A Skylit Drive called out for using cover artwork used previously by another artist

Last week, California post-hardcore group A Skylit Drive released their latest single, "Count Me Out." However, fans quickly noticed that the artwork for the new single may have been previously used by another artist.
A side-by-side comparison of A Skylit Drive's cover for "Count Me Out" and Eredaze & Mezsiah's 2021 release, "I Better Run," reveals the images are nearly identical, with the only significant difference being the band's name and song title on A Skylit Drive's version.
Eredave & Mezsiah's cover for "I Better Run":
A Skylit Drive's cover for "Count Me Out":
It's unclear how or why the image was reused. Bands and artists often lease or purchase rights to stock images, making it possible that this was an authorized use. The band has not commented on whether they were aware of the image's prior use.
Below you can stream the new single "Count Me Out".
Post Commentturned it off as soon as those girl vocals came on. decent artwork. surprised bannon didn't get to it first
Looks like they don't care about making generic music, why the Hell would anyone think they'd take pride in their artwork.
anonymous 2 hours ago That's definitely meatloaf forget the artwork, that guy's definitely been used by a previous artist.
the f*ck is sebatian bach doing in this band of homo-sexuals
Everyone in the band looks like a different evolution/stage of a child predator, holy f*cking shit
At least one member of this band has a cigar box full of missing girls' drivers licenses in their closet.
the f*ck is sebatian bach doing in this band of homo-sexuals sending ronnie radke videos of his dick duh
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