Revolver Magazine has announced the closure of its NFT program, Revolver Icons.
Launched in collaboration with Fanaply in 2022, this initiative combined limited-edition vinyl records with NFTs.
Despite initial success, including sold-out special editions from Bleeding Through, It Dies Today, Jinjer, Puscifer, and Underoath, the program will be ultimately discontinued by July 12th, 2024.
Collectors are advised by Revolver to transfer their NFTs to MetaMask or another cryptocurrency wallet to retain access and potentially move them to other platforms like OpenSea.
An email from the magazine reads:
Hey everyone,
We wanted to let you know that we are phasing out the REVOLVER ICONS program. The ICONS program is coming to a close, and you have until July 12, 2024, to transfer any Digital ICONS (NFTs) to a MetaMask wallet.
A screenshot of the email from the Revolver Icons program:

Post CommentThank you for your time. And your money. Suck our dick
Anyone who bought into this is an absolute waterhead
Now that we've scammed every person stupid enough to buy a jpeg, the program will be ending. Thank you for your money, dumbass.
jpeg retard mafia comes to a close. only a trumptard would fall for a gimmick this f*cking stupid
Bunch of crypto queer turds living in the matrix, removing their own dicks and wearing pink panties. LOL
^ nah, this is for colloidal silver drinking MAGAts that listen to bullet for my valentine.
Crypto is the future of all currency. NFT isnt crypto you dolts. I'm LMAO'ing at your lives.
Lol @ buying these. Anybody want to buy a tomato from me for 100 bucks? It'll be worth 4 million in 5 years..
Anyone with a 9th grade education could see NFTs were a scam from the jump. Absolute morons huffed their own farts and made themselves believe this shit actually holds value, and companies like Revolver surely just got into it because they were following a trend and not because they were even aware that what they were offering was worthless. Don't sell something you don't understand.
hahaahahha people are still buying that worthless garbage with no actual value?
maybe this scam woulda worked better if they hadn't chosen such shitty records
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