FYA 11 announce new venue, share full line up and ticketing info

FYA 11 has officially moved to the Orlando Amphitheater in Orlando, FL, following controversy over its previous venue at the Shanna and Bryan Glazer Jewish Community Center in Tampa.
et for January 4th and 5th, the festival continues its annual hardcore/metalcore onslaught with newly added acts Stout, Fatal Realm, and Home Invasion.
Tickets are now on sale, here.
January 04th:
Death Threat
Bad Beat
Big Boy
Face The Pain
Final Resting Place
Home Invasion
Internal Bleeding
Killing Frost
Missing Link
January 05th:
Kids Like Us
The Mongloids
Burning Lord
Crush Your Soul
Fatal Realm
Holy Blade
Nothin But Enemies
Statement Of Pride
Think I Care
01/04 Orlando, FL @ Orlando Amphitheater
01/05 Orlando, FL @ Orlando Amphitheater
Search for tours coming to your city here.
Post Commentonly reason to attend this is to catch one in the backdoor. usernames are stoked.
Shit venue for this. If Terror keeps get high billing on these fests then maybe Scott Vogel can quit his janitor job and do music full time!
So STUPID to move it! Yeah, those people who attend the Jewish temple are responsible for what's going on overseas. We have created a nation of anti-Semitic morons, who are blaming people who have nothing to do with it.
I'm so sick of people catering to three morons yelling the loudest
Kyle Rittenhouse here. I'll be doing a personal appearance at the fest to raffle off a 2024 Kia Forte. No limit for how many raffle tickets you can buy. Thanks and God Bless.
Orlando sucks. Decent lineup but I'm not paying $180 for reunions of bands that used to play my town 2-3 times a year plus current bands that will most likely play my town 2-3 times this year.
anonymous 55 minutes ago Kyle Rittenhouse here. I'll be doing a personal appearance at the fest to raffle off a 2024 Kia Forte. No limit for how many raffle tickets you can buy. Thanks and God Bless. lol
Queers for Palestine here, I'll be there with my rainbow hijab supporting those who would stone me to death if this were in the middle east.
Sissy right wingers love to decry cancel culture and then boycott Bud Light because noodle-armed Kid Rock told them to. God, such brainless, minimum wage earners. But, you gotta staff a Jiffy Lube somehow.
^5 foot 4 sissy libtard is gonna cry? Need a tissue?
Rick here. I'll bitch out of this one just like I bitched out of Milwaukee Metal Fest because I'm a bitch keyboard warrior with a pseudonym who's scared to death of actual confrontation. Also, nachos.
Bob Wilson here, my snack closet is off limits to everyone.
Working at a Jiffy Lube is far more respectable than being a "social media manager" or whatever useless profession libs flock to nowadays
^ how was your shift at Walmart today sweetie? Did people clowned you again because of your face? Lemmy guess, your lying on your bed with a bag of twinkies and a Pepsi.
lol and those "social media managers" make 10x more for half the work. shut your mouth and change my oil.
lol. Nails is still a band? saw them in 2011. What a disappointment.
f*ck your ass fest. So much buttf*cking will take place
Ghetto Josh and Greg Falchetto are stoked. Alan yuch failed in Hollywood so he has to go to Florida and play for his master like its 2005
Kyle Rittenhouse is the surprise guest you should all drop off you f*cking pussies!
easyhateoven 3 hours ago anonymous 55 minutes ago Kyle Rittenhouse here. I'll be doing a personal appearance at the fest to raffle off a 2024 Kia Forte. No limit for how many raffle tickets you can buy. Thanks and God Bless. lol He should raffle off one of the cars he protected at the dealership.
I will be there in my MAGA hat and Rittenhouse jersey. M0shing so f*cking hard with the other retards in attendace.
f*ck Israel. Better move next year's fest out of the country because every penny we make goes to Zionists. Taxes, Bank accounts, pornhub subscriptions. They're at the top of each
Kyle Rittenhouse here. I regret shooting that peedophile that was trying to kiill me. Jesus, the world's most famous Jewish man, said we should let our enemy strike us and also give all of our money away. That's why this year I'm pledging all of my money to Israel and they war against Islam, and also hoping that all the Muslim refugees get resettled to the United States and Europe by Jewish NGOs because those are places where diversity is good. I hope they aren't mad. Viva Israel esse aye caramba!
America First. Sorry to be so controversial Libtards. Weird I know, put your country first. Mind boggling concept. f*ck Isreal, f*ck Russia, f*ck Ukraine, f*ck made up country Palestine. Who cares.
" f*ck made up country Palestine" All countries are "made up countries"
Remember when a huge group of people were antisemitic for no reason in the 40s? How'd that work out for them? Not sure those are ideals people should continue in 2024. Especially when the current conflict is A: not in our country, so it doesn't affect us (or our music venues) at all. And B: It was instigated by terrorists for 0 reason...Just like that one time in the 40s that we've always condemned...until now for some reason...huh...
Remember when a huge group of people were antisemitic for no reason in the 40s? How'd that work out for them? Not sure those are ideals people should continue in 2024. Especially when the current conflict is A: not in our country, so it doesn't affect us (or our music venues) at all. And B: It was instigated by terrorists for 0 reason...Just like that one time in the 40s that we've always condemned...until now for some reason...huh...
"NAILS said we could never be one of them so we told em they had to move." -old venue
"Booo they changed venues, boooo they won't vote for Trump, booo I'm really gay for old men"
f*ck this garbage. How about Kids Like Us, Death Threat, Terror, and The Mongoloids just do a tour?
Wait until the libs find out the CEO of the new venue Shawn Krauel is a big Trump donor and supporter.
The same 12 bands that play every other "hardcore" festival
Conservative military image isn't on this because they beat themselves up Bob is really fat
Take away Foundation & this fest is overpriced overbooked Mindforce & Terror shows. You know Scott Vogel is gonna beg Todd Jones to write another entire Terror record & all subsequent Terror records.
Thank god, now we don't hafta see the XXXL Hxc girls dressed up at the goth club this year
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