Have Heart clarify they are not "back" and thank fans for support on recent shows

Earlier this year Massachusetts based straight edge hardcore band Have Heart announced a handful of shows for the Summer. Having already performed the festival dates (Tied Down Detroit, Outbreak Fest, and Sound and Fury) of the run the band turns to the final two dates club show dates in Brooklyn, NY and their hometown Boston, MA.
Purchase Have Heart tickets here.
Have Heart broke up in 2009 and prior to last month's performance in Detroit, hadn't been seen live since 2019. Many fans wondered if this tour would spark the reunion many of them have hoped for.
Vocalist Pat Flynn shared a message via social media last night expressing gratitude and thanks for the support, but also clarified they are not "back".
Flynn shared the following:
As the festival part of this run is over, leaving just two DIY shows in NYC and Boston, here is some quick gratitude and praise…
The set at Tied Down in Detroit felt surreal and wholly intense. Took a few weeks for it to set in for us. Then the massiveness of Outbreak in Manchester UK hit us like a block of bricks. And then of course there was last Sunday in LA at Sound & Fury. Still buzzing and will be for as long as we can remember the otherworldly nature of the human connection of that night.
There was a perfection to playing in an abandoned Ford Factory in Detroit, in the Manchester rain and along rows of LA palm trees. However, there is no magic in any of those three nights without the organizers of these festivals or the wild, but good people in the crowd.
We're not "back" as a band and it's best we stay away after this run of shows to keep space and focus on the bands of today making new art. But we are incredibly grateful to play in what feels like a positive time for HC.
As for what's left in NYC and Boston, let's "tear this place down…" Peace & Love
Post CommentInb4 Ricks gay ass stalker claiming he saw Rick at Walmart the other day.
Man, shut the f*ck up! Ain't no one care bout this dorky ass band. Hardcore is at its gayest right now dumbass.
^ shut Up! This band is best ever! You only Like gay Pop music Like Metallica and Justine Bieber!
I've been straight edge for 35 years and this band has always been overhyped and personally I think their music is boring and unoriginal. As a edge guy I can proudly say I never got into this generic trash band and only idiots get into them so their friends don't think they're gay. Trust me I should know 80% of my friends are still straight edge and they all are some of the stupidest people I know. Yeah I said it so what wooops
^ your Not straight, Bro. Your as gay as it gets, little man.
Straight edge was for dorks that could never get girls back in the day. So they found a group of goobers they could all cry about their misfortunes and social awkwardness with and then try and make it cool by drawing X's on their hands.
Rick here again. Have heart? Nah. Have nachos? Now you're talking, chief.
best thing about this band is that they're aware of their irrelevance. Smart move to let current bands have their fun. Excellent lesson in humility. cheers guys!
Translation- We did a money grab to pay for diapers, when I have another kid or need money, HAVE HEART will be back. Please book Fiddlehead we need it
When can we stop embracing people thinking sobriety is cool.
Generic hardcore sing along circle jerk. Perfect for music fans that want to rub their bodies against dozens of sweaty middle aged men.
Pat just payed for his house on the cape for another few years
They aren't edge any more. At least they are honest and don't want to live a lie.
Rick's Stalker here. Saw Ricky at the Post office in Tampa, Florida the other day. He was yelling at some guy "I'm fuxking starving!!! I need f*cking Nachos ASAP!!"
The guy however said to Rick: "I dont have Nachos but I have a big dick for you. Maybe you will even like the taste?"
Straight Edge guy here.. yeah honestly this band is overhyped
All straight edge bands are over hyped. Any rating above "gay" is more than they deserve
I want to acknowledge the achievements of the Have Heart frontier arriving in his 40s with a full head of hair and healthy BMI. Truly a rare achievement these days. Too bad he's a naive new England cuck
Glad these DEI advocates are getting the hell back out of my scene
what do you expect?? the people who know know you dont give a f*ck about sxe any more,, you left the scene , you left not us, so get the f*ck out and dont EVER act like you can judge the scene or how we are doing. we arent fish in a bowl mother f*cker. you left and broke edge and we dont really give a f*ck because the shit you did was always slimey like a f*ckin snake. just get the f*ck out of our scene and our life and go drink beer on your god damn couch with your whores
Ultimate cuck soy boy hardcore band. Soft like baby diapers. Really really gay stuff
you're right pat, it only 'feels like' a good time for hardcore.
Have Heart clarify they are not "back" and thank their sucker ass fans for their $$$upport on their recent shows.
go drink beer on your god damn couch with your whores ^this sounds like the perfect evening
We're not back until the next Cashgrab in 202X. Pat Flynn you are as full of shit as you were the last time you proclaimed this horseshit.
This band is as real as it gets. If you know someone who is into hardcore who talks shit about this band, that's a tell that they're only in the scene for the breakdowns, and not the music. Like the only subset of hardcore dudes that hate on this are knuckle draggers who are addicted to 808s and 4/4 half tempo mosh parts.
Biden voter band. Doesn't give a shit about people who didn't go to college or people living real lives. Vote Trump and get this band BANNED. Hell all of hardcore should be illegal these days. They are just shitting on working class hardcore legacy.
Hardcore shows are for the expression, the art, the music, and the message. If you want beers and whores go to a f*cking strip club
Hardcore has always been about beers and whores! It's all about Drugs, Money and Sex
You can't be edge if you are sleeping around. Those are hard facts.
This band is as real as it gets. If you know someone who is into hardcore who talks shit about this band, that's a tell that they're only in the scene for the breakdowns, and not the music. Like the only subset of hardcore dudes that hate on this are knuckle draggers who are addicted to 808s and 4/4 half tempo mosh parts. Yeah $50-60 shows in 3K capacity venues owned by monopolist promoters so "real as it gets". Keep swinging from their nuts.
Biden voter band. Doesn't give a shit about people who didn't go to college or people living real lives. ^hahaha, what a loser you are. yeah, only dumb uneducated retards like you live "real lives." And Trump, whose father literally deposited 40K a month into a trust fund for him from the time he was a boy, making him the literal definition of a trust fund baby, really has working class stiffs like you in mind. God, you're dumb and gullible, Funny thing, it's losers like you who are going to suffer the most under Trump. Go look up irony, dumb ass.
"that's a tell that they're only in the scene for the breakdowns, and not the music." Holy f*cking GAY go back to New England you fruit. Have heart was a poser band in 05 and they're still a poser band
Fat Pat and I watch trans porn together. We edge for hours.
Straight edging in the goon cave with the whole crew
Nobody wants you back. You released two half ass records with shitty vocals. I pooped and cummed my pants at the same time. Hurry my boi pussy is leaking. Fuuuuucccccccckkkkk$ here it cums AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Trying to drum up hype for the next round of reunions when Pat Flynn's son has to pay for college
lololol biden/harris voters triggered af. this band literally invented scene virtue signaling. ima go back sipping on a 40 listening to madball and watching rnc updates while you f*ck yourself with a dei highlighter
Fetterman only dem that stands a chance against Trump
"Man, shut the f*ck up! Ain't no one care bout this dorky ass band. Hardcore is at its gayest right now dumbass." Has been for 10 years. Virtue signaling woke bands and a cult of turds following in tow,blaming others for their poor life choices. Extreme Metal is the only good genre left. Barely any woke garbage.
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inb4 unfunny loser again