NewsSeptember 8, 2024 1:48 PM ET6,334 views

The Mars Volta singer says: "Just watch" Scientologists will hand out pamphlets at Linkin Park shows


Linkin Park's headline-making controversy this weekend revolves around the group's new vocalist, Emily Armstrong as she has received a massive online backlash over her past ties to the church of Scientology and her apparent support of Danny Masterson, a convicted rapist who was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison last year. 

A scathing response from Cedric Bixler-Zavala, vocalist of At The Drive In/The Mars Volta, and his wife Chrissie Carnell-Bixler added fuel to the fire, and shortly after, Armstrong released her own statement on the matter. In her statement, she acknowledged that several years ago she was asked to support someone she considered a friend at a court appearance, and went to one early hearing as an observer, but realizes now that she misjudged Masterson, who was later found guilty. 

In response, Bixler-Zavala and Carnell-Bixler were clearly not satisfied with Armstrong's statement and further called out her affiliations with Scientology and her failure to mention the church in her response. In a message shared on social media they say:

Dear Emily, If you're not going to speak out against the human and child trafficking cult in which you are apart of and in which you enable by remaining silent on the crimes you know about then you have no right to fill the shoes of Chester Bennington, a true advocate. I don't give a fuck that you are very close to the serial rapist. I don't give a fuck that you lied in your "apology" instagram story. I do care that you participated, after being asked, in the cruel intimidation of Jane Doe 1 with your cult pals at court. I do care that you didn't once mention that you are a member of a child and human trafficking cult that covers up the abuses and rapes of CHILDREN and adults. I do care that your parents work for OSA (the office of special affairs) of the cult of Scientology which have been ordering attacks on me and my family which includes murdering my dogs in the most inhumane and evil ways. I do care that they have been attacking and harassing my fellow sister survivors. You don't speak out against Scientology not because you're terrified of them. You don't speak out because you are one of them. Shame on Linkin Park. Fuck you.

Furthermore, The Mars Volta vocalist gave his own statement, signing off by asking Linkin Park to take At The Drive-In's music off of Linkin Park's preshow playlist. 

Bixler-Zavala's statement read:

A message from my wife above. A message from me👉🏼 Emily, did you know that your friend Chris Wadhams and Danny would drive by one of the Jane Does very slowly, after a fucked up day of cross examinations, and follow her in their car, staring at her trying to intimidate her? I do. Did you know that Alana Masterson would hide in the bathrooms after one of the Jane does had a massive panic attack on the stand and proceeded to harass her in the bathroom calling her a liar? What, you didn't hear about that? Did your parents shield you from that? Your OSA parents. Or were you cool with that? Doesn't your church call that the fair game policy? Weren't you just hanging out with Nasal Queef herself, (Bijoux Phillips) just a couple of days ago? Oh wait, she's ok now because she divorced Danny? She sure had a grand ol' time reading my wife's police report in a mocking post. Remember how she screamed when they took Danny away? I bath in that moment every single fucking day. Careful homegirl, that Phillips curse is contagious, just read Mackenzie Phillips book. You should also read up on that fucking dingbat bijoux's past behavior. That is of course if the church allows you to read about her. They do have a policy about reading anything critical of the church and its members. Your church also has a bad snitching culture where u write knowledge reports on fellow members who are not "following" the teachings of L Ron Hubbard. Just like the East German stassi imposed on its citizens. Thats your church?
Today is the one year anniversary of having put that shit bag you thought was a "good guy" in jail. You can't even say sorry to the Jane does properly huh? Your apology is worded as if you hired some PR crisis team to help you. As for you @linkinpark …. You should fire your entire team for not thoroughly vetting your choice. You're a Disney level brand trying to make a comeback and you didn't think to spend a little money on looking into her? Stop playing at the drive in's music on your pre show playlist.

Additionally, he left a comment on the post, saying:

Just watch. You'll have scientology ministers in plain clothes handing out "the way to happiness" pamphlets to their audience at shows.


Post Comment

anonymous 188 days ago

Culo cagado! Culo cagado! Culo cagado! You gotsta wipe yo ass! Mis huevos huelen! Mis huevos huelen! Mis huevos huelen! You gotsta wipe yo ass! Punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat I TAKE SHITS! Punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat I TAKE SHITS! Punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat I TAKE SHITS! Punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat punk beat COMEME EL CULO CAGADO!!!!!!!! Gurl, you gotstasis wipe yo ass

anonymous 188 days ago

Give it a rest already. No one cares.

anonymous 188 days ago

I think they do free stress tests too. You should check it out

anonymous 188 days ago

Good. I hope they do. Scientology overall is 10x more advanced than Christianity, Islam, or Judaism. And yet 75% of the people on this site are former/recovery Christ-core kids who just giggle when they see a band still talking about their God on stage while they are drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon. Furnace Fest anyone? So why shouldn't Scientologists be able to hand out helpful information? Guess you guys are scared of progress. Wouldn't expect anything less than a scene grown out of backwoods Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, etc. Keep rejecting science you f*cking idiots. Just get out the f*cking way and let us advance our society.

anonymous 188 days ago

This guy used to threaten to end the set if people moshed at At The Drive-In shows lol shut up for once dude

anonymous 188 days ago

"anonymous 3 minutes ago Good. I hope they do. Scientology overall is 10x more advanced than Christianity, Islam, or Judaism. And yet 75% of the people on this site are former/recovery Christ-core kids who just giggle when they see a band still talking about their God on stage while they are drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon. Furnace Fest anyone? So why shouldn't Scientologists be able to hand out helpful information? Guess you guys are scared of progress. Wouldn't expect anything less than a scene grown out of backwoods Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, etc. Keep rejecting science you f*cking idiots. Just get out the f*cking way and let us advance our society." Found the scientologist

anonymous 188 days ago

anyone silly enough to have liked this band in the past or for whatever reason now think their music is good now is silly enough to fall prey to scientology or any of the abrahamic con jobs that the rubes always fall for and believe in. band has always sucked all religions suck it's time to hang up our hats folks, our species is a cancer and we've metastasized for too long

anonymous 188 days ago

Who gives a shit? These losers have their last names hyphenated, that's all you need to know about them.

anonymous 188 days ago

Cedric is an incoherent pothead spouting histrionics on instagram between dabs

anonymous 188 days ago

Who gives a shit

anonymous 188 days ago

Scientology is cool

anonymous 188 days ago

Plot twist: Most Linkin Park fans are already Scientologists.

anonymous 188 days ago

"Careful homegirl"

anonymous 188 days ago

When Drumph loses, and all you righty idiots storm somewhere else and get decades in prison, we'll all be here to laugh at you. Also, lol @ the boomer calling someone a "pothead" up above. FDT.

anonymous 188 days ago

Intra-elite piss fight

anonymous 188 days ago

Lurk is a scientologist, he will delete any posts critical of the "religion"

anonymous 188 days ago

I am part of the Church of Scientology and all of you who have commented anything negative are on the list now.

anonymous 188 days ago

Duuuuuuuuude hahahaha at the guy who did write "drumph" you can't be still real after 2017

anonymous 188 days ago

A bunch of annonymous homos on a list

anonymous 188 days ago

Trump IS a Scientologist and so are many politicians and leaders. Harris is too. It's about power but it's more because it's the only religion that actually makes sense.

anonymous 188 days ago

The dude is not lying!

anonymous 188 days ago

Honestly I could care less if they had pamphlets at these shows because we could all use some good news and worst case I won't read it and just bang my head depending on how buzzed I am

anonymous 188 days ago

Tom cruise loves LINKIN park now

anonymous 188 days ago

LinkedIn Park

easyhateoven 188 days ago


anonymous 188 days ago

Scientology and MAGA are the two dumbest things I've heard about in my lifetime, and I am about to draw a picture of Mohammed.

anonymous 188 days ago

I'd sex up everyone in both bands with both of my weiners

anonymous 188 days ago

The Man's Vulva

anonymous 188 days ago


anonymous 188 days ago

Cedric is fat and needs to stop eating so many burritos.

anonymous 188 days ago

"Remember how she screamed when they took Danny away? I bath in that moment every single f*cking day." Psychotic shit

anonymous 188 days ago

No one is going to see these awful f*cking bands

anonymous 187 days ago

She still hot though

anonymous 187 days ago

We care.

anonymous 187 days ago

Hmmm should I listen to some washed up indie band with about 50k fans from 20 years ago or a vital metal band with 500M fans ?

anonymous 187 days ago

Kamala Harris is still pissed someone took The American Nightmare and is suing for the rights as we speak.

anonymous 187 days ago

^ so insightful. definitely not a high school dropout that works under the table and below minimum wage. thanks for your service, grunt.

anonymous 187 days ago

Give it a rest already. No one cares. Yet you post, Scientology Simp.

anonymous 187 days ago

So easy to trigger libtards. Makes my Sunday a super fun day. 😁

anonymous 187 days ago

Triggering Scientos, MAGA, and Wes fans makes my Sunday soooo complete that I have to post on Lambgoat yet again.

anonymous 187 days ago

"Hmmm should I listen to some washed up indie band with about 50k fans from 20 years ago or a vital metal band with 500M fans ?" I'd choose the band where the main guy didn't hang himself.

NorthFromHere 187 days ago

If only both sides in this war of words could lose.

anonymous 187 days ago

This dude and his wife need to lay off the drugs. At the drive in put out one good record and mars volta always sucked. Their is a picture of her and you at a scientology gala bud, just comes across like your a bitter drug addict.

rick____tocchet 187 days ago

Maes Volta sucks ass and this dude is talking shit just to stay relevant in some shitty way. He needs to STFU.

anonymous 187 days ago

destroy phil labonte son of terry and timothy pool, both paid russian actors, f*ck them and f*ck them again.

anonymous 187 days ago

Just read about Xenu. Honestly this Hubbard guy made some good points. I think I'm going to go down to the local chapter and see what's going on with this stuff

anonymous 187 days ago

I already had sex with Emily.

anonymous 187 days ago

Every at the drive-in album is incredible. Mars volta have one good album. Linkin park have one ok album and a bunch of garbage after. Scientology sucks and if there are really scientologists in the comments that's hilarious. They should have gotten Danny Masterson to sing on this new stuff instead.

anonymous 187 days ago

it sounds whacky at first but have you ever read buddhist or hindu texts? shit is insane. read bhagava gita then read book of the dead. bro, it is alien shit. scientology is actually simple compare to that. dont underestimate your biases. they blind us day to day.

anonymous 187 days ago

read hubbard and tell me it dont make sense. i dare you. how being told taking care of your teeth is bad advice? light years ahead of the desert people books how u should put ur wife in a hut every month bc theres some blood.

anonymous 187 days ago

Scientology is an American religion for real Americans. Born and bred right here in the USA after defeating our enemies in WW2. WTF wouldnt look it up? I guess you all just love to be influenced by foreign countries and immigrants?? Like I said real Americans wouldn't fall for that and would do there research as true Americans.

X3750x 187 days ago

Tom Cruise is stoked

anonymous 187 days ago

I already had sex with Emily. Enjoy your aids

anonymous 187 days ago

"I already had sex with Emily." She's a man!!!!

anonymous 187 days ago

Battle of the bands with one song in their 2001 kazaa artist folder. STEEL CAGE MATCH

anonymous 187 days ago

Scientology isn't the only American religion. Mormonism is one as well. Choose one, I don't give a shit but choose one of them and f*ck the rest. MAGA

anonymous 187 days ago

Love how we are supposed to take yoko seriously even though she was dumb enough to be duped by the same cult for most of her life

anonymous 187 days ago

^ Lurk posted it. He's gay.

anonymous 187 days ago

More like r*pin' Park, AMIRITE?!?!

anonymous 187 days ago

I wonder why Linkin Park is shitting on Chester like this. It's like they are doing it on purpose. 1. Chester - r*pe and childhood SA survivor Emily - rapist defendant 2. Chester - struggled with depression Emily - denies depression exists 3. Chester - dedicated free thinker who railed against blind worship and anything that seemed like a cult Emily - literally a cult member and a high ranking one 4. Chester - a talented singer with perfect pitch Emily - her singing that live clip sounded absolutely f*cking terrible and was totally flat Just because Mike and Anna are f*cking her doesn't mean she should be in this band.

anonymous 187 days ago

^ yeah Emily f*cking sucks. Literally the worst choice possible.

anonymous 187 days ago

Tell me you mad you ain't singing in Linkin Park without telling me you mad. One arm scissor to all their throats, all of them.

VottScogel 187 days ago

anonymous 18 hours ago Who gives a shit? These losers have their last names hyphenated, that's all you need to know about them. ^honestly, THIS. When you see that you already know how insufferable these people are. I'm not LP or Emily apologist either. Everyone sucks all around. No care evarrrrr. michael-jackson-thriller-popcorn.gif

VottScogel 187 days ago

4. Chester - a talented singer with perfect pitch Emily - her singing that live clip sounded absolutely f*cking terrible and was totally flat ^^that's objectively false. she did sound good for about 98% of that show

anonymous 187 days ago

Guess what white guy you're the immigrant

anonymous 187 days ago

the guy from the mars volta was a scientologist even after the South Park episode came out. So that's pretty f*cked up in itself.

anonymous 187 days ago

^ Kamala Harris

anonymous 187 days ago

^ Tim Walz

anonymous 187 days ago

Give it a rest. Go hug your trumpy bear Don't activate edgar again

rick____tocchet 187 days ago

What kind of shitty f*cking picture is attached to this article?

beatthetar 187 days ago

screenshot from the video

anonymous 187 days ago

Is that julia roberts on the right? Wtf happened to this place?

anonymous 187 days ago

Ladies with big ass hats on lg. Cool

anonymous 187 days ago

^ he won't be.

BigDog 187 days ago

Sometimes I see blood on the toilet paper when I wipe so I switched to a bidet.

anonymous 187 days ago

I thought libtards were all about trusting the science??

anonymous 187 days ago

The most rational religion and everyone shits on it in fear. Do your research. I'll be there and gladly take a pamphlet.

anonymous 187 days ago

dude sounds like a paranoid old fart yelling at the sky

anonymous 186 days ago

f*ck everyone on here defending scientology, this dumb bitch, linkin park, or the at the drive in guy.

anonymous 186 days ago

if it makes people be nicer and act smarter i am all for it, we got enough assholes around

anonymous 186 days ago

k I got handed a pamphlet to vote for this Harris btch and I hate her

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