NewsDecember 28, 2024 7:56 PM ET5,294 views

All Shall Perish revealed as headliner for upcoming show feat Snuffed on Sight, These Streets & more

all shall perish 24

Bray Almini

California deathcore outift All Shall Perish have been announced as the headliner for an upcoming show on Sunday, January 5th at The Prop Shop in Richmond, CA. The show will feature support from Snuffed on Sight, These Streets, CDE, Forced To Suffer, Morla and A Block.

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anonymous 77 days ago


anonymous 77 days ago

CDC you dumb f*ck.

anonymous 77 days ago

Suic Silence on hiatus and somebody wants to eat. Guys, stay in school, find a woman, join the local masons union and spare yourself such embarrassment and emotional distress

anonymous 77 days ago

tiktok music

anonymous 77 days ago


anonymous 77 days ago


anonymous 77 days ago

lol at CDC still being a band

anonymous 77 days ago

These Streets paid a lot of money to open this show

anonymous 77 days ago

Singer of CDC...giant homo. So depressed he never actually became anything other than a local nobody.

rick_tocchet 77 days ago

Cocks Dicks Cocks

anonymous 77 days ago

The Prop Shop isn't even a venue?...what the actual f*ck...this is literally what it says on Google Maps.. We are a full service propeller and full machine shop located in Richmond, California. Our shop provides refurbishing & repair services. Great quality and safety are our top priorities. We can work on projects ranging from 12" diameter boat propellers to 30' ship's wheels. We can help extend the life of your existing Prop or Shaft and or help you purchase a new one! Our team of highly trained technicians will treat each job with exceptional knowledge and care. We also carry a large inventory of couplers, nuts, keys & bearings to addresses any of your issues." f*cking...crazy...

anonymous 77 days ago

Suic Silence on hiatus and somebody wants to eat. Guys, stay in school, find a woman, join the local masons union and spare yourself such embarrassment and emotional distress Why are you talking about yourself dude? And on a Saturday night too?

anonymous 77 days ago

posers are stoked. garbage show

anonymous 77 days ago

All Shall GOOrish

anonymous 77 days ago

Lambgoat is looking for writers

anonymous 77 days ago

Shave your gross f*cking beard and get a job

anonymous 77 days ago

People used to be embarrassed about being a fan of this band. Let's go back to those times

anonymous 77 days ago

flying in from new mexico for this, can't wait

anonymous 77 days ago

Lurk is looking for goo

anonymous 77 days ago

Flying in from el cerrito for this can't wait

anonymous 77 days ago

Flying in from san ysidro

anonymous 77 days ago

Bad was mid at best when they were active

anonymous 77 days ago

Eddie will be sending attendees free dicks pics but only if they're underage

anonymous 77 days ago

Most used words on lambgoat 2024: 1. Rick 2. Nachos 3. Walmart 4. Shift 5. Gay 6. Stalker 7. Twinkies 8. GOO 9. Lurk 10. Twink

anonymous 77 days ago

You mean most used by the same creep ? Lame

anonymous 77 days ago

^ how was your Shift at Walmart? Did people made fun of your ugly ass face again? Let me guess, your lying on your bed now crying and eating twinkies you Loser 🤡🖕🏻

anonymous 77 days ago

Ricks Stalker here. I saw Rick the other day at Walmart. He was with his husband. They bought nachos and a silver ice rockstar energy drink.

anonymous 77 days ago

Rick's nachos here. Where the goo at?

anonymous 76 days ago

I'm gay

anonymous 76 days ago

Band sucks.

anonymous 76 days ago


anonymous 76 days ago

CDC not CDE, Moria not Morla. Is the person that wrote this f*cking illiterate?

anonymous 76 days ago

New AI lamb goat writer rules. You're all jealous.

anonymous 76 days ago

Nice boomer angle on your sick video announcement brah

anonymous 76 days ago

Awesome show!

anonymous 76 days ago

peckerhead convention.

anonymous 76 days ago

Ricks Stalker here. I saw Rick the other day at Walmart. He was with his husband. They bought nachos and a silver ice rockstar energy drink. ^Can confirm. He had a meltdown when he couldn't pay for his nachos with EBT and took it out on his boyfriend in the parking lot afterwards.

anonymous 76 days ago

GOO Roy Radin here. Please don't forget tickets to; Roy Radin Presents Vinny Stigma's Vaudeville Revue Performance of: Vinny Stigma's SHA NA NA Revival!! Starring Vinny Stigma HIMSELF as "Bowzer" from SHA NA ΝΑ!

anonymous 76 days ago

Eddie is basically deathcore Chris Barnes at this point. Get ready for hoarse EEeeEeeeEee noises and few alveoli falling out mid cough on the second song

anonymous 76 days ago

Most used words on lambgoat 2024: 1. Rick 2. Nachos 3. Walmart 4. Shift 5. Gay 6. Stalker 7. Twinkies 8. GOO 9. Lurk 10. Trump

anonymous 76 days ago

anonymous 6 hours ago New AI lamb goat writer rules. You're all jealous. That would be much better than lurk and all the other idiots that do the writing and lack of editing now

anonymous 76 days ago

anonymous 14 hours ago Most used words on lambgoat 2024: 1. Rick 2. Nachos 3. Walmart 4. Shift 5. Gay 6. Stalker 7. Twinkies 8. GOO 9. Lurk 10. Twink The first 6 are all only posted from that one guy too

anonymous 76 days ago

as someone who has spent a shitload of time around these guys, I can confirm that no one likes eddie and he smells like f*cking shit

anonymous 76 days ago

Rick is a homosexual.

anonymous 76 days ago

Happy that President Musk got VP Trump to agree on importing cheap labor into the US. It's almost as if the average deadbeat loser MAGtard thought Trump was for them. Between this and eliminating the debt ceiling, we got the best progressive start to a term in quite some time.

anonymous 76 days ago

where's serj?

anonymous 76 days ago

I'm HIV positive and I will be moshing at this thanks to California's generous HIV treatment options. See you in the pit

anonymous 75 days ago

"anonymous 9 hours ago Happy that President Musk got VP Trump to agree on importing cheap labor into the US." oh. you guys only like that when it comes in from the southern border, huh? you gonna suddenly want voter ID now too? f*cking morons.

anonymous 75 days ago

adjusts Valentino suit and returns business card to pocket All Shall Perish isn't just a band; they're a sonic experience. Their album The Price of Existence is the Invisible Touch of deathcore—an audacious deconstruction of musical boundaries. meticulously adjusts Ermenegildo Zegna tie The Prop Shop in Richmond, California? A fitting venue for such architectural brutality. The support acts like Snuffed on Sight and These Streets? Necessary, but ultimately pedestrian. begins subtle arm stretches I'll be there. Front row, in a custom Tom Ford suit that costs more than most musicians' annual budgets. When Ben Orum drops that breakdown in "There Is No Business to Be Done On a Dead Planet," I'll appreciate it with the same clinical intensity I reserve for discussing Phil Collins' early work with Genesis. slight, calculated smirk Killer.

anonymous 75 days ago

"deathcore" is one of thee lamest genre labels... there is NOTHING "DEATH" about crappy blast beats & cupping the microphone to get the gutteral vocals accomplished. Wannabe deathmetal accompanied by nu metal instrumentation. When you can play a blast beat like Dave Witte, then you can call yourself whatever the F#CK you want.-Until then, stop labeling yourself as "death" whatever you'd like to genre classify yourself as.... Hardcore is NOT, NOR EVER WILL be, associated with anything "death" related.

anonymous 75 days ago

^ how was your Shift at Walmart? Did people made fun of your ugly ass face again? Let me guess, your lying on your bed now crying and eating twinkies you Loser

anonymous 75 days ago

m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 15k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­..., C­­O­­PY­­­ ­­H­­E­­R­­E➤➤ W­­o­­r­­k­­H­­i­­g­­h­­s.C­­o­­m

anonymous 75 days ago

Rick here. All nachos shall perish in my presence.

anonymous 75 days ago

oh. you guys only like that when it comes in from the southern border, huh? you gonna suddenly want voter ID now too? f*cking morons. No, you moron. We have ALWAYS understood you need foreign labor to make our economy work. It's you f*cking retards who think they're "STEALING OUR JOBS!" I'm smart enough to know that if I need a rocket scientist, I'm definitely not getting one from a red state, lol

anonymous 75 days ago

anonymous 3 hours ago "deathcore" is one of thee lamest genre labels... there is NOTHING "DEATH" about crappy blast beats & cupping the microphone to get the gutteral vocals accomplished. Wannabe deathmetal accompanied by nu metal instrumentation. When you can play a blast beat like Dave Witte, then you can call yourself whatever the F#CK you want.-Until then, stop labeling yourself as "death" whatever you'd like to genre classify yourself as.... Hardcore is NOT, NOR EVER WILL be, associated with anything "death" related. no one is reading this, dipshit. stop sharing your journal entries, and share a playlist.

anonymous 74 days ago


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