Boysetsfire and All Else Failed have teamed up to release a new song exclusive to Bandcamp. Proceeds go to support family member Gene Shaw.
Gene is fighting cancer and according to Boysetsfire, "he will f**king beat it."
Post CommentAll Else Failed is awesome. One of the best Philly bands ever.
It's hard to believe that 50 year old men play in a band called boysetsfire and in 2024, sit in a studio somewhere listening to the mix and thinking "yeah, this sounds good, I'd listen to this." What's the point?
All Else Failed opened up on Hellfest 2004 lead singer was smashing the mic into his forhead and blood was everywheren i was like....its gonna be a good weekend!!
goddamn Rick going full autism in the comments. try not to cum your pants, shithead
All Else Failed Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time This sounds like a legit release
Boy sets fire was a fun band, tomorrow comes today was a solid record...interested to know how the new material will sound
Did Nathan give up on the terrible up with people pop punk band and come back to this or is he milking 2 wretched bands?
Is the singer a fruit or does he think it's cool to sound like a jewish valley girl?
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be ah be mally hahn