Post Commentshit label signs two shit bands. good news.
"..Formed in 2003, Ocala, FL emo/hardcore outfit A Day To Remember.." .............did any body read that shit?! emo/hardcore? fcking gay. the whole emo/hardcore thing = gayest style of music ever created on the planet. lame.
caldwell dont sound too bad but a day to remember blows
Sweet, I booked A Day to Remember a month or so ago and they were really good. I also have Caldwell booked in April for Orlando with Across Five Aprils, so Congrats to those guys.
caffiends = the only good thing indianola has ever been involved with
lesser ritual nobody cares so shut the fck up. you and your band still suck
i might just have to third the caffiends thing. ok, i did.
holy shit. those bands were really fcking terrible. record labels are signing anyone now a days.
referring to a band as emo is a mark of disgrace, why do these pussies wear it like a badge of honor?
Lmao all these people talking shit and now look where A Day To Remeber is now ten years later meanwhile who the hell is caldwell
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