Mindforce show at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn shut down mid-show by NYC Department of Buildings

Last night's Mindforce show at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, New York with Balmora, Godskinpeeler, xNOMADx, Discontent, and Gigan Animal Thugs (first show) came to an abrupt end as the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) shut down the event before Mindforce could perform.
The show's promoter LIHCshows left a message on social media addressing the situation and questioned the timing of NYC DOB's intervention:
I didn't want to not say something about the Mindforce gig so here ya go..
Without saying too much, yes the show was shut down by DOB [Department of Buildings] - not a fire marshal and not NYPD
If you work construction you know how miserable dealing with DOB can be
Please do not take any frustrations out on the venue.
To me - it seemed like a personal vendetta + attack on the venue. DOB just doesn't show up at 8 pm on a Friday
We're potentially trying to figure out a make up date so give us until next week to figure out what's going on instead of DMing Me, Mindforce or the venue about refunds when the show was shut down not even a hour ago
I'm sorry to Mindforce that they didn't get to play
I'm sorry to y'all who came out tonight to see Mindforce
And finally I'm sorry to Saint Vitus that they have to deal with this BS
The show was shut down during Balmora's set as seen at minute 13 in the video below.
A document obtained from nyc.gov shows the nature of the bureaucratic discrepancies levied against the bar from the NYC Department of Buildings.
The complaint outlines a few issues, such as the absence of maximum occupancy signs, potential overcapacity, an outdated Certificate of Occupancy, and operating without a Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation (PACO).
The complaint reads:
As of Friday, September 22, 2023 the following are facts about 1120 Manhattan Avenue know to the public as Saint Vitus Bar: 1) Saint Vitus Bar does not have any maximum occupancy signs posted anywhere, and more often than not they host more people than their allotted maximum capacity. 2) Saint Vitus Bar's most recent Certificate of Occupancy on file with the Department of Buildings does not allow it to operate as an eating/drinking establishment. There is no other Certificate of Occupancy or Letter of No Objection that supersedes their Certificate of Occupancy dated November 12, 1953. 3) Saint Vitus Bar is currently operating without a Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation (PACO). 4) Saint Vitus Bar was issued summons (see ECB Violation # 39090715Z) for ALTERED/CHANGE BUILDING OCCUPIED WITHOUT A VALID C OF O AS PER 28-118.3.1- 28-118.1-2. They have paid the penalty but have not corrected the situation. I will continue to make this complaint on a daily basis until either the Department of Buildings performs an inspection or until Saint Vitus Bar can remedy their situation.
The violation was ultimately served by the NYC Department of Buildings last night, Friday, February 16th, resulting in the shutdown of the show.
Nevertheless, LIHCshows has assured attendees that they are exploring options to potentially reschedule the event. Ticketholders are encouraged to await further updates and hold off on refund requests for the time being.
Follow LIHCshows on Instagram for further details on that rain check.
Tonight, February 17th, Mindforce will play another LIHCshows joint in Queens, NY at TV Eye with Inclination, Simulakra, Scarab, Godskinpeeler, and Dimension Six.
Post CommentYo! A nine year old has better grammar and punctuation than the idiot who wrote this.
But NYC will kick out paying hotel patrons to accomidate illegal aliens, also shut down youth and rec centers for the ssme issue. Your city f*cking sucks, it always has sucked and it going to suck worse in the next few years. Keep reppin' one of the most corrupt and shittiest places in the USA when you tour. No one gives a f*ck about NYC it is a literal rotting piece of shit floating in the Hudson bay.
Close enough. Add Canada to the northest piece of shit as well.
That one balmora riff is an exact ripoff of second heartbeat by avenged sevenfold. Better than being another sunami copy band I suppose
They should play Preserving Underground in New Kensington Pennsylvania.
Play a show in their moms basement/their bedroom instead
" anonymous 1 hour ago They should play Preserving Underground in New Kensington Pennsylvania." With the PA speaker that magically set itself on fire.
Venue sucks. Bartenders serve watered down drinks and are dicks. Awful setup with the bathroom in the middle of the room
The city wanted to open it up to illegal aliens.
I hope xNOMADX got to play their one good riff at least
show got shutdown due to all these bands being wack as shit.
"Don't take your frustration out on the venue despite all signs pointing to them f*cking up"
They probably oversold it too much and got shut down
Balmora is THAT HORRIBLE that a venue got shut down in the middle of their set. Oh yes it's damn true.
All signs point to Eric Adams being a retard.
Oh no. The Leeway rip off band with boring riffs didn't get to play
Ah Saint Vitus — the venue layout designed with the restrooms as the focal point — can't even watch a band without the peeing pooping crowd in the middle. Doesn't surprise me they don't even care about staying up to code. Bye.
The venue with the worst (all male) bartenders. Over priced shows. Made $$$$$$$$ during covid go fund mess. Sorry not sorry.
Looks ar Roger Stone's actual human face......how's it feel to look at a sub mutant like that and realize that's someone you base your political beliefs on lol My pillow guy too haha f*cking incel gi joe nerds
this is what happens when you "VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!".
Looks ar Roger Stone's actual human face......how's it feel to look at a sub mutant like that and realize that's someone you base your political beliefs on lol My pillow guy too haha f*cking incel gi joe nerds ^^^^^^ Supports open borders but hates immigrants
What's the name of the song that sounds like Avenged Sevenfold?
All of these political positions make zero sense now. Anti-racist Nazi, Free Palestine Zionist, Trans Rights Mexican Genocide.
"Please do not take any frustrations out on the venue." Becasue it's not the venue's fault they are operating without proper permitting. Being a responsible buisness owner is not the business owner's responsibility. A-doi!!
Promoter cries about DOB shutting down a venue with no C of O, PACO or permission to sell food or drink, film at 11. Personal vendetta yeah ok LOL.
Oh no. The Leeway rip off band with boring riffs didn't get to play Mindforce sounds nothing like Leeway. Jay doesn't have a fifth of the voice of Eddie. Leeway comparison is because Jay is a twig (like Eddie) who dresses like a b-boy (like Eddie.)
Avenged sevenfold second heartbeat, the harmony around 2 mins that comes back at end of that song.. The bend at like 2:50 in "under the weight" is the same thing. Regardless Balmora still a great band and writes great parts and songs. Hope they keep going, probably one of the best newer bands out there.
We got it on good authority that Kim Kelly made the complaints repeatedly.
Liberal shithole shut down by liberals. Bomb nyc
Mindforce sounds nothing like Leeway. Jay doesn't have a fifth of the voice of Eddie. Leeway comparison is because Jay is a twig (like Eddie) who dresses like a b-boy (like Eddie.) >>> They definitely try to imitate Leeway.. how can you not hear the blatant comparison? Mindforce has an intro the rips the ball hugger intro. No one said Mindforce dude was in the same league as Eddie, vocal wise. It's just boring watered down leeway rip
Pain of Truth is the real tough band from NY
Mindforce > Leeway ^ posted by a 20 year old who found HC thru bands like of mice and men
"Mindforce sounds nothing like Leeway" What f*cking crack are you smoking? Perhaps the same crack Eddie Leeway smoked. I love Mindforce and know that they are a Leeway rip.
The paperwork was outdated and the new application was pending. They'll be back in no time.
Department of buildings is what happens when libtards get in office. Pretty sure there's no department of buildings in my red city.
I picked up this ugly chick from the Warsaw when I went to NYC in 2017. We walked past St. Vitus on the way to my hotel. Looked like a cool place.
anonymous 12 hours ago Mindforce > Leeway ^ posted by a 20 year old who found HC thru bands like of mice and men ^ yeah but that's better than you 30 something's acting like you were actually around during leeway when you got into hardcore through Hatebreed in 2003
They definitely try to imitate Leeway.. > No they don't but Jay definitely tries to dress like Eddie. how can you not hear the blatant comparison? > Cuz I listened to both bands with clean ears unlike you. Mindforce has an intro the rips the ball hugger intro.> Nope sorry. No one said Mindforce dude was in the same league as Eddie, vocal wise.> I never said you said that but it's true, he's not. It's just boring watered down leeway rip > It's just boring watered down period. Overhyped & overbooked too.
Don't know why they acted surprised when it looks like they have a gotten ticket before for the same thing and were given a chance to correct any issues. And chose to do nothing about it instead.
Don't know why they acted surprised when it looks like they have a gotten ticket before for the same thing and were given a chance to correct any issues. And chose to do nothing about it instead John Scanlon actually thinks it was a "personal vendetta" LOL. Nah dude it could've happened anytime. 8pm on a Friday? Why not? Does he expect the venue to be shut down before 5pm with no one but club staff there then? What a dumbass. If he & Mindforce should be angry at anyone for what happened it should be David Castillo & Artie Shepard who run Saint Vitus Bar. They were tempting fate for literally months & it judge happened to be this show.
"Don't blame St Vitus". They seem to be entirely to blame here.
Singer of Mindforce looks like Earthworm Jim mixed with a gummy worm. Zesty a$$ neighbor.
Wahhhh wahhh they shutdown our show to turn the venue into a migrant shelter wahhhhhh. Have you tried having empathy? Being a decent human being?
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