FYA moving festival from Bryan Glazer Jewish Community Center after venue backlash

After announcing the 11th installment of FYA, the Florida-based hardcore music festival, many online let their feelings be known regarding the location of where the fest was scheduled to be held. This year's lineup boasts such acts as Foundation, Nails, Mindforce, Terror, Blistered, Kids Like Us, and The Mongoloids.
The past few festivals have taken place in Tampa, FL at the Bryan Glazer Jewish Community Center, however many voiced their displeasure with this due to the ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict.
Organizers have since shared a brief message via their Instagram story informing fans that ticket sales may not be going live on the scheduled day due to finding a new venue for the event.
The message reads:
In light of recent information, we are in the process of finding a replacement venue. Because of this, tickets for the fest most likely will not be going up on Friday. We are waiting on confirmation from another venue before releasing tickets. We will be posting updates when we have them.
FYA has been hosted at the Bryan Glazer Jewish Community Center since 2019, when the festival moved from the Tampa venue The Brass Mug to accommodate its growing attendance for the 7th installment.
Prior to The Brass Mug, FYA was held at the Cuban Club and The Orpheum. The very first two events took place in Orlando, FL before moving to Florida's West Coast.
Post Commentf*ck it, relocate and cancel f*cking everything right?
lol the worst people in the comments about to show up
No one wants to move to Gaza and become Muslim. They just don't want to see genocide or be associated with the people doing it
Have the show in Gaza and see how well it goes over.
All the left wing anti Zionists trying to separate being anti zionist from being anti semitic, you arent fooling anyone. Its all the same even if you think its not. The same people who think this conflict is "white people oppressing brown people" when we all know Jews arent white. Leftoids getting it wrong as usual.
anonymous 3 minutes ago Have the show in Gaza and see how well it goes over. Good one man
Nepo HC babies are all big experts on Israel. Nazism is back because idiots believe propaganda. Get f*cked by a shawarma
anonymous 19 minutes ago The same people who think this conflict is "white people oppressing brown people" when we all know Jews arent white. Leftoids getting it wrong as usual. /pol/ thinking Jews aren't white doesn't mean the rest of the world agrees.
Bullying works: zionists and evangelicals are circling the drain in a death spiral (Islam isn't too far behind), and trying to take us all down with them. All organized religion is a cancer on society. It's a great idea to give rental money for the space to someone who's values align with the promoters, but all property management companies skew right and likely support the ongoing genocide.
That venue sucked anyway. It was a f*cking banquet hall with zero aesthetics of a concert venue.
I'd just like to add that the chick on Twitter with her tits hanging out talking about a "zionist" venue also posted "Imagine hardcore being your whole life. The only music you listen to, the only people you hang out with. Embarrassing." Why in the f*ck would anyone listen to a person like this in regards to a hardcore festival and venue? Is it cool to tell people to f*ck off in 2024, or are we supposed to do what everyone tells us on the internet?
i love how everyone was fine with this venue for years
Kicked out of 109 hardcore venues but they don't see themselves as the problem
^^ you idiot go research Hamas they are woman gay hating murderers. How do people side with them
Using the same logic of the people that backlashed against the venue, you could say that any band that now agrees to play FYA is an anti semitic Jew hater.
Leftists are bigger Not Sees than the right ever was. Hardcore bands and fans are pusillanimous waifs.
Start a war and then cry that you're losing the war. Weak.
So ignorant and stupid. Who cares if a few Twitter assholes whine about them being Jewish. Now they are moving the whole event? Ridiculous
"Based. f*ck Israel and f*ck Zion Don" Since the start of Israel's war with Hamas on October 7, 2023, the United States has enacted legislation providing at least $12.5 billion in military aid to Israel, which includes $3.8 billion from a bill in March 2024 (in line with the current MOU) and $8.7 billion from a supplemental appropriations act in April 2024.
Hardcore has gone from being the pelican's flight to following the dodo bird's path. Cancel culture/Woke nonsense at it's worst.
Wow. Changing venues over some openly anti semtic nazis….
Guarantee you that every kid who's outraged about it being at the JCC has NO PLANS on attending anyway. Bitchmade hardcore kids are the worst.
Soft serve retard idiot vibes for sure. You f*ckin pussy.
Unfortunately, the only other venue available for those dates in that city is the Adolf Hitler German Community Center. =(
Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of a man he is? Surely what pops out before the man has time to put on a disguise is the truth? So when these two dudes, ChainedXX & NEmental show you who they are, believe them. Be vigilant of 🤡's like these.
42% of Palestinian women are obese according to the UN, and WHO. Males 30%. Palestinians have no physical exercise in their daily routine, instead preferring the consumption of high fat foods as an energy boost. This has led to one of the highest rates of obesity and general unhealth in the world. Interestingly, the preference for sandals has been identified by researchers as a key component in this trend. "Sandals limit mobility and are not suitable for mobility. Over time, this has impacted enthusiasm and the general perception of exercise as negative. It's hard to motivate oneself for exercise when your foot wear is not suitable. Despite shoes being widely available in person and online, the overwhelming majority exclusively wear sandals. The inbreed rate in Palestine is 50% according to the UN, WHO. Translating into 1 out of every 2 couples being incestuous. In comparison the inbreed rate in Israel is 10.4%, Italy is 1.1% USA is 0.2%. Basically Palestinians are morons
Go have it at an islamic community center, gays can watch from the roof
I love when facts are posted. Shuts down the left in a hurry.
Not jew Not Muslim After Oct 7th, I decided to research this because I found it very strange that I wasn't being asked to support Palestine, I was being told to aggressively - which is a red flag to me. I dont take orders. Punk hardcore especially should be critical when suddenly the status quo among the general sheep herd is trying to force a one-sided view. A I've spent hours and hours researching often utilizing Arab sources or Israeli sources. I can tell you without a doubt, you are being lied to about practically everything and that Palestinians are being intentionally held back by greed from within. Let's just talk Gaza for sake of space. Hamas controls Gaza. Hamas ensures Gazans are kept in a state of permanent chaos in order to manipulate international support which lines the pockets of a small circle. 99% (real number) of Gazan businesses are owned by the same 4 Hamas-affiliated families. Simply put, if Gazans were truly free, these men would lose their wealth
Because of Hamas, (4 Hamas-affiliated families own 99% of businesses in Gaza) Gaza has 0.00% foreign investment and no investors, corporations or nations invest there. Not even Arab states invest. I actually was surprised to learn that's theirs a tier system among Arabs and that Palestinians are the lowest tier. Publically, the Arab leaders call for support but in private they view Palestinians as "lazy" , "dumb", "untrustworthy", and "lowest of the low". This fact has been reported by respected journalists who have sat down with guys like Bin Salmon - they were shocked to hear Bin Salmon and his circle openly disparaging Palestinians but Bin Salmon clarified they only do so in private as they are still "brothers". Arab nations throw money around like it's nothing. Saudi Arabia has 3.5 trillion US to invest in everything from giant skyscr*pers to American sports and video games. Yet not one cent invested in Palestine. UAE similar
WTF? why move the venue because of the cry-baby bitches who whine about shit in the Middle East they'll never comprehend. Oh yeah, those same fascists are the ones buying the records today. how disappointing humans have become. get f-ed.
Fun fact you purposely weren't told Israel is required by international law to maintain a presence in Gaza to ensure that basic life can go on. They are responsible with Egypt for ensuring necessities can flow and anarchy doesn't break out. Hamas does everything it can to hinder this whether it's stealing goods, hoarding them, or sabotage. Israel would face serious legal ramifications if they simply up and left and ignored Gaza. Of course this is what Hamas wants, because they are manipulators. In the scenario Israel actually left Gaza, Hamas would cry "Israel abandoned the people of Gaza". Hamas operates on manipulation through media. Their manifesto clearly states that their goal is to manipulate media, especially Western media in order to gain international sympathy. What does manipulate mean? They are openly telling our media they are misleading them, and our media still presents Hamas affiliated leaders, doctors, etc etc as legitimate. Almost suicidal
20% of Israel population are Muslims. You don't hear anything from this huge community because they are living in freedom in a democracy. Israel isn't governed on Jewish belief you are free to worship as you please. Sounds terrible right? Practicqlly the only democracy in that area... so terrible
>" trying to separate being anti zionist from being anti semitic," Why bother?
The majority of people supporting Palestine are idiots that can't even present basic arguments. They haven't spent even a minute looking into it. That's why they don't ask, they tell you to support. That's why instead of answering questions or demonstrating knowledge they gaslight instead. I don't have any issue with an average Palestinian citizen but there's nothing anybody can do as long as a terrorist group holds power
>Practicqlly the only democracy in that area... so terrible Did Ben SHARPIRO teach you that one, trumpcuck? Watch 5 broken cameras
I don't even know who Ben Shapiro is Nice gaslight though thanks for proving my point. I'm not a trump lover I'm not a biden lover so what else you got. Do you even know anything about this conflict because I don't see you contributing nor do I see you denying 99% of what I've said. Can you please name the democracies in the middle east smart guy?
So you call me out for saying Israel is one of the only democracies in the middle east. Do you even know what democracy means? Stop gaslighting moron. You probably think Iranians enjoy living in Iran
>Can you please name the democracies in the middle east smart guy? Hey, brainwashed retard. You presume you live in a democracy. You presume democracy is the best system. Do you also think America is the greatest country on earth? Go die. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Rather than turn their back on the Jewish venue, FYA should just kick Torture off the fest and keep the venue the same.
Hardcore has completely lost its nutsack. "Hardcore kids" are the softest, most politically correct, band aid wearing, little pussies I've ever seen in my life. Calling all hardcore crews - DMS, Courage Crew, BFL, FSU - please go to these shows and whoop some ass. Get these little bitches outta here! Make this shit scary again and I'll come back. I'm too embarrassed to be in a room with these people anymore - please God - make hardcore hard again.
Please god make my peepee hard again I stand with stands with a fist. Bitch was all like washeeshoo and shit
Libs be like "free Palestine, Ukraine who?" Lol. Can't wait to see who stars in the next oppression Olympics.
"Guarantee you that every kid who's outraged about it being at the JCC has NO PLANS on attending anyway." you're not kidding, i saw some dude in cleveland posting about it and that dude doesn't even show up to cleveland gigs lol.
"Israel would face serious legal ramifications if they simply up and left and ignored Gaza." JIDF agents post shit like this week over the Internet. Laughable. How's the hardcore scene in Tel Aviv moshie?
Stop gaslighting All pro-palestinian comments are gaslights with no information or statistics. I got into punk n hardcore n metal to avoid the sheep herd not be among it
The Zionist moron is trying really hard to convince people with nonsense statistics because they see the writing on the wall. Israel is done.
To be fair, I think we're all getting a little tired of their shit
Can we get Hardlore's historical analysis on the Palestine issue?
So I'm going to explain something to you moron. Are you right about IDF posting that? Perhaps. But I don't use social media. So are the IDF wrong? Or are you? You are. I'll explain. It's universal worldwide that international law holds powerful countries accountable in territorial disputes with much weaker ones. They are required by law to maintain order, food, electricity, anything deemed necessary for basic life. Why? Without this law, the more powerful country could simply starve the population to extinction or turn off electricity permanently causing anarchy. So you understand now smart guy? So when you got upset about the IDF posting this. Did you ever bother to even, I don't know, look at the UN website or International Criminal Court website to check if it's true? I didn't think so. That would be inconvenient for you and your ego. Who's next
I can't afford groceries but Israelis get free college, healthcare, bombs, and American organ donor list priority with my tax money. And if any congressman says shit about it their AIPAC handler will give them an earful and spend millions to make sure they lose reelection. f*ck Israel. They knew about 9/11 and didn't do shit, maybe even planned it. Dancing Israelis. They assassinated Kennedy for blocking their nuke program. They stole uranium from us to build the bombs. They attached uss liberty to attempt to start another war. They sent my friend to get maimed in iraq and Afghanistan. If you defend Israel you are a f*cking idiot
Woke garbage cucks responding to weak ass pressure. Where were these new jacks over the last few years??!! Their just Down for the latest thing
The whole world is occupied by Israel except for Gaza. Death to ZOG.
Israel can't be done dummy It's called nuclear detterence. The only way to destroy Israel is to nuke them. Which then, they retaliate and our entire planet is toast. Please educate yourself. I'm getting tired of humiliating you guys - calling me a zionist means nothing to me as I have no emotional attachment to either Israel or Palestine. My God it's like arguing with children
"It's universal worldwide that international law holds powerful countries accountable in territorial disputes with much weaker ones" Israel is not a country. It's a fascist Jewish supremacist occupation of foreign land. Gaza is a concentration camp that they are slowly murdering. The project will fail and Israel will fall. The tide has turned and Israel is done. Get f*cked. We won't rest until it is gone
Hilarious Absolutely Hilarious that not a single one of their post contains any information or statistics or sources whatsoever lolll Even Don lemon called you lames out for following a fad. Hilarious
Wow are you inbred? Your opinions on Israel bring a legit country or not doesn't apply at the international criminal court or the UN which officially views them as one . You can't actually be this dumb can you?
The only way to destroy Israel is to stop providing them with financial, political, and military support. This has nothing to do with lefties. You gotta be a complete numbskull to agree with Israel. They straight up suck and don't provide anything to the US or the rest of the world for that matter. They use holocaust guilt and antisemitism to get their way.
You can be anti-Israel without supporting Palestine. f*ck em both!
Hey prosecutor of international criminal court here. I'm no longer investigating Israel for war crimes or holding them responsible for starving gazans intentionally. Why? An emotional woke convinced me their personal opinion means Israel isn't really a country Case dismissed!! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
"You can be anti Israel without supporting Palestine" Really? U sure?
Israel is going nowhere and will be dropping rockets on whomever tries to flex. After the real genocide they went through in WWII, and expulsion from where they used to live, they'll never allow neither neighboring Arab counties, Iran proxies, or bearded ladies to bend its knee. Israel has over 2 million Muslims with Israeli passports. It has punks, it has gays, asians, blacks, you name it. It used to be called Judea, before Palestine, and it was only called Palestine because the Romans changed the original name of Judea to insult jews. No mention of Palestine in the Koran, many mentions of Israel. All these bearded ladies now control HC and as queer as many are, they are supporting Hamas, spitting on jews, and acting like soft boiled nãziŝ. David Duke would be so proud of them.
How can u losers even communicate? You change subjects and gaslight so often nobody even knows what to respond to
Israel meddles in US affairs with regularity and have lobbyists designated for every congressman. They apply pressure on our government and society to provide them with aid, and if they don't they smear them with lies and call them antisemitic. The US passed an antisemitism bill recently that basically outlines that being anti-Israel is being antisemitic.
Hey I think you should have posted this on your StormFFront club page big dawg. The only way to destroy Israel is to stop providing them with financial, political, and military support. This has nothing to do with lefties. You gotta be a complete numbskull to agree with Israel. They straight up suck and don't provide anything to the US or the rest of the world for that matter. They use holocaust guilt and antisemitism to get their way.
Exactly. Destroying Israel would mean global annihilation These are facts it's not about "supporting" Israel it's about living in reality and understanding nuclear detterence. These ppl are not worth debating because they cannot put their emotions aside and look at things properly. To be blunt, I could be 100% right but they would not accept the truth. On the other hand, if I was proven wrong I would want to know the truth not hide
October 7th was a false flag orchestrated by Netanyahu.
Stop providing them? Why? I don't support that. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar and a few others formally established ties with Israel for the first time. They all make a lot of money off eachother. It's actually getting better for Israel not getting worse. Learn to accept you live in a democracy kid ppl don't need to accommodate your emotions
To that Jew hating cuck that said he can't afford groceries because of Israel…dude you really think it's Israel fault you are a bum and can't afford groceries? FYA really has to find a new venue because you are too stupid to make money, and you blame your problem on Israel. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Learn how inflation works, and stop supporting our money going to countries like Israel and Ukraine and Taiwan.
Learn how getting a job works. Inflation been going on forever. The truth why you can't afford groceries is because you are either stupid, lazy, or both. Not Israel fault regardless of how much money the President you voted for sends to other countries. Learn to fend for yourself and not blame your problems on external factors.
"Inflation has been going on forever" Thanks for clearing that up, I thought inflation happened yesterday.
Astroturfed comments across the Internet can't hide the reality that nobody supports Israel anymore. Only the boomers and evangelicals who are rapidly vanishing. If you were winning, you wouldn't need to threaten our politicians. Thomas maisse is throwing it in your face. American Jews don't marry within the tribe. 70% non Jews as partners. Jewish American population will shrink to 1% in our lifetime and then half again. Israeli Muslims will marry secular Jewish Israelis. Askenazi supremacists won't be able to continue sterilization programs against African Jews or their racism against mizrahim. Aid drys up and the county secularizes further.
The end of Israel is mixing with Muslims, secularization, and being forgotten. France is set to be majority Muslim in 50 years and they have lots and lots of nukes and uranium. Flex all you want. Israel is doomed. Keep commenting. Propaganda campaigns won't work anymore. The Internet is too large and your grip on Hollywood is irrelevant now. Rebel media, prager U, Brightbart, neoconservativism is all falling now. Nobody believes your bullshit. 25 years of war for Israel ending now
I wonder if singer of fools game is gunna get beat up at this fest, or only at East coast tsunami
Israel's spell over the west is ending which is why they're hitting the panic button and orchestrating false flag operations in a weak attempt to get the US to fight Iran for them. Not to mention future generations are completely apathetic towards the constant guilt tripping from holocaust revisionism. Nobody cares, it's been over 70 years.
" Thanks for clearing that up, I thought inflation happened yesterday." You're welcome. You also can't afford groceries, and blame that on Israel. You're a sorry human being if you are too pathetic to pay for your own groceries, and you chose to blame it on others instead of blaming it on your pathetic self.
Jews used to be largely liberal in fact. They've only recently hijacked the right wing because that's all they've got left in attempted manipulation and extraction of resources and money (in exchange for personal wealth as AIPAC are large donors). The world is waking up.
"October 7th was a false flag orchestrated by Netanyahu" They knew the attack was coming. Egypt warned them. They let it happen to justify murdering more Muslims. An American Jew walked into a mosque and massacred 30 people. He was treated like a martyr. Netanyahu's cabinet worships him and has his portrait in their homes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein This f*cker: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir And most recently Israelis are protesting to allow their prison guards to sodomize Muslim prisoners with hot irons with impunity.
Hang on that groceries joke while ignoring the list of genocidal crimes and corruption above. We will stop sending our tax money to Israel
Panera cashier bearded ladies hate Israel so much. All their sturmfront posts sound exactly like nazis. So why are these tough guy crew bands and others who are against nazis, licking the white dog sh1t and catering to left wing nazis. Playing this fest means you're wack. Communist Singh is having a blast knowing that he conned you into his left wing trash by giving you free videos.
JD Vance is the only millennial politician that actively supports Israel, no surprise Trump picked him (among other reasons). The rest of millennials and younger generations are all vehemently against Israel. The next ten to twenty years are gonna look bad for Israel. They're gonna have to find new ways to hypnotize the world.
Israel also pushed to have TikTok banned because all the millennial and gen zers were spreading anti Israel information. Funny how they never want shit like Facebook or Twitter banned though.
This thread got hijacked by hamas gobblers and 300 pound stormfront rejects who are copy pasting from their nazi pamphlets about jewish conspiracies and other assorted delusions.
"Since the start of Israel's war with Hamas on October 7, 2023, the United States has enacted legislation providing at least $12.5 billion in military aid to Israel, " Most of Biden's cabinet is Jewish. They are overrepresented as a percentage of the population by 60,000% there. DEI doesn't apply in the oval office when the zionist mission is at stake
anonymous 1 minute ago This thread got hijacked by hamas gobblers and 300 pound stormfront rejects who are copy pasting from their nazi pamphlets about jewish conspiracies and other assorted delusions. Okay moshe.
Notice how the Israel shills will call you everything but a liar. Hmmm…
f*cking soft. You pussies would have got wrecked in the day. Have been fun literally hitting people to songs about standing your ground whilst bitching about people using force to stand their ground. This is why I raise my kids on country now. Because you "tough" kids are soft as shit. Bring the message board hate because it won't matter. No one cares what you think except some promoter that's about to lose his ass anyways.
Palestinians throw rocks at tanks and hold the servered torsos of their blown up children in their arms. "Stand your ground" is not an IDF kiddie pointing his gun at the concentration camp prisoners in Gaza
I seriously do not understand how the most marginalized race of people in 7,000 years of recorded history finally for the first goddamn time standing up for themselves is the problem. Jesus Christ they were invaded and finally struck back against a known terrorist group. But don't take it from me. Take it from the son of one of the founders of Hamas. Y'all all love to google shit. Google that. Listen to him. Again f*cking astounding. Everyone seems to hate the western world from their f*cking iPhones 100% guaranteed manufactured by slave labor. f*cking atrocious. Cannot wait for you dipshits to actually have skin in the game and see what happens.
Bunch of f*cking history majors and political scholars up in here
Gaza is the Ukraine of the middle east. Total slush fund poverty-stricken arena for war.
You hear that guys, Israel finally decided to stand up for itself… by blasting rockets at children and hospitals. Hell yeah!
Yo can someone start a GoFundMe for the guy that can't afford groceries because of Israel. He needs our help he's starving because of Israel
Im saying they are going to either postpone the show or move it to Orlando somewhere. There is not another venue in Tampa that will take this shit heap on. Especially after this bad press. Good luck suckers. And thanks LG for deleteing my OG post about hate5six filming at a JCC on the original post.
"The most marginalized group" LMFAO Yes. Enslaved by the Africans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Roman's, Persians, Russians, Prussians (there's a difference dipshit though I wouldn't except you to know that) , and let's not forget about the Europeans especially a little known country called Germany. Been persecuted throughout time on three continents, now we make the fourth. So yea pick on the pacifists. That a pussy would do. That's you. A f*cking pussy.
"the most marginalized race of people in 7,000 years of recorded history finally for the first goddamn time standing up for themselves is the problem." They are f*cking sterilizing black Jews and shoving hot irons up prisoners asses and venerating mass murders. Any the f*ck up. Your retarded word games won't work here JIDF. Do you even know what hardcore music is? How much are you getting paid to shitpost your bullshit here? You have no support
> Why were they "persecuted"? They were kicked out of 110 countries for totally separate reasons and each time has nothing to do with their behavior or their ethnocentric religion that defines all outsiders as livestock meant to be exploited
Jews never did anything wrong in history ever. Leo Frank never r*ping and murdering a minor and the ADL definitely didn't form to defend him.
They are f*cking sterilizing black Jews and shoving hot irons up prisoners asses and venerating mass murders. Any the f*ck up. Your retarded word games won't work here JIDF. Do you even know what hardcore music is? How much are you getting paid to shitpost your bullshit here? You have no support Nothing. I don't post on any social media. I only come here to look and see if bands I like are touring and seeing what's new. But what do I get? You! f*cking you! A goddamn disgrace. And before you cast stones maybe pay attention to what they go through every single goddamn day. And yes I know all about hardcore music. I was writing, playing, touring, and promoting this shit before you came out the womb. But you live in a place that's so nice you have no idea about the struggles of the rest of the world. For someone who hates breaking eggs you sure like eating omelettes.
"Why were they "persecuted"?" Nice quip dipshit. Because I didn't use spell check that negates my point? I notice nothing else was said. Figures. A generation of soft pussy dipshits. No substance just witty quips. But you're so smart. Really. So smart. You win. I lose. Good job. f*cking pussy dipshit. I won't see a response because all of you have school in the morning. Get a f*cking life.
Move it to Gaza. See how many of these cowards really support palestine
It's amazing how the hardcore of right now has become a platform for soft boiled bearded lady racists, jew hating at the level of pre-genocide in Germany, and open hamas/iran/kkk level of commentary about Jewish conspiracies and so forth. All the jewish conspiracy comments are the same as the kkk and other hate groups. But somehow hardcore has allowed them to hog the mic and create a moldy place where they can denounce jews like whatever. The problem isn't Islam because Israel has over 2 million Muslims with Israeli passports. The problem is Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and all the western enablers like the sh1tposters above who want to spread their jew hate virus to the masses.
"The U.S. has approved $20 billion in arms sales to Israel, including scores of fighter jets and advanced air-to-air missiles, the State Department announced Tuesday." Free Palestine? More like destroy Palestine. 😂
Palestinians are in the position they are in because of very, very poor decisions made long before Israel arrived. They were getting played by other Muslims long before Israel. They have a 50% inbreed rate - WHO, UN. = 1 in every 2 couples is incestuous. Obviously, because of this, many Palestinians are born chronically ill. Hundreds of diseases, disorders, both mental and physical are endemic in Palestinians. Since it's been happening for thousands of years, each Palestinian carries this in their DNA. It's called "accumulative inbreeding" and it compromises the DNA of a community over time. Eventually leading to more sick people, more stillborns, more babies dying soon after birth. This is called "reproductive waste". Having a child with cystic fibrosis because you mated with a relative is "reproductive waste". Modern Arab countries spend billions to educate their people to stop this practice. Palestinians are well aware of the dangers. Their future is extinction sadly.
So if you lived in an American city where 50% of couples were inbreeding and having large families of sick and chronically ill people that they can't provide for and plug up all the hospitals. So as someone educated, you know inbreeding only results in bad things and damages communities, would you "support" them ? Of course not. You'd likely call then inbred hicks. Yet for some reason Palestinians escape this criticism. I don't support Palestine. I don't care if you cry
Talking about cultures with large inbred populations and not mentioning a certain Middle Eastern tribe that coalesced in Eastern Europe is funny.
They keep talking weapon sales. Won't say a peep about Iran literally supplying weapons and technology to like 500 different terror groups across the world that mess with ppl in every corner of the globe. How many of those weapons have killed innocent Muslim by the thousands??? But you won't say a peep because you are afraid. You're scared to dare question the actions of a Muslim. You're a good little sheep
^^ Stop gaslighting. Like I said modern communities can and did modernize. USA 0.6% inbreed rate. Italy 1.1% Palestine 50%. Seriously stop gaslighting it's no way to communicate. I don't need to mention the whole worlds history in a 1000 word comment to accommodate your cowardice
I don't think it's Iranians that are the ones meddling with elections and politics across the world, most prominently the US.
Israel, the beacon of light and morality in the Middle East with an inbreed rate of 11%
This is a perfect example of gaslighting: "anonymous 4 minutes ago Talking about cultures with large inbred populations and not mentioning a certain Middle Eastern tribe that coalesced in Eastern Europe is funny" Gaslighting is not a good look. Gaslighting is not cool. You can't communicate without gaslighting maybe go re-learn basic communication skills. Imagine if everybody was as dumb as you and we all answered questions with another question. Stop gaslighting please. It deteriorates society snd communication.
Yes 11% is a lot better than 50% The top 30 inbred countries are all muslim by the way. I didn't say Israel was a beacon I simply said they were a democracy. There you go again gas lighting, putting your emotions and words into other people because you have no idea how to communicate
Portugal and Spain also have extremely high inbreed rates (between 88 and 91%). What's your point?
Good. They should meddle in more. Western idealogy is best. Iran doesn't meddle, they're too busy killing little girls
My point is you do not understand hoe to communicate. You seem to be oblivious yo the fact that you are gaslighting I'm not sure what you are smoking but no country has an inbred rate above 55%. Portugal inbreed rate is 1.1% Spain is 2.0% Can you stop trying to talk something you're unaware of.
My point, actually, was that I'm not muslim or jew. That I found it odd that people are not asking, but aggressively demanding I conform to their opinion and "support" Palestine. My point was I don't take orders and I got into punk and hardcore to escape conformity. My point was I looked independently into Palestine and after many, many hours of research, including Islamic media sources, Israeli sources, western sources, general history, etc, I came to the conclusion that the world especially the West is being manipulated and misled by Hamas who require Gaza to be in a consistent state of turmoil to maintain their wealth and power. You can believe whatever you want but to me I mean I read Hamas manifesto and it literally states their objective is to manipulate and mislead media to gain sympathy. That means things like death count as an example - that number comes from a Hamas doctor and Hamas objective is to manipulate so.....
The hamas leadership is like the north korean dynasty. Shaking the global tree to fatten their pockets. They are so incredibly wealthy those gazan leaders, they don't live there, and will let their people die because they force their women to make more martyrs. The whole hostage thing is a cash cow for hamas.
None of this is funny. Palestine will be free. The fight here is just starting. Good on FYA for growing a conscience
Hamas is funded by Israel. Hamas attacks give Israel precident to continue the slaughter
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_support_for_Hamas "Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Hamas as a means of undermining secular Palestinian factions such as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, who served as the Israeli military governor in Gaza during the early 1980s, admitted to providing financial assistance to Muslim Brotherhood, the precursor of Hamas, on the instruction of the Israeli authorities. The aim of the support was to weaken leftist and secular Palestinian organizations." The Internet will be the death of Israel. No more hiding behind propaganda and lies. Their deceit is exposed
"The top 30 inbred countries are all muslim by the way" https://www.jewishgeneticdiseases.org/diseases/ Population bottleneck estimated to be 200 individuals for all Ashkenazi
Meanwhile 99% of the members of these bands are complete scumbags in their personal lives. SUPPORT THE CAUSE!
It's ok to hate Jewish people now, I guess? The left is insane. The building just wants to allow people to practice their religion freely, and people get criticized in the US for what Isreal is doing, even though the left is helping to fund this war. People are out of their minds right now. Whoever screams the loudest..🙄🙄
The majority of these idiots protesting don't even understand the conflict and would never survive in Palestine. Let's protest something we know nothing about, just to be different. The left😂😂😂. You better not vote for Kamala because she supports Isreal. Wait, you all will because you are hypocrites
If I was the promoter, I wouldn't have moved it! You WILL NEVER please the self righteous LEFT
It's ok to be Amit-Semitic in America now? Got it! Real nice….The people who accept everyone, well almost everyone
The military industrial complex strikes again. Read up. Does anyone have a brain anymore?
Let's blame this on Jewish people in America, who have NOTHING to do with what is going on overseas. Yeah, that makes to me🙄🙄
I love how the left is ok with the US using their tax dollars to pay for the Ukraine to fight a war for us, where people are getting killed on both sides. In that case, war is awesome..Spoken like true hypocrites!
This is like complaining about a show at a Mosque after 9/11…You see that.. I hope you are proud of yourself
Maybe we need Scowll to make a comment. Wait, they are playing massive shows supporting A DAY TO REMEMBER. I bet none of those arenas are owned by Jewish people…
"42% of Palestinian women are obese according to the UN, and WHO. Males 30%. Palestinians have no physical exercise in their daily routine, instead preferring the consumption of high fat foods as an energy boost. This has led to one of the highest rates of obesity and general unhealth in the world. Interestingly, the preference for sandals has been identified by researchers as a key component in this trend. "Sandals limit mobility and are not suitable for mobility. Over time, this has impacted enthusiasm and the general perception of exercise as negative. It's hard to motivate oneself for exercise when your foot wear is not suitable. Despite shoes being widely available in person and online, the overwhelming majority exclusively wear sandals." Joe Queer here. This sandal shit has gotta stop.
Israel: good/bad Palestine: good/bad America: good/bad Jews: good/bad Media: good/bad Activism: good/bad This fest: bad
You f*cking hc pussies yell "FREE PALESTINE" because it's trendy yet cannot intelligently speak on the issues there whatsoever. Shout out to that dingus frontman of torture for embodying such ignorance
Kyrie Irving here, I cannot be antisemitic if I know where I come from
No idea why anyone in these comments is defending what Israel is about or what they've been doing. They've been murderous scumbags for almost a century. Just say you're islamophobic and be done with it. Yeah hamas sucks, they're also Israeli funded. Palestinians don't have real democracy as they live in an apartheid state. They don't have real options. They chose a militant defender instead of silently acquiescing to their own demise. There's no justifying systematic murder of innocent people. Nuge Israel. Free Palestine
goofy comments, guys. i'm smokin a bowl listening to some Blue Öyster Cult. hope everyones day gets better
The open racism is amazing! I can't believe how prejudice this young generation is while claiming moral superiority for supporting perverts, child mutilation, and baby killers. If you still support these shows, and hardcore in general, I'd love to hear your excuse.
You know who else hated the Jews - Nazis. Didn't napalm death cover a Dk song about nazi punks. If they move the venue I will NOT attend.
Using the same logic of the people that backlashed against the venue, you could say that any band that now agrees to play FYA is an anti semitic Jew hater. ⬆️ This hits the nail on the head and then some. He's 💯 right. Do any of these bands genuinely want to be associated Jew bashing? I can't imagine there's not a single Jewish guy in any of these bands? Terror from LA. Mindforce & Mongoloids from NY/NJ. Just of those 3 I'd roll the dice there are Jewish guys in those bands given where they're from. They ok with this?
Might as well rename it to Pussyfest while you're at it.
I can't imagine there's not a single Jewish guy in any of these bands? ^despite their overwhelming presence in government, entertainment and pornography, they're only 2% of the us population. So chances are they're not going to be in hardcore bands
Another $20 billion for Israel to defend itself? Cool! Probably could have used that cash here, but greatest ally needs it because they won't stop slaughtering brown children. Thanks greatest ally! You've really done so much for us. Imagine how messed up the Middle East would be without their cute lil shenanigans. But you can't asked questions because of a pile of shoes and you'll be labeled anti semitic, which is somehow now worse than being called racist. Never again, amirite?
Open antisemitism in hardcore. They should straight up cancel this fest because all these bands have been "antifascism" forever but are now siding with the fascists who are demonizing ANYTHING Jewish. Exactly how nazis acted is how the pro hamas crowd is. Demonizing and shaming ALL jews. Anybody jewish that is associated with this fest needs to disconnect because this new wave of bearded lady and wimpy leftists absolutely HATE you unless you cater to their pro hamas demands. Might as well go to a Klan rally if you go to FYA. This venue move is as racist as it gets. Don't cater to the nazis in pink hair.
probably wouldnt have happened if kat nijmeddin didnt open her yap. she didnt seem to have an issue with it last year nor did anybody else. bob has stated that he would have the fest there as long as they would allow him to do so after the first time it was done in that venue. not really his fault for going according to his plan. kat had a problem with it so we need to move the gig now.. could not care less either way, dont wasnt you time and money traveling to florida to see foundation, they will be playing every other dumb hardcore festival that gets booked for 2025.
or just keep it there and make the fake poser hardcore pussies cry more
This Kat person did exactly what Sunny Singh does. Manipulation through sentiment. Sunny gives you free videos but slips in all that political trash he also posts, which he knows he's leveraging his influence to now make his extremist views seem normal. Kat is liked by tons of folks so now she gets to dictate through smiles and kindness her appalling worldview which now includes hating and shaming ALL things jewish. Which should would "lyke totally deny" but nobody dares to question a smiling person who is your homie, because everyone in hardcore is afraid is being disliked by the current cool people. Don't go to this fest and FYA should just cancel it. Open air racism and total intolerance has no place in hardcore. Moving this fest is catering to hamas wrapped around pink hair SJWs who are so far gone off the deep end. This is like any wave of extremists in political hardcore that want YOU to think exactly like them or be banned.
In this day and age, you're either a Zionist or an antisemite; there can be no middle ground lol
^ spotted the huge pussy promoter/organizer. Eat shit you f*cking bitch
Speaking of bottom feeders, anybody who tries to demonize an entire culture. The extremists want you to think it's okay to be an extremist. One day when these bottom feeders move on to the next thing to attack, you'll be feeling like a dipsh1t that you listened to an extremist just because they were your "homie." But they got what they wanted, appealing to your kindness and manipulating you. Talk to Bob and have him postpone FYA. Great fest that is being ruined by 6 month faces.
You call it extremism when it's simply pattern recognition and asking obvious questions
Jews are totally fine with genocide, fascism, nationalism and anti-free speech provided they're the ones doing it. Just a shame that leftoids think that they can be "anti zionist" without being "anti semitic". Anti jew means pro humanity. f*ck israel
Flavor of the month is to demonize jews and act like the kkk but with kewl band shirts and religious headgear in hardcore. Hardcore is and will always be multicultural where everyone is welcome. This new wave of hipster racists are not inclusive and will not be satisfied until you fully kiss their ass and accept their worldviews. They are no different than any other religious extremists in HC, like some of the Christian hardcore wave, but oh no can't insult Islam because that's the left wing's pet project. Free pass to manipulate and try to normalize the hatred of jews.
Jews are totally fine with genocide, fascism, nationalism and anti-free speech provided they're the ones doing it. Just a shame that leftoids think that they can be "anti zionist" without being "anti semitic". Anti jew means pro humanity. f*ck israel ======== Hey buddy I think you meant to post that on your stormfront SS group chat. The real genocide was when jews were exterminated in WWII. Israel has over 2 million Muslims and continually gives aid to the hamas governed areas. Israel has more in common with these hardcore extremists, as in Israel you can be gay, punk, black, trans, and live well surrounded by intolerant religious countries. Try being gay or atheist or Trans in hamas zones. Won't go well for you.
Kinda stunning how many morons in punk/hardcore flat out don't understand Israel/Palestine and think it's like Ukraine/Russia where they're picking a moral good or something. Like, nah man, you're just being brazenly antisemitic. You can disagree with a country without shitting on anything with the word "Jewish" in it thousands of miles from Israel. Losers.
yall really woke up this morning and came back to comment on this thread
"yall really woke up this morning and came back to comment on this thread" ...you quite literally did too.
Rick here. There is a lot of divisiveness here, but there's two things we can all agree on: nachos rule, and I am fat. Also, Florida sucks, There's three!
Todd Jones drove two hours to get beat up by a guy named Fat Zack
Consider that most HC kids are still kids and have the original thought of trouts following each other up the stream. So its easy to be manipulated by people like Kat and Singh who understand soft manipulation. Every wave of hardcore has these types, who eventually get shit on by a cool person and they vanish. Hating anything Jewish...imagine someone in hardcore hating everything Muslim and getting a platform to spread it. WILD AF. Kinda stunning how many morons in punk/hardcore flat out don't understand Israel/Palestine and think it's like Ukraine/Russia where they're picking a moral good or something. Like, nah man, you're just being brazenly antisemitic. You can disagree with a country without shitting on anything with the word "Jewish" in it thousands of miles from Israel. Losers.
"you're just being brazenly antisemitic" That word has no power anymore. Murdering children and corruption American democracy for 100 years has consequences. Still not over the fact that they murdered JFK https://www.unz.com/article/fifteen-years-before-kennedy-zionists-murdered-forrestal/ "The murder of American President John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the US administration on the government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program. Cohen demonstrates at length the pressures applied by Kennedy on Ben-Gurion. […] The book implied that, had Kennedy remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option."[2]
Larva extremists trying every single way to normalize the extermination of jews. Didn't happen in WW2 and won't happen now, or ever. For every hamas or hezbollah launch, ten more will come in return. We won't have to worry about you taking arms because your vegan bistro needs a cashier boy.
> Hardcore is and will always be multicultural where everyone is welcome. This new wave of hipster racists are not inclusive Fascists have never been welcome in hardcore. Skinheads came to shows to fight and lost. Now there's a new fascist movement called zionism. FYA at the Glazer auditorium would be like hosting a show at a Klu Klux Klan meeting Hall. Amazing to level the'racist' accusation when defending Israel, a genocidal ethnonationalist occupation complete with concentration camps with mass murderers held up as heroes by their government https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein
someone should alert the ADL and get this whole shit show cancelled
The new fascists are these vegan hipsters that have normalized the complete hatred of all things jewish. Zionism means the right for Jews to exist. Israel has over 2 MILLION Muslims with Israeli passports and Jews are not a race. There are black, gays, punks, asians, dark, white, all sorts of Jews. Because you manipulators exploit others stupidity, they won't question your empty rhetoric. Try being punk gay Trans anywhere in the Middle East. Not tolerated AT ALL. But the extreme hipster left wing racists are trying to demonize a people that have been in exile and just in the last 100 years, finally have a home. Expelled from Muslims lands, real genocide in WWII, and will defend ALL Jewish and Muslim citizens. Of all colors. Palestine is not mentioned once in the Quran but Israel is mentioned plenty. Fake Roman name to insult Jews. Was always and will always be Judea. But regardless, Israel gave up Gaza in 2005 and used to belong partially to Egypt also.
Furthermore, Iran is behind all destabilization to turn the middle east into a bonfire. Great thing that Arabs and Jews are closer than ever, and eventually all swords will turn to the Iranian regime so the region can actually prosper. Until then, the soft serve vegan wimps will keep advocating for hamas, willingly or otherwise. They are the cancer that truly wants from the River to the Sea which means to attack Muslims and Jews to destroy Israel. Real genocide.
Really hoping "JFK was killed by Jews" guy in these comments gets the med cocktail and support system he needs to live a well-adjusted life soon.
"This is why I raise my kids on country now. Because you "tough" kids are soft as shit. Bring the message board hate because it won't matter. No one cares what you think except some promoter that's about to lose his ass anyways." bro alone in the country like "come and get me" ngga no one cares about you lmao
In light of recent information aka the last ten months
also the simple explanation is no one cared about it being at a JCC till the IDF donation was uncovered. had that not been brought to light the venue would have been square.
If you're reading this, what does penis taste like? Cause you definitely know
"If you're reading this, what does penis taste like? Cause you definitely know" So do you, you still kiss your GF/wife goodnight when she gets home right?
We'll ask your dad since he's an OG If you're reading this, what does penis taste like? Cause you definitely know
Right Wing HxC dildos hate this specifically Left Wing tampons in men's bathrooms hate Israel but won't take up arms for hamas. They'll just cluster with their other stank bearded ladies and cancel whatever hurts their little Hitler feweeings.
Lennon here aka bubbles from trailer park boys… aka lesbian drew carey.. is my band still booked or na?
I got excited to read this thread with this post count but it did not deliver.
Look, I only support un-cut venues and bands in hardcore. If you have not demanded your foreskin back, can you really even say you support Palestine? I actually had mine replaced with the tattered remains of a Palestinian Flag. Was it painful, yes, but a small price to pay in taking a stand against the Zionist Genocide taking place in the Middle East. Having seen the self-surgery in Boston Beatdown I felt confident in my abilities.
Maybe if we required the Jews and Zionists to wear markings at shows, we could avoid a lot of this in-fighting. Nothing too crazy, maybe approach it like the X on underage attendee's hands, or the hands of the guy at the show you know has no fun. You would know who to avoid and collectively we can really keep them in check.
LOL @ "Just say you're islamophobic and be done with it". -No such thing as "Islamophobia". Criticizing a religion or certain aspects of it doesn't equate to racism or a phobia. Also LOL @ the comment about "Skinheads kicked out" of hardcore shows. Real skinheads are anti racist / anti nazi dummy.
Hey, guys xARMENIAx here, did someone mention genocide? I can answer questions if needed regarding the systematic deletion of a people group, don't forget me.
Bob should change the band's name to Malice at the Shawarma Palace …
"I'm white my culture is random felony assault to songs that make me feel good about feeling bad, yes I'm straight"
It's disgraceful to be in a jew building but having a corporate sponsor is just fine. f*cking priorities man.
Whoever started this, should be really be beat to a bloody pulp at the next hardcore show. Hate to say it but this is how this scene used to be. You f*ck around with venues and promoters, you get beat the f*ck up. Beat down music used to mean something and wouldn't tolerate this nonsense of messing with venues/promoters.
Whoever started this, should be really be beat to a bloody pulp at the next hardcore show. Hate to say it but this is how this scene used to be. You f*ck around with venues and promoters, you get beat the f*ck up. Beat down music used to mean something and wouldn't tolerate this nonsense of messing with venues/promoters. Unfortunately it got started by some scene religious extremist chick and ruined this for all involved. I wouldn't touch FYA fest with a ten foot pole and it's lame for the promoter and bands to suffer for a group of extremist fat bearded ladies.
can both sides just f*ck off and die? i dont understand why anyone here gives a f*ck???
Boo hoo, poor Israel, a country that only exists because it receives benefits from the rest of the world. A country that would cease to exist if the US stops supporting it.
Unfortunately it got started by some scene religious extremist chick and ruined this for all involved. I wouldn't touch FYA fest with a ten foot pole and it's lame for the promoter and bands to suffer for a group of extremist fat bearded ladies. Are you talking about that dumb hijab wearing Kat girl?
Whoever the bitch is should get the shit kicked out of her. By large fat guys. Send a message and maybe teach these new jacks that what happens when you f*ck with promoters and venues. Someone that does something to get a venue shutdown or hurt a promoter would and has regularly gotten their ass beat since the start of hardcore. This needs to happen and teach this bitch and any of their accomplices a lesson. Its simple. You do anything to shut a hardcore venue down and or screw a promoter, you best go into hiding otherwise you get an ass beating.
Israel killed Forrestal and JFK and the men on the USS Liberty. Jewish intelligence agents were caught dancing in celebration as they watched the twin towers fall. They scoped it out a day prior and held lighters up in front of the buildings, and photographed it. This is public information. They control both sides of the aisle through AIPAC. This is public information. Epstein and Lex Wexner were agents of the Jewish state. Ghislaine Maxwell was Israeli intelligence. They got compromat on our politicians and celebrities, then blackmailed then into serving Israeli interests. Zionists occupy most positions of power in media, journalism, academia, and the financial industry. There are multiple dual Israeli citizens in Congress. EVERY president's children since Bush has gone on to marry zionist Jews. Trump, Clinton, Bush, Biden. We've liked millions of Arabs who did nothing. For two decades. For Israel. They tell you to hate Muslims. They mock them and demonize them.
So much brain rot in these comments, the state of American politics is truly appalling. Really the entire middle east can go f*ck itself how much money and lives have been lost cause America is Israel's bitch? I don't support genocide but at the same time when half those people are cousin f*cking retards, well... I just wish we didn't have to pay for that shit.
I'm still trying to figure out which sick moves to throw down
Yup, imagine if there was a scene girl that wore a bunch of I love christ stuff. But it's cool when it's easternnnn. Unfortunately it got started by some scene religious extremist chick and ruined this for all involved. I wouldn't touch FYA fest with a ten foot pole and it's lame for the promoter and bands to suffer for a group of extremist fat bearded ladies. Are you talking about that dumb hijab wearing Kat girl?
These vegan wimp leftists write the same trash like stormfront racists. Or that Louis Farrakhan anti jew propaganda. You're not following anyone you turds. Israel killed Forrestal and JFK and the men on the USS Liberty. Jewish intelligence agents were caught dancing in celebration as they watched the twin towers fall. They scoped it out a day prior and held lighters up in front of the buildings, and photographed it. This is public information. They control both sides of the aisle through AIPAC. This is public information. Epstein and Lex Wexner were agents of the Jewish state. Ghislaine Maxwell was Israeli intelligence. They got compromat on our politicians and celebrities, then blackmailed then into serving Israeli interests.
Looks like lambgoat trolls with nothing better to do but sit in an anonymous comment section arguing to justify r@pe no surprise here
attacks happened oct. 7 '23 fest happened in january '23 and no one said anything lmao. hard to imagine they HAVENT been funding them for many months or years prior to this. just be a gay commie someplace else and let people enjoy hardcore lol
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f*cking pussies