Before the band made their debut at Furnace Fest, Drain performed in Chicago, IL at Riot Fest over the weekend of September 15-17. During the band's final song, "California Cursed", frontman Sammy Ciaramitaro did his usual routine of inviting the crowd on stage to join the band during the performance, saying "Your job is to jump this barricade and to get on this stage".
If you have ever attended a Drain show, you know this is common practice for Ciaramitaro and the band. Drain has one of the most active audiences in current times, if you watched our coverage of the band playing at Furance Fest then you have some idea. But being there is truly something.
Nonetheless, after the call was given out, the crowd followed suit and did their best to answer Ciaramitaro's request. As you can imagine a bit of pandemonium for security took place.
After the set Ciaramitaro did thank security for putting up with his antics and taking care of those going over the festival barricade.
You can watch the collected angles via TikTok user Wild.Kaz below.
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