
Jj wearing blackface while writing that post probably
" ^ He died from AIDS, keep being in denial No shit he died of aids. Maybe he was gay or needle sharing. Doesn't mean he was a kiddie f*cker… Unless you know something no one else does ? Was it you he was banging ? You have the AIDS and gave it to Raybeez ?
^ You seem really intelligent this has been common knowledge for a for a long time. Let's just overlook all the people that new Todd agreeing with JJ in the Instagram comments. Michael Wildwood, Armand and Evan all commented and didn't deny it. Keep being delusional but Gaybeez was a PDF
Michael Wildwood who was in 2 bands with Todd Youth agreed with JJ
Even if this all is true, JJ is only now bringing it up and nicely trying in Todd's overdose death and addiction because his next book is all about DA ADDICTIONS YO. He's a grifter who'll say any and everything as long as it comes back to promoting what ever scam he has at the time. A bottom feeder and a bitch.
^ this 100% and anyone with half a brain that knows about this dude should b able to see it. Still deplorable to speak on these men's names like this after their passing but if anybody would do it I'm not surprised it's JJ the thing is that ppl will always remember the legacy and accomplishments of Ray and Todd, NO ONE is gonna remember JJ the grifter, dude's a sham.
Michael Wildwood, Armand and Evan all commented and didn't deny it. So the biggest retard soup brained morons in a subculture made of grifters and manchildren are your bastions of truth. Must be a euro. Why doncha ask Toby and chaka to dial in to this mensa meeting you technical school dropout
Pedos eating their own. They're panicked because of MAGA.
Same day ,this story appeared into Wikipédia,on Warzone page.Looks like an offensive.
" NO ONE is gonna remember JJ the grifter" NO ONE WILL REMEMBER THE CRO MAGS lol what a tard
Anyone who agrees with JJ these new jacks will just say they aren't credible IN DENAIL
Raybeez had GayRabies from a dude in his 80's who liked babies
Vogel here I will be using the 350k I make form touring to get Gaybeez a lawyer
JJ claimed his mother was r*ped "thousands of times". He is very trustworthy. Also, every member of his family looks like ROBLOX characters..
I wonder if JJ and Cuz Joe jerk each other off with ivermectin.
Lots of water-brained clowns here defending the Wigmaster, not surprising. I wonder how many of them would even care if Raybeez had only been accused of touching girls? Their hero trump got away with only touching girls and they don't seem to care about him.
^ You know Fred touched Donnie's boy hole, probably to "toughen him up". That explains why John Joseph consistently fails to complete his Ironman challenges, he went AWOL from the Navy before he could be properly "toughened up".
anonymous 11 hours ago ^ You seem really intelligent this has been common knowledge for a for a long time. Let's just overlook all the people that new Todd agreeing with JJ in the Instagram comments. Michael Wildwood, Armand and Evan all commented and didn't deny it. Keep being delusional but Gaybeez was a PDF Who are these people liking the comments, some random euros? Anyone who knew Todd knew henever mentioned this, hell Todd didn't either and I knew him for 30 years. Show some receipts
Convenient timing that JJ has these stunning revelations just as he is releasing a new book "DESTROYING MONSTERS. Walking through hell. Battling addiction. Finding Recovery." And this is not a joke post. Look it up. 60 year olds who have lived with their mom for 25+ years being self help gurus. The jokes write themselves.
Raybeez was definitely a "womanizer." I even had discussions with him (not arguments) that promiscuous sex was incompatible with our Christian faith. His response was "I'm no angel." But the idea that he got with girls as young as 13 or 14 or ever had any type of gay sex is absolutely ludicrous.
JohnJosephDiscipline.com From a guy who lacks the minimal discipline required to move out of his mom's house.
There is victim complex. And there is hero complex. JJ had this insane combination of the two. He always creates some type of scenario where he is a victim. Then immediately makes himself out to be some type of hero because of it.
Harley, once again, comes out the winner here! He is like HC Trump with all of these win win wins.
"Raybeez was definitely a "womanizer." I even had discussions with him (not arguments) that promiscuous sex was incompatible with our Christian faith. His response was "I'm no angel." But the idea that he got with girls as young as 13 or 14 or ever had any type of gay sex is absolutely ludicrous." Make fun of Justin Cook and he appears. His best friend Danny Diablo says JOHN JOSEPH ALL DAY SON. BLASTIN CAPS LOCK ON THAT PREDATOR N*GGA RAYBEEZ. REST IN POWER EDDIE LEEWAY AND TODD YOUTH. SHOUT OUT TO THE DMS GRAFFBOTS.
Raybeez's ghost anally intruding upon JJ is the real reason Bloodclot couldn't tour Europe.
This is / was a well known FACT in NYHC for years. JJ is correct here. Raybeez was a paedophile and a groomer. People did challenge Ray and much like JJ now, were met with disbelief and , by some, violence. It was Ray...hero of the scene...a great guy...loved by everyone but beneath that cover, he was a nasty piece of work. I was part of the A7 crowd and go way back. I can tell you the 'big hitters' in NYHC knew Ray's behaviour. We all certainly knew the rumours. Should we have done more to expose him ?...by today's standards, YES. Absolutely. Regretfully, I should gave done better, but NYC was a rough and nasty place in the early 80s. Being a teenager then, i was having enough trouble just trying to survive without getting wrapped up in some more shit. I applaud JJ for having the courage to expose this as the reactions against him are predicable.
Ray is P.Diddy of NYHC and Tod Youth is Justin Bieber
The Carnivore >> Warzone comment is the best thing about this thread. Cheers 🍻
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Worry-Zone "Lower Ass Side KKKrew E.P." Tightlist: War Between Asses Always - A Friend For Sex Will You Ever Cum On Back Take Ass End Wound Up In Ass Under 12 We're The Skrewdriver
This is / was a well known FACT in NYHC for years. JJ is correct here. Raybeez was a paedophile and a groomer. People did challenge Ray and much like JJ now, were met with disbelief and , by some, violence. It was Ray...hero of the scene...a great guy...loved by everyone but beneath that cover, he was a nasty piece of work. I was part of the A7 crowd and go way back. I can tell you the 'big hitters' in NYHC knew Ray's behaviour. We all certainly knew the rumours. Should we have done more to expose him ?...by today's standards, YES. Absolutely. Regretfully, I should gave done better, but NYC was a rough and nasty place in the early 80s. Being a teenager then, i was having enough trouble just trying to survive without getting wrapped up in some more shit. I applaud JJ for having the courage to expose this as the reactions against him are predicable.
Funny how hero JJ waited until almost 30 after. A typically useless act of "courage" from a serial Iron man DNF'er and wig-wearing coward.
i like the euro pretending to be an a7 guy…we don't spell like that in this country ya herb. sorry, jj isn't gonna kiss ya for that post lololol imagine gatekeepers of hardcore also being sexual predator behavior gatekeepers BECAUSE THATS WHAT YOU DID yer all complicit, keeping it "the rumors" secret for years and only "confirming" them after JJ has a book coming out…
goddamn, all those phony song titles are the WORST. i had a story about how i was never involved with ray or jj or todd or the scene but WOOF…someone typed out all that to try and be funny??? stick to ball worshipping politicians 🤡 👞 👞
Yo where the hell is Gaybeez at? He went to get the Warzone trans-women..WORD!! Yo forget about that because this comment is going to bust the house down.
Can someone please just beat this senile grifter into silence please, how hard is this? You homos fight each other for creasing the bill of your Bayway snapback In Da Pit, put some of that overcompensating to work you froots. Also IP ban euros from this site
I was a skinhead back in the day and if I was going bald I would just shave my head
Anyone else remember when the singer of fools game got beat up at some fest in PA
Warm zone "Old pedos to new schoolboys" on DICKtory records Trashlist: Can I Get My Sweetness Wasted Wife Drugged X Freaked X Todd Youth ParASSite In Search Of...Youth Break Down My Balls Crazy Butt Not Insane Ass Up To It Judge Mike Gay In The Rear As Cum
Were Zoned "The Sound Of Polution" on Wreck Tory records Sucklist: S. E. X. United Buckwild At Whore With Reality Predatortown Throw Me A Cocaine Line c*ntdown The Sound Of Sexual Revolution My Snake & The Lion Free At Lust We Won't f*ck It Warcum On CD, LP & CS
Whoa Zone "f*ck For Prejudice" on We Cock U records Translist: Cocked Out I Want Fallos Dicked In The Head Nothing Too Loose Arayan Brother And Sisterhood Going Sexy Pedos Till We Die Murder In The Fisting Degree Cumtempt Fear Of Rugrat Ground Ero Marked For 25 Ta Life Out Of Pouch Hope Ass Nation Groom Theft On CD, LP & CS in your local gay club or S&M joint
The dipshit that keeps posting about grifters and euros is definitely a gay skinhead
Someone is wasting a lot of time and bandwith posting dumb song titles that only an 8th-grader or brain-rotted unemployed washed-up NYHC chud would find humorous. Although I guess the two typically do have the same level of education.
I hope it's clear now that y'all need Jesus..stop worshipping demons with 10 arms… let's really crush the demoniacs
the guy coming up with song titles also writes jokes for the liberal media
Listen to Warzone's song Young & Unaware off 3rd album. The lyrics now have a whole lot of some other meaning.
Joseph is a lying jerk who screwed over his entire band and scene.
"JohnJosephDiscipline.com From a guy who lacks the minimal discipline required to move out of his mom's house" His moms been dead and his father and a sister i think
"Joseph is a lying jerk who screwed over his entire band and scene" No way this was typed by an adult
Perhaps everyone should read Jimmy G's post on FB ---------- Share a link you dummy
Wack Zone "Live at LGBT"on Peepstory records Titslist: Ass Up To It Feels Like One Thousand Queers Fudgement Gay Dick In The Mirror Ass On On colored vinyl at your local sex shop.
Cum For Alarm / Gwar Zone spit cd on Dickstory records Dicklist: Cum For Alarm – Erection Cum For Alarm – Beyond Boobs And Dicks Cum For Alarm – Ass Of War Cum For Alarm – Prison Sexlife Gwar Zone – Bull Shit Author Gwar Zone – Do You Know What Your f*cking For? Gwar Zone – (He's A) Skinhead Trans-Girl Warrior Gwar Zone – Free Ass At Last
I was around back then, and I never heard this, not saying John is a liar, but I never heard this, the only kernel of truth is yeah dudes would hit on us hardcore kids at the Pyramid, well not me I was a bit chubby so no luck lol
John is a liar. He lied about being able to complete Ironman events.
Perhaps everyone should read Jimmy G's post on FB ---------- Share a link you dummy Hey dumbas I said go to FB , basically Jimmy G says JJ is full of shit …
Hey dumbas I said go to FB , basically Jimmy G says JJ is full of shit … ----------------- You either share a link or you can go f*ck yourself in the ass with huge didlo with your name on it
"His moms been dead and his father and a sister i think" His mom is alive, providing her deadbeat son a place to live rent-free in FL. She was also r*ped "thousands of times" in NYC according to John. His father is his cousin. He has two brothers that look like Lego men.
John Joseph in blackface gets beatdown with huge dildo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5QSTjf27ao
Don't forget the struggle, Don't forget to wash your sheets. Rayz got the freaks & that's a known fact, before I got jacked -I was on the same track. If I had wings I would fly, but let me contemplate. I glanced in my window & I seen my Homie, Nate. REGULATORS!!! /\/\(_)\_/ I\/ T UP. sixteen in the clip and an old dong in the hole, raybeez is about to turn ya scene into a Warzone.
anonymous 2 days ago Anyone else remember when the singer of fools game got beat up at some fest in PA anywhere's in Pennsylvania other than "Philly" is the utmost backwoods cousin humping group of trailerpark degenerates you'll ever stumble upon.
go f*ck yourself in the ass with huge didlo "didlo" <--- your typo tells me you've already got that faction covered "ramrod." you more than likely couldnt type that out, without drooling in anticipation.
^ loke i said you dumbass (who spelled "dumbas" before like total idiot) GO f*ck YOURSELF WITH A HUGE DIDLO (yes, DIDLO!)
"He has two brothers that look like Lego men." Holy f*ck I lost it at this.
JJ is the biggest pussy NYHC ever created. Anyone who follows his fake-ass bullshit is dumber than he is.
Rayz gots the freaks & that's a known fact before John got jacked he was on the same track-if he had wingz he would fly but let me contemplate,I glanced in my window & i seen Tardley Harley Flannigan Brazillian Ju Jitsu Tae Kwon D0H!!! Beavis lookin little bitch boy. F I G H T M E H A R L E Y wee toddly. Aioly.
Long live Jimmy G. Even if this is true there is no purpose if not shit talking. Todd and Ray family doesn't deserve this. Ev knows JJ fight with everybody and Todd with Bloodclot was the same
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He had 16 years to call him out while he was still alive, but he's doing it now? 28 years after he died?