Speed, Scowl, Zulu, and more schedule Palestine benefit show in protest of Download Festival sponsor

After exiting from Download Fest yesterday in protest of sponsor Barclay's Bank's involvement in the war in Gaza, Speed, Scowl, Zulu, and Pest Control are set to host a benefit show for Palestine at Centrala in Birmingham.
The show will take place this Friday, June 14th, with doors opening at 6 PM.
Joining the lineup are Cauldron, Ikhras, and Transistrrr.
Scowl say:
This Friday! A benefit for Palestine
Thank you to everyone who put this together last minute and all the bands playing.
Meanwhile, Split Chain who were added to the festival as a replacement has elected to play the show, while providing their payment as a donation, along with a link for fans to donate.
The band shared:
As individuals and as a collective, Split Chain condemn the ongoing atrocities committed in Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people.
We praise all those who use their voice for those in need, and we wholeheartedly respect and stand with every band, individual and organisation that are using their platforms in any way to further raise awareness of this crisis.
We will be donating our entire artists fee from Download Festival to Palestine Children's Relief Fund and Medical Aid For Palestinians.
PCRF provides medical and humanitarian relief collectively and individually to children throughout Gaza.
MAP provides immediate aid to those in need as well as creating a future where Palestinians can access sustainable and locally led systems of healthcare.
In our bio and stories are links to MAP and PCRF, and ways you can contact your local MP/Representative to use your voices further.
06/14 Birmingham, UK @ Centrala
Search for tours coming to your city here.
Post CommentAll that effort for some twitter credit that'll be gone in a week lmao
When all ur gear is stolen and youre kidnapped don't cry to anyone
funds that support hamas r*pists and murderers. play a show in gaza posers
I don't see Speed on this secondary show… Just the shitty bands that dropped off.
the fifty dollars they raise will sure help a lot
Can we ship all 3 of these bands to Palestine? Please?
Industry plants always support the current thing. Fried chicken for Gaza!
These RETARDS would pass a homeless shelter in America on the way to donate to some other shit happening over seas just to sag they donated to whatever bullshit.
Surely what pops out before the man has time to put on a disguise is the truth? If there are rats in the cellar you are most likely to see them if you go in very suddenly. But the suddenness does not creat the rats: it only prevents them from hiding. In the same way the suddenness of the provocation does not make me an ill-tempered man; it only shows me what an ill-tempered man I am. The rats are always there in the cellar, but if you go in shouting and noisily they will have taken cover before you switch on the light.
anonymous 1 hour ago All that effort for some twitter credit that'll be gone in a week lmao I'm generally pro-Palestine, and you nailed it. This is silly.
Promoters just stop booking these bands or any bands from their label. Problem solved
I think it's time to cancel these bands and that label!
I'm Down to cancel them, everyone should start doing it .
Looking forward to seeing Kat take a go pro around Birmingham interviewing the muslims lol
Anyone that doesn't stand with Hamas is a f*cking idiot at this point.
Palestine needs to be independent but if you want to cancel Ricky Singh and all of these shitty bands I'm for it.
Cancel ! Let's do it Lambgoat! #cancelscowl #cancelspeed #cancelzulu #cancelflatspotrecords
So many idiot MAGA frat righty hardcore tourists in here. You were never there.
Breaking: Hunt the Dinosaur announce "Stand With Israel" benefit show featuring Tommy Vext and All That Remains. All proceeds going directly to Bibi Netanyahu's Panamanian bank account.
Commies funding terrorism, what a shocker. Life flip.
anonymous 1 hour ago So many idiot MAGA frat righty hardcore tourists in here. You were never there. ^ cope harder, queef
Taco Bell International fast food chain FOOD DRINKS Parent company Yum Brands is an investor in Israeli start ups. Don't eat food from Taco Bell restaurants. Don't work in Taco Bell restaurants
"Do the benefit in Gaza pussies." Lambgoat commenter completely misses the point of a political conflict, more at 11
I'll pay kat more money to protest not blowing me and demonstrate
All money is blood money dipshits. So 2 bands with the exact same opinion are doing the exact opposite things. Scowl playing protest show, L7 or whoever still playing the fest but donating the blood money to the protest show. Meaningless circle jerk that will only sell more shirts and nothing else
Tes ignorance of HXC and heavy music right now is pretty remarkable. I've never seen so much hero-worshipping of a hero that would kill you with a smile on their face. Although, the same people don't know what a woman is, so maybe it's just pure idiocy and not ignorance?
this is why we have gatekeepers. these r'tards should have never been admitted. let them throw their little protest show and please post pics of the crowd size side by side with the download crowd.
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I hope they all gave a great time and nothing bad happens.