Between The Buried And Me’s guitarist Dustie Waring rejoins band at Furnace Fest

Following anonymous allegations against Between The Buried And Me guitarist Dustie Waring, the band chose to leave for their most recent tour without Waring to allow him to deal with these allegations.
There hasn't been much said following those allegations about Warings place in the band or his future for that matter.
Those questions may have been answered today as Waring rejoined Between The Buried And Me on stage at Furnace Fest just minutes ago.
Post CommentAnother W for us men. Group hug in the shower, fellas
Good for him. The whole "believe all women" horseshit is out of control.
I have it on good authority that what was said about him was edited, copy-pasted, and taken out of its context to blow it out of proportion. I hope she has a good lawyer. The dude's not an angel but you can't just take people's accusations and cast immediate judgement on folks. The truth eventually comes out anyways.
One less guy for CJ to choose from for his new band :(
Libtards are triggered. Then again, everything triggers those soft sacks of shit. ❄️
anonymous 43 minutes ago Yikes. Imagine being comfortable playing with a rapist. Makes me wonder how many girls the other fellas r*ped too. The bassist definitely gives some weird vibes. permalink | report abuse Bitch.
Yikes. Imagine being comfortable playing with a rapist. Makes me wonder how many girls the other fellas r*ped too. The bassist definitely gives some weird vibes GHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Yikes. Imagine being comfortable playing with a rapist. Makes me wonder how many girls the other fellas r*ped too. The bassist definitely gives some weird vibes YOU'RE BETWEEN THE GAY MARRIED AND ME f*ckIN DORK
Yikes. Imagine being comfortable playing with a rapist. Makes me wonder how many girls the other fellas r*ped too. The bassist definitely gives some weird vibes IMAGINE TRYING TO MAKE A POINT ANONYMOUSLY
Finally bands are learning. Eventually accusations are going to fall on def ears.
LOL @ the fanboy in the comments wishing he was r*ped by the fat dork guitarist
Incels gonna incel. You chuds couldn't f*ck your hand.
i wouldn't have rejoined. the others cowards in BTB&M are a bunch of cancel culture traitors 👎🏽
Alternate headline: No one wants to play guitar between the buried and me so we had to let the rapist back in the band.
Sunday bill theme, "In Celebration of Allegations"
Every man should be put on estrogen to prevent this kind of stuff. Women are superior which I why I transitioned out of respect and solidarity for them
This dude has the gnarliest purple neck & ear birthmark.
Yikes. Imagine being comfortable playing with a rapist. Makes me wonder how many girls the other fellas r*ped too. The bassist definitely gives some weird vibes. Imagine labeling someone a rapist based off anonymous comments on Reddit with hopes of destroying their identity and career. You're absolute scum. Eat shit. Cancel culture needs to get checked real quick…
All this does is make the band look like a bunch of douchebags. Pre-Tour: "Sorry Dustie, you're on your own to work this out, but not on our tour." Post-Tour: "Well, nothings changed either way, so, welcome back."
All this does is make the band look like a bunch of douchebags. Pre-Tour: "Sorry Dustie, you're on your own to work this out, but not on our tour." Post-Tour: "Well, nothings changed either way, so, welcome back." Did you actually see the allegations against him? He didn't do anything wrong. She grabbed his dick in the venue bathroom...if anything, he's the one who got assaulted.
Dustin grabbed my wrist and hit me in the face when I was 16 and said "I'm going go f*ck you and this is all your fault" then he broke my ankles now I can't walk.
Makes me wonder how many girls the other fellas r*ped too. The bassist definitely gives some weird vibes. Ahhhh some "vibes". You're telling us you can read human beings vibrations and tell if they're r*ping people or not based on how they quickly shake. You're basically god and you have a super power! This is actually incredible because normal humans can't look at people and read their minds or "vibration" like x men. Youre an anomaly and are here to save the world…..sarcasm aside - do you realize what people think of you when you talk? Think about it to yourself for a few minutes.
*walks in the room* "This uh.. this seems complicated."
Justin Sane has probably left at least 50 voicemails with Chad Diamond's office.
They played a good setlist too. Only shit off the 1st 3 records
Nothing like having a predator walk freely around a crowded site.
Great choice by this sh*tty band. Make FF Day III a conversation about r@pe allegations, alienate survivors in the audience, and stir shit up for every act after you. Dustie's not been proven or disproven as a r@pist, but he the entire band proved themselves complete assholes with this stunt. Couldn't just bring him back on a studio album IF anything is actually disproven, then tour? Gotta show your support for this POS in a festival setting? Tone deaf, ugly, stupid. To the "allegation analyst" above taking this all wayyyy too personally? Girl can grab someone's d*ck consensually and still not want to get r@ped over a toilet in a barroom bathroom. Doesn't mean it happened, also doesn't mean anyone is a wh*re.
^ I like trains. Who doesn't like trains? CHOO CHOO, ya f*ckin' weirdo.
Libtards are triggered. Then again, everything triggers those soft sacks of shit. ❄️ ^says the conservative cuck who whines about beer cans, "The Little Mermaid" and Wal-Mart greeters saying "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." Keep crying, sissy boy.
But if he's whining about beer cans, and you're whining about unproven allegations, doesn't that mean you're both just whining? Yes. It also means your both stupid
^ Guy trying to equate beer cans to r@pe allegations is calling other people stupid. YOU'RE. It's a f*cking contraction. Two words combined into one, using an apostrophe, "you" and "are". YOU ARE both stupid. YOU'RE both stupid. "Your" is a f*cking possessive adjective. YOUR BRAIN IS TOO SMALL TO BE CALLING OTHERS STUPID. YOUR EQUATION OF BEER CANS TO R@PE ALLEGATIONS IS, WELL, GROSS. YOU'RE A F*CKIN' MORON.
I can grab a guys dick when I'm hammered in a bathroom, have sex, call it r*pe when I wake up, then hopefully destroy his career anonymously 5 years later. Something seems off, weird. . .
No identity or no police report == didn't happen.
LOL at the psycho screeching about contractions. If you read without foaming at the mouth you would have seen I properly used the 'you're' contraction twice. Maybe that last one was typed impulsively without reviewing it. After all, this is lambgoat not an essay. Also, you're literally screeching about someone's account of a situation that you have no first hand knowledge of or actual evidence for. So maybe you should just sit the f*ck down and instead of giving grammar lessons on lambgoat you should be finding actual evidence and police reports to vociferously back up YOUR arguments. If I wrote a blog about how you r*ped me, would you believe me too unquestionably? Because guess what... you r*ped me.
have no first hand knowledge of<--- found the possessor of the hand that clasped the dingus!!!! keep licking them fingers clean, boot boy.
^ So you're in possession of first-hand knowledge of Dustie's Mens Room D*ck Dust-Up, or you wouldn't be running your mouth this way. First-hand makes you one of only two people on earth, which are you? And how was it good decision to force this issue to the the forefront at a festival? How about no one wants to talk about r@pe allegations 24-7? How about r@pe, or r@pe adjacent behavior in bathrooms is gross, and Dustie will live if he sits out a few shows til his sh*t is settled? Don't want allegations, btw? Don't f*ck strangers in bar bathrooms. Pretty simple. As many allegations are made, the majority of bands and musicians don't have any, & where there's smoke, there's at least a smoker nearby. Maybe respect for the audience and other bands who don't want to deal with his bullshit, or anyone's? It was a f*cking music festival by hundreds, for thousands. Why does some POS band and their r@pey guitarist get to control the ick-multiplier, cause 💎Chad Diamond 💎 said so?
I'll make sure to say "happy holidays" to everyone of you f*cking bubble boys that I see in public this holiday season because I know it ruins your days, then you tell about it in church. Die slow.
But are we gonna talk about how you r*ped me and no one is believing me. I thought all victims allegations should be embraced, and questioning their validity and credibility is a taboo?? You r*ped me. Now, unquestioningly grovel.
"K, but why is he wearing dad shoes?" Don't you mean "Waring dad shoes?
"But are we gonna talk about how you r*ped me and no one is believing me. I thought all victims allegations should be embraced, and questioning their validity and credibility is a taboo?? You r*ped me. Now, unquestioningly grovel." You don't even know who tf you are addressing, you just seem to love to type the word "r@pe" and talk about it •quite literally• ad nauseum. It's f*cking creepy. An accusation about anything should be considered on a case to case basis, r@pe included. Lusty Dustie has never denied bar bathroom f*cking, which leaves the r@pe thing on the table (or sink?) forever. If she said stop, sorry, it's r@pe. NO ONE but the the two involved will ever know the truth. His choice, behavior, fault, his problem. She's not the person showing up on a stage like a middle finger. She wrote a f*cking reddit post, and creeps like you ran with it. Vomiting taglines about believing victims makes you sound sociopathic, btw. BTB&M shat on the festival by having him there, period.
Win! Screw these woke people. Women lie as easily as they breath. No police report.. didn't happen. Nobody waits 10+ years to say they were gr*ped.
Why y'all writing essays about this shit damn
"...Nobody waits 10+ years to say they were gr*ped" Does that say gr*ped?
Hahahaha, why is the word g-r-a-p-e censored Is someone on staff triggered by Fruit of the Loom commercials?
"anonymous 7 minutes ago Why y'all writing essays about this shit damn" Because it's relevant, enough so for LG to write "articles" about it. It's f*cking ugly, but instead of people saying "f*ck r@pe, f*ck r@pists, and GOOD men need to take responsibility for their actions and they won't have to sweat it", f*cking sociopathic r@pe fans run their mouths about victims (ahem, women of course, this IS Lambgoat) being liars. Dustie took no responsibility for his sh*tty behavior, just hired a lawyer and started smearing the accuser. It's smug af, not a good look for a low level HC guitar player OR his band, if they want to redeem a reputation.
Lol imagine getting r@ped by a guy in a prog metal band
"^says the conservative cuck who whines about beer cans, "The Little Mermaid" and Wal-Mart greeters saying "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." Keep crying, sissy boy." Thanks for making another one of my points "Herr derr" retard. This imbecile is way too easy. BTW, our boycotts are working coward so keep on crying. 😂😂😂 Oh FYI un-American bitch..."Head-to-head in a hypothetical November 2024 matchup, Trump has 51% support while Biden has 42% -- numerically up 3 points for Trump and down 2 points for Biden from an ABC/Washington Post poll in February, shifts that are not statistically significant." FJB
"I'll make sure to say "happy holidays" to everyone of you f*cking bubble boys that I see in public this holiday season because I know it ruins your days, then you tell about it in church. Die slow." ^^^"Herr derr" retard grasping at straws. 🥱🥱🥱
Mean Steve (He/Him) from One Life Crew here. Since our band was mentioned I thought I'd pop in here real quick to clear up any confusion. One Life Crew does indeed stand up for trans lives. No lives matter unless TRANS LIVES MATTER. Hope that clears up doubts you might have. - Mean Steve (He/Him) Residing on Myaamia Land
anonymous 1 hour ago Lol imagine getting r@ped by a guy in a prog metal band Lol Also he's named dusty lololololol
Because it's relevant, enough so for LG to write "articles" about it. It's f*cking ugly, but instead of people saying "f*ck r@pe, f*ck r@pists, and GOOD men need to take responsibility for their actions and they won't have to sweat it", f*cking sociopathic r@pe fans run their mouths about victims (ahem, women of course, this IS Lambgoat) being liars. Dustie took no responsibility for his sh*tty behavior, just hired a lawyer and started smearing the accuser. It's smug af, not a good look for a low level HC guitar player OR his band, if they want to redeem a reputation. Imma go ahead an agree with you man u feel me but im african american know im sayin.. can't deal with this much words
To blindly believe accusations and treat a person differently without definitive proof or a conviction is just as unfair as a true victim not getting justice. The 4th and 5th amendment of the U.S constitution were literally created to give the accused the presumption of innocence... NOT the accuser the presumption of truth. You want the accused to have the presumption of guilt without due process of law. That is literally in defiance of the constitution. Quit your screeching and worry about your own problems as much as you have worried about what could have happened between 2 strangers in a bathroom. If the court system gives Dusty a conviction I'll be the first person to say f*ck that rapist. But until definitive proof occurs that isn't only one person's side of the story, I'll reserve judgment on the entire situation like a rational, reasonable individual. You can continue f*cking with people's reputations flippantly and have your extra judicial judgements.
"The 4th and 5th amendment of the U.S constitution were literally created to give the accused the presumption of innocence... NOT the accuser the presumption of truth. You want the accused to have the presumption of guilt without due process of law. That is literally in defiance of the constitution. Quit your screeching..." ^ This is adorable. Constitutional Amendments are valid in courts of law, not courts of public opinion. That precious Constitution of yours, by the way? Written entirely in the spirit of personal responsibility. For example, someone who is concerned about protecting their reputation doesn't f*ck drunk strangers in barroom bathrooms. If he never went there, he wouldn't be facing questions. Simple. Nothing flippant about the judgement here, it's carefully reasoned. Man the f*ck up, btw. Disagreement isn't screeching, but pointing to the f*cking Constitution in a conversation about Dustie Waring sure reads like hysterical grandstanding.
Lol at "carefully reasoned" but acting like people accused of crimes automatically forfeit all rights in the public sphere as if they've been found guilty. Also, no police report, no court case. Only a slander, libel, and defamation case against the alleged victim. f*ck your public opinion, if anyone is grandstanding here it's the lambgoat "grammar and f*cking strangers in a bathroom" police. Also- when you were crying about contractions you were definitely screeching, perhaps even seething with disproportionate rage to strangers anonymously. Get your head checked asshole.
Do we really live in such a puritanical society in 2023 that people have a problem with banging strangers in bar washrooms? That was a rhetorical question.
"Only a slander, libel, and defamation case against the alleged victim. f*ck your public opinion, if anyone is grandstanding here it's the lambgoat "grammar and f*cking strangers in a bathroom" police...." ^ Yes, the courthouses of America are clogged with libel cases stemming from false r@pe allegations against D List musicians. Can't swing a woman around against her will without hitting another woman about to shamed and bankrupted for her evil, lying ways in the halls of justice. It's a whole new day for the zillions of dudes who were minding their business, just banging incoherent strangers in restrooms when *bam* here come false allegations. A real revolution, if you will. Dudes are taking back the night with LAWYERS and everything. F*ckin' dork. Do you practice these speeches in your mirror? Pointing out bad grammar in already idiotic comments triggers you? Sue me.
Lol, nice cherry picking and deflection. I wouldn't sue you, I'm just gonna hack the site, find out your IP and or MAC address, find your real name and then make anonymous reddit threads about how you credibly r*ped me and then make sure those links get to your close friends, family, and casual acquaintances....Lol just kidding (hyperbolic parody amirite?)not gonna do that, but that's how easy it is to f*ck your life up with lies in a society with people that blindly believe victims and believe that social consequences should be given prior to legal ones without any sort of due process.
Maybe if someone talks to your ex lovers they would remember a consensual encounter a little differently than you do... UHOH gotta believe victims, you better quit your job and stop your life until it's all resolved. Sorry buddy :(
If there was a crime let him do the time. Regretting a past decision and not taking personal responsibility is a modern woman's MO. If the event did take place as described, did the accusor consider not being a drunk wh0re? How about having a little self respect? Put on some X's or grab a bible modern-women, everytime you give a man your p_ssy and he's not your husband or not not making a baby, you are proving your lack of value as a woman. Trashy. Men, listen to Blood for Blood and not this pussy shit and learn some lessons about women.
"ex lover" is a bit of a stretch for strangers in restrooms
"Lol, nice cherry picking and deflection. I wouldn't sue you, I'm just gonna hack the site, find out your IP and or MAC address, find your real name and then make anonymous reddit threads about how you credibly r*ped me and then make sure those links get to your close friends, family, and casual acquaintances....Lol just kidding (hyperbolic parody amirite?)not gonna do that, but that's how easy it is to f*ck your life up with lies in a society with people that blindly believe..." ^ Uh huh. So you have allegations and it makes you really reallly really mad at ladies and you're gonna get me on Reddit for debating you and that'll fix it! Sounds like whatever the allegations are, you did it.
Cancel culture is gay. Go to the cops not the Internet. Stop looking for answers. No one knows shit. You weren't there. You have no proof of either sides of this. Self Titled is the only album that matters from this band. Replacing a guitarist or bassist isn't shit. Anyone can play and replicate what's being played. Stop being a bunch of bickering h0m0s on the internet and get a life. Your fruity fingers won't change anyone's minds
Sounds like a not so SILENT CIRCUS if you ask me. This dude better move to ALASKA where no one will recognize him. If they do they're going to punch him and have him seeing COLORS. I hope his FUTURE SEQUENCE won't be a GREAT MISDIRECT from these allegations and he accepts responsibility.
OK, but Jamie King is still the worst part of this whole story.
"This is adorable. Constitutional Amendments are valid in courts of law, not courts of public opinion. That precious Constitution of yours, by the way? Written entirely in the spirit of personal responsibility." Retarded, donkey brained take. Just because those protections are enshrined by the courts doesn't mean that the public is allowed to act extrajudicial vigilantes and conduct their own separate actions. By your own framework, what was done to Emmett Till was acceptable because he never was charged with anything and the public can make whatever decisions they want as far as how to treat people they believe are guilty
They played all early material, which clearly took place before the allegations. So they're in the clear on this one, guys.
Jamie King is the nicest dude on the planet. We've crossed the line here with talking about people and things we have no idea about. Please continue to live your miserable life.
Hello im chad chad from YouTube and I want to live a little so if u see me at a show please shoot your load
Not enough credit is being given to Ben from Grey Lotus. Quite the accomplished author of defamatory Reddit posts about make believe assault cases. Superb penmanship coming to a whore near you.
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