NewsJanuary 5, 2005 12:48 AM ET7,722 views

As I Lay Dying recording new album

As I Lay Dying entered the studio earlier this week to begin recording their next album for Metal Blade Records. Tracking is currently taking place at Big Fish Studio (Jimmy Eat World, Mineral) in Encinitas, California, where the group also recorded their last album. Mixing will subsequently occur in England with Andy Sneap, and the album should be out later this year.


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assultcrew 1/4/2005 9:51:17 PM

That is too bad.

gravelpityo 1/4/2005 9:54:56 PM

aww damn thought i had a first post... so i would get a cookie

swellsucka 1/4/2005 10:14:19 PM


m00k 1/4/2005 10:26:21 PM

:fixes hair and eyeliner: :waits for new album:

onemanfistfight 1/4/2005 10:32:51 PM

Well, they have good breakdowns and drum rolls. At least they have 2 things working for them.

ihavegas 1/4/2005 10:38:48 PM

... i still like em... oh well and i heard one of the newer songs live, sounded friggin great

xsamx 1/4/2005 10:41:36 PM

I'm down.

curse 1/4/2005 10:49:15 PM

I dig these guys quite a bit...

vegans_taste_good 1/4/2005 10:52:57 PM

no care at all

auspex 1/4/2005 10:56:19 PM

Doesn't matter how many fcking kids with the swoop haircut like them, they were still pretty metal when I saw them.

vcreationv 1/4/2005 11:10:42 PM

*looks forward to it*

warmachinefasho 1/4/2005 11:18:02 PM

*looks forward to*

agent_friday 1/4/2005 11:26:43 PM

"hey hey HEY!! we need a little more bass drum and toms in the moniter!! MORE GOD DAMMIT!!! MOOOOOOOOORRR...."

homer 1/4/2005 11:47:49 PM

over rated.... but still good

eaglesbecomevultures 1/4/2005 11:48:30 PM

less jesus and predictable breakdowns please, and a big thanks to as i lay dying for bringing more shitty nu-metal kids to shows.

retch 1/5/2005 12:12:42 AM

I like them

hxcobd 1/5/2005 12:30:34 AM

Eh, might be alright.... not a huge fan

concretepillows 1/5/2005 12:55:15 AM

worst band ever.

shredmyaxe 1/5/2005 1:04:19 AM

As I Lay Dying is pretty good. I'm mean it's metalcore so it isn't the heaviest, but they can metal it up. And by the way, the worst bands ever are Atreyu and The Bled.

dead 1/5/2005 1:32:19 AM


JohnnyJohnny 1/5/2005 1:33:13 AM

honestly, the production on that last CD is one of the worst I have ever heard... the drums sound so fake!

Mustardman 1/5/2005 2:30:44 AM

I think they are pretty good.....the drummer is pretty damn good

ubooze_ulose 1/5/2005 3:36:14 AM

that's booish

dracula 1/5/2005 5:10:05 AM

the bass drum is triggered and eq'd with way too much attach. the album carries no low end.

gorilla_nuts 1/5/2005 8:53:42 AM

"Tracking is currently taking place at Big Fish Studio (Jimmy Eat World)"....that can't be good, Jimmy Eat World???? *le sigh*...not looking foward to this crap

a_new_beginning 1/5/2005 10:17:42 AM

band is fcking terrible.

reklaw 1/5/2005 11:33:14 AM

I am a good friend of this band. I happen to know that the new album will be a bit more complex than the first. Also..Big Fish is a great has nothing to do with who has been recorded'll turn out just fine.

motherfckzombies 1/5/2005 12:09:16 PM

sweet another full length of the exact same song over and over with different song titles. That band is gay.

WithDeadHandsRising 1/5/2005 12:22:42 PM

Yet I bet all of you were sucking their dcks before they got mainstream play. gays.

JohnnyJohnny 1/5/2005 12:27:42 PM

...or thinking they and their entire metalcore genre was shoot years before they were even a band...

JohnnyJohnny 1/5/2005 12:28:10 PM

shot* ooopps

joeyxairborne 1/5/2005 1:10:12 PM

another cd for a new jacks collection...

xtroyx 1/5/2005 1:46:54 PM

maybe they'll start writing less predicable/shitty metalcore? they should atleast try to live up to the metal giants along side them at metalblade.

tiger 1/5/2005 2:55:08 PM

their last one was alright, i have no idea how they blew up all of a sudden though, no one knew who the fck they were before "frail w.."

TheWood 1/5/2005 2:55:32 PM

Suck my nuts...this band puts on a good live show.

PaulNJ 1/5/2005 3:03:51 PM

*scratches head* Which one of the swoop hair, girl jean core bands is this?

shittalker 1/5/2005 4:43:18 PM

who cares. death threat broke up.

LAHCownsyall 1/6/2005 12:39:24 AM

fck as i lay dying and fck their tacos ass crowd

SeveredInTwo 1/6/2005 6:11:58 PM

As I lay Crying is for a bunch of up and coming nu jaks

shredmyaxe 1/6/2005 8:57:39 PM

Hahaha, what do you know LAHCownsyall, you like Donnybrook and Terror! Hahahahahahahaha, maybe I'll go to you when I want to listen to shitty music.

misteroverzealous 1/7/2005 11:23:40 AM

*gives not a fck*

hardcoreguitarist 1/8/2005 1:18:21 AM

As I Lay Dying is a great band you dumbass muther fckers

hardcoreguitarist 1/8/2005 1:20:06 AM

As I Lay Dying is such a great band, you dumb ass mother fcking, ass crack licking, c-m guxzzling, queers wouldnt know talent if were hanging straight out your fat gay asses, suck your mommas c-cks

corycamefalling 1/9/2005 8:14:03 PM

i like them. i dislike the nu-metal gayfcks they bring to shows

wamucore 4/28/2005 5:43:33 PM

har har hating popular bands makes me and my elitistcore friends so cool. good band, not great, but very good

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