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watch EVR beat them now....I see a tour with fear before the march of gay coming up
for some reason, i'm not surpised. they fit the EVR criteria. has that distinct sound.. awesome guitars, awesome vocals.
this band is excellent. it's about time they were noticed.
seattle bands are blowing up. this band is fckin great, they deserve this.
I've known about this for about two months, but still, yay! fcking awesome band.
now evr just needs to sign hot cross. they would have some seriously good shit then.
the phrase "fear before the march of gays" is extremely overdone. just stop.
i agree the pacific NW is growing some good music these days.
to those of you who say they suck, most of you arent from washington im sure, you havent seen them live...if they come to your town, go, they're amazing live. maybe you'll appreciate them then.
i like this band. i dont think any label changes anything, i think the bands get bad just when they start hanging out with lame bands.
equal vision is one of the best labels out there.
the fall of troy? they may be good live but that is one of the worst band names i have ever herd
Holy shit...Kamiak alumni hit the big leagues. I'm normally one to spit the deuce, not on these guys. They're all extremely talented. Especially Thomas, who can burn the fretboard with the best of them. One of the best 3 pieces you will see live.
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