NewsDecember 1, 2023 12:30 PM ET5,423 views

Ex-Chelsea Grin Alex Koehler and Jacob Harmond to join forces in new project, preparing new material

pablo chelsea grin studio

In September we received word that Chelsea Grin's former vocalist Alex Koehler was plotting a return with a new band. Shortly after making that post and sharing it to X another former member of Chelsea Grin, Guitarist Jacob Harmond, replied to that post saying:


A few months have passed since that reply, however, this morning Harmond popped up once again, this time replying to another user whom also replied this morning. It would seem the pair have been working diligently together. Harmond shared a screenshot of what we suppose is the duo's newest material, 6 or more demos or new tracks ready to be released. 


Later in the replies thread Harmond also offers up a bit of a timeline of the new materials release stating "just a few more weeks".


Also notable, back in August Harmond shared to X a photo of himself sat behind Chelsea Grin drummer Pablo Viveros while he is at the controls in his recording studio. Though it is not clear if Viveros is in the project or just lent a hand in the recording process.


Post Comment

rick____tocchet 12/1/2023 9:55:21 AM

Great pic of some dudes chrome dome

anonymous 12/1/2023 9:58:57 AM

Was going to say 'no one asked for this'. Then I read the story and turns out, someone actually did ask for this. Unfortunate.

anonymous 12/1/2023 11:14:04 AM

16-year-old girls in 2010 are stoked.

anonymous 12/1/2023 11:17:26 AM

I'm cautiously optimistic. I hope they do something a bit more mainstream.

anonymous 12/1/2023 12:48:21 PM

Studio looks like one of those rooms at the zoo or the aquarium that you walk by on the tour with the glass wall where you can look into the scientists doing their science behind the scenes.

anonymous 12/1/2023 1:17:24 PM

Needs cat ears

anonymous 12/1/2023 2:18:17 PM

Who in the hell are these guys?

anonymous 12/1/2023 2:58:50 PM


anonymous 12/1/2023 8:58:04 PM

Does this website know it's audience at all. No one enjoys it listens to this shit but here it is day after f*cking day.

anonymous 12/2/2023 12:58:40 AM

What dork made a studio that looks like a new wave hair salon?

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