Rammstein sued for plagiarism by French band Ninja Cyborg

French outfit Ninja Cyborg is taking legal action against Rammstein, alleging that the German metal behemoths' track "Deutschland" plagiarizes their song "The Sunny Road."
As reported by Day FR Euro, Ninja Cyborg has lodged papers with the Paris Court of Appeal following the dismissal of an earlier claim in 2021. The appeal leans on the expertise of legal music authority Richard Dubugnon, who asserts that Rammstein "intentionally borrowed the riff and other melodic elements" from "The Sunny Road," highlighting "too many similarities" that unequivocally amount to plagiarism.
Interestingly, prior to this legal tussle, Rammstein aficionados had accused Ninja Cyborg of pilfering the idea from the German outfit. However, Ninja Cyborg's track was released in 2018, a year before "Deutschland" graced Rammstein's eponymous 2019 album as its opening track.
Responding to these accusations from Rammstein's fanbase in 2020, Ninja Cyborg's Marc Botté stated:
I don't like Rammstein, and I don't listen to this group. I created that riff. I knew very well that I hadn't plagiarized them.
Botté further elaborated that upon initial comparisons pointed out by Rammstein's fans, he entertained the possibility of inadvertently crafting a similar riff to an old Rammstein track. However, upon discovering their song was released prior to Rammstein's, Ninja Cyborg opted to pursue legal recourse.
In a separate article by the French outlet, Le Nouvel Obs, Ninja Cyborg shared the following as they begin the legal appeal:
We want this piece to be recognized as ours and that we no longer spend our lives as artists perpetually justifying ourselves.
The case is slated to be heard before the Intellectual Property Chamber of the Paris Judicial Court in September.
Post CommentHitler was a vegan and that's why modern day liberals suck!
So if you think a band sucks and their band plays the same riffs as your band….
Sounds like everyone is the comment section is a bunch of try hards. This shit is gay
Lol @ the admins of this shitheap deleting comments comparing them to Stormfront while leaving up comments literally praising Hitler
They both ripped off the mortal kombat theme then if they think it's that similar. Frenchies gonna lose on this one
Imagine listening to these bands in the first place.
Imagine listening to these bands in the first place. ^ This truth
imagine actively choosing to live in the cesspool that is california. the only reason its population is rising is the influx of illegals and bums
All German industrial always sounds the same, how could anyone tell the difference between Du Hast and Du Sucks Dicks.
Rick is a Hitler fan? Well, that's not surprising at all. Nazi punks f*ck off
They both sound like a shit version of the Knight Rider theme tune.
Lol if we're going down that lane, they both ripped off Anne Clark's Our Darkness
It's such a generic synth riff that I don't think anyone is going to win. I would bet multiple underground synth pop bands from the 80s or 90s would come out with the same exact synth riff
Rick is a Hitler fan? Well, that's not surprising at all. Nazi punks f*ck off ^ Mumbling that behind 3 face masks whilst wearing an adult diaper, skinny girls jeans, holding a v@cks badge and star of david patch, and furious that all the white liberals and blacks you brainwashed into hating whites support p@lestinians over the j3ws
^Libtards will automatically call you a fascist, nazi, racist, homo/transphobe, etc if you do not adhere to their hivemind mentality. They don't want to debate or have a conversation. They want to shout you down until you either walk away or are silenced. There will be no discussion or discourse.
I'm not a natsi but also here's a list of gamer words and jew hate. If you disagree, well, you just don't want to have an honest discussion with me. Hmph!
^ happy to shut you down on and off line. know nothing little man. post your gmail.
happy to shut you down on and off line. know nothing little man. post your gmail. Definitely wants to put on thongs and eat a sub sandwich with you
Who gives a f*ck about rammstein they aren't hardcore metal
deathcore bands should sue for all the same generic music being recycled but then again they're all broke
It's a preset arpeggiator that was used by both. Hardly an original riff or rip. If they win, good on them...
This is why you don't use the default sequencer pattern on that wal mart Casio keyboard
Definitely wants to put on thongs and eat a sub sandwich with you Yo how do I get in on this?
I eat sub sandwiches for fun. Preferably 12 inches. 😘
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