Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta has shared his continued struggle to connect with the music of alternative metal titans Tool, despite making repeated efforts. Speaking in a recent interview with This Day In Metal, Jasta reflected on the keys to his enduring success across his diverse career, attributing it to perseverance and a focus on "blocking out the detractors and the noise and the naysayers."
While discussing his mindset, Jasta briefly touched on his lack of enthusiasm for Tool's 2019 comeback album, Fear Inoculum. The record marked the band's return after a 13-year hiatus and garnered widespread acclaim, but it seems Jasta remains among those who haven't fully embraced its intricate, progressive style.
Jasta shared the following:
Whatever it is, if it's writing a book, if it's making a film, if it's making a record or writing a poem or fucking making a recipe — I don't care what it is — you've gotta block out the people that maybe don't believe in you to do it and you've gotta find the ones that do and you've gotta keep them close and you've gotta make sure that you do right by them and that they appreciate what you do and vice versa. And then also, I think it's gotta be authentic, it's gotta be from the heart, 'cause the stuff that really resonate to people 10, 20, 30 years in is stuff that I knew in the moment was 'it'. You just know when you know.
And sometimes you can bring that idea to someone else and they go, 'Nah', and they write your shit off. Or you can put your blood, sweat and tears into a record and some reviewer will listen to it once and go, 'No, this sucks,' just like I did with the last Tool record that sounded like spa music. And that's gonna happen. But you've gotta roll with the punches and you've just gotta have faith that it will find the ears and the eyes that it needs to find.
Jasta would go on further about adding:
I never got into Tool, but every year — every other year, maybe — I'll go, 'Hey, I'm gonna try to get into Tool,' and then someone will recommend a song and then I'll go listen to the song. And a lot of times I end up liking the song. I never really go back to it, but I will hear it and I can recognize the genius in it. The playing is incredible and the production is incredible and [Maynard James Keenan's] voice is incredible. I don't have any desire to really like go back and listen to it again, but I can say, 'Wow,' in the moment, when I do go check it out.
It was not too long ago on my Patreon, I was saying, 'Man, I tried to listen to some song off the last album, and it sounded like I was in a spa in Sedona, waiting to get a massage' or something. It was atmospheric and mellow and ethereal… I don't even know how to describe it. It's like it was something really delicate, soft but calming. And I'm, like, I just wanna listen to Necrot and just fucking [singing] 'Drill the skull'. I'm just a caveman at heart — I just wanna hear, 'Drill The Skull.' And so then I listen to Necrot and I'm thinking, 'Man, Maynard probably hates this shit.'
View the full interview:
Post CommentHatebreed has always been for overweight moshing oafs who barely shower and Monster Energy drink ads so yeah I'll check out the spa instead.
Dudes been writing the same song for 20 plus years now. This alone should show the lack of depth he has.
That's ok, me neither. Hatebreed should really be focusing on releasing smth good again à la concrete confessional. Riffs are generic as f*ck now
"Hatebreed has always been for overweight moshing oafs who barely shower and Monster Energy drink ads so yeah I'll check out the spa instead." lol you listen to hatebreed. you saw them on warped tour. you liked them then and you like them now like everyone else. stop being such a tool
Hasn't been a decent Hatebreed album in 23 years, buddy.
"WHO TF CARES!!!!!!" youre commenting son, clearly you do lol
"Hasn't been a decent Hatebreed album in 23 years, buddy." that was the warped and perseverance reference, buddy. like wake the f*ck up son
" lol you listen to hatebreed. you saw them on warped tour. you liked them then and you like them now like everyone else. stop being such a tool" Yeah never shelled out money to Warped Tour, sorry your only exposure to music was based on a dog shit poser festival
Hatebreed rules, Lambgoat commenters drool. That's a wrap, y'all just got pwned by some dude on the Internet. Goddamn, I'm cool. - JJ
* guitar feedback ringing…………. * "SCREAM A THING!!!" 000-000-000-1111-000-000-000-11110!
Last 2 Tool albums have been dookie. That's def apparent to everyone familiar with them. Stop playing. They're never gonna be as good as ænima or Lateralus.
This dude thinks because he was MTV2's poster child 20 years ago people still care what he thinks
anonymous 34 minutes ago Lurk is not a fan of literacy or education. lol he tries so hard to act like he's smart too and that no one can get to him but yet he bans people who make fun of him cause he's a fat pussy lmao
Remember that voicemail Jamey Jasta left on some zine dudes machine about how he's the most violent member of Hatebreed and will f*ck him up so badly next time they come through his city or whatever lol. Midget couldn't beat up anyone but lurkcity
He's right. I'd probably like Tool more if the members and fans weren't so unfathomably insufferable though
Tool is fine. Not really a band I listen to often but I will revisit albums and songs from time to time. Not a big deal. I used to like Hatebreed then realized every song is essentially the same. They stay consistent so there is that.
100% guaranteed the guys in Tool don't give a flying f*ck about his opinions or those of the lowlives commenting here.
-Hatebreed makes music for dudes who grew up in a home where the family dog was forced to sleep outside in the front yard every night. -Tool makes music for aspiring school shooters who are too much of a pussy to do the deed. f*ck both bands and their fans
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat at taco bell and who smell really bad are STOKED.
Now is the time for the podcast where I talk shit Wipe the drool from my mouth Poke my thumb up my ass
Words of wisdom from a mongoloid who produced an album by the guy from Twisted Sister
imagine his surprise when he learns that rick bart and lark exist here
Tool is overrated. Jasta is just saying what we are all thinking.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Subjectively agree with his take on Tool. Also agree this is not news.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
No wonder he likes generic death metal with elementary school level lyrics, that says it all.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
.....so the dude in a band called Hatebreed hates something? What an absolute piece of retarded shit this site has turned into.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks and eat Nachos and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks, eat Nachos, work at Walmart and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks, eat Nachos, work at Walmart and are called RICK are STOKED.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks, eat Nachos, work at Walmart and are called RICK are STOKED.
Jasta rules, I love his take and Hatebreed are a better band overall than Tool. Cope harder and kill yourselves prog nerds.
Hatebreed's output in the last 20 years is not in any way more relevant or original than Tool's. He's actually highlighting a similarity here, even though he can only dream of having that level of success. Plus what a basic bitch useless take.
Pasty Pasta talks out of his ass, this site makes it a headline and idiots take the bait. The circle jerk is complete.
Imagine paying a Patreon subscription to listen to this guy's opinions
Absolute subhuman retard sheetrocker who failed upwards while there was still a music industry to grift. But he ain't wrong
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks, eat Nachos, work at Walmart and are called RICK are STOKED.
Tool is the worst f*cking band of all time. Music for f*cking dickheads
Who gives a shit about what this cornball has to say...
straightedgehack 22 minutes ago Who gives a shit about what this cornball has to say... <----------I'm right there with you.
Middle aged, obese dudes who wear backwards snapbacks and camouflage shorts who only drink rockstar Energy drinks, eat Nachos, work at Walmart and are called RICK are STOKED.
Whats worse than a Tool fan? A Tool hater that needs to tell everyone they hate them
exactly how the fck is this news? guy who listens to music has particular taste. great. you could do these "Get a load of this guy, lol" articles all day with absolutely anything.
Way to generate traffic on this despicable site. Subhuman tryhard haters are so easy to bait. What's next? Scott Vogel hates Phish? Gtfo
Tool is for trailer park retards who think counting to 11 instead of 16 makes you a musical genius
Did this guy really refer to Jamey hatebreed career as diverse?
As if we needed any more proof that this post was generated by AI
I mean honestly I hate TOOL too how am I not in the news?
Sometimes when I have a bad day I think of lambgoat commenters getting firebombed and everything feels a bit better
1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 AGAINST THE OPPOSITION
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