Guitarist Jeff "Mantas" Dunn has confirmed that he has left Venom Inc. His decision was related to his "health and wellbeing" and "more personal issues."
Dunn issued the following statement:
Greetings my friends,
The last few months have been incredibly difficult on every level and to cap it all only a few days ago one of my most beloved cats, Spooky, passed away in front of me after a short but very aggressive illness. I was with him every step of the way.
After I suffered the second heart attack the outpouring of love and concern from you guys via a multitude of messages and calls has been overwhelming and a simple thank you seems so insignificant.
So my friends it is now time to address the situation.
I wish to inform you all that I will not be returning to Venom Inc.
Obviously my health and wellbeing are of paramount importance to myself and my family, however, there are also more personal issues which have influenced my decision.
To be absolutely clear, I will not be appearing at any advertised shows.
On a far more positive note there is new music and a return to social activity on its way.
As I have said so many times, music is my therapy, my release and my connection with all of you who have supported me over the years and for that I am eternally grateful.
So here's to Cats and Heavy Metal.
I will see you all soon my friends,
Much love and respect,
Post CommentI totally get it. Cat died so f*ck going to work. Makes perfect sense
With all the old fart bands being posted about today I thought this was Blabbermouth for a minute...
Satanic people: f*ckin A' we're badass Also Satanic people: My cat died, I cried so much. My mental health hurt.
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