NewsMay 3, 2024 2:24 PM ET2,179 views

Venom Inc. guitarist Jeff Dunn suffers heart attack, to sit out live shows for foreseeable future

jeff dunn venom inc

Venom Inc. guitarist Jeff 'Mantas' Dunn will sit out all live shows for the foreseeable future due to suffering a recent heart attack. Dunn shared the following post updating fans on his current situation.

Dunn posted:

Greetings my friends.
First of all I would like to thank you all for the countless birthday wishes I have received. There are so many messages still unopened and unread but there is a very valid reason for this which I will get to later.

The outpouring of love concern and support for Anita has been, and continues to be, nothing short of overwhelming.

Honestly my friends it would take an age to explain the absolute roller coaster of a journey we have been through.

So many tests, delays, cancellations, waiting lists and worst of all it appears, mis diagnosis. All I can say is that over the course of the last few months the initial diagnosis appears to have been wrong . . . far too much to explain here.

So whilst it isn't yet completely ruled out it does seem now to be very unlikely.
She has two more scans before the end of the year.

As you can imagine the stress and worry of all this has been unbelievably hard on us and our family. On the upside, Anita is doing well and remains positive.

And now to my news.

On the morning of Wednesday 17th April completely out of the blue I suffered another heart attack.

Two ambulances attended my home and once they were satisfied that I was stable I was taken to Abrantes UCIC (Cardiac Intensive Care) I had numerous blood tests, X Ray and Cardiac Ultrasound and it was decided that I should be taken to Lisbon for an Angiogram when a slot became available to determine cause and possible further damage.

The outcome of the Angiogram revealed that my double bypass was functioning well, however, 2 further valves were compromised and approaching complete failure and the decision was made immediately to introduce 2 stents, which they did there and then.

The whole procedure was done through my left wrist under local anesthetic.

May I take this opportunity to thank the cardiology Doctors and nursing staff of both Abrantes and Lisbon for their superb care and attention.

I am now recovering at home.

I must now inform you all that for the foreseeable future I will not be performing live with Venom Inc at any immediate upcoming events.

I will of course continue to make music, it's my therapy, and I will more than likely annoy you all with it in the not too distant future.

Once again each and every one of you has my eternal gratitude.

Much Love and Respect 


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