New York metal group Gravesend have announced the "Stomped and Mauled on the East Coast" tour. Support for the tour will come from Fargo, ND's Maul.
The March 7th date will take place at the Night Shift Merch warehouse with additional support from Swamp and Blunt Force Trauma.
Tickets are available here.
Stomped and Mauled on the East Coast 2024 dates
02/29 Brooklyn, NY @ St Vitus Bar
03/01 Philadelphia, PA @ Kung Fu Necktie
03/02 Baltimore, MD @ Metro Gallery
03/03 Richmond, VA @ Fallout
03/04 Raleigh, NC @ Chapel of Bones
03/06 Atlanta, GA @ Boggs
03/07 Ormond Beach, FL @ Night Shift Merch Warehouse
03/08 Miami, FL @ Gramps
03/09 Tampa, FL @ Brass Mug
Search for tours coming to your city here.
Post CommentTennessee, we get skipped on east coast and southern tours. yeeehawww
This band kicks total ass. Gowanus Death Stomp is insanely heavy and evil. Homey just straight up hammer blasts a lot of the time and it's so gnarly.
this new wave of os'er osdm is the musical equivalent of a crib mobile
My name is David, and I have been suffering from hair loss since I was twelve years old. I am thirty years old, and I feel and look like I'm fifty. For years, people have bullied me over having a bald head, as you can see. I am looking to raise money to get a hair transplant. Please help me. I just want to live a normal, healthy life, and be able to get out of the house, talk to people, and maybe one day have a girlfriend. Thank you.
"rick____tocchet is a proud member of NAMBLA." Says the guy who knows what NAMBLA means in the first place. Probably chapter president.
Oh wow a brief article about a band that isn't gay or not metal, how novel. Gowanus Stomp rips.
anonymous 4 hours ago "rick____tocchet is a proud member of NAMBLA." Says the guy who knows what NAMBLA means in the first place. Probably chapter president. Defending a pedo, eh? Weird flex, but it makes sense for a mega retard.
^You're obsession with Rick is cute. I'm sure he is flattered Mr. NAMBLA chapter president sir. Btw, how was Epstein Island?
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