Post CommentI heard from some guy thats buds with them that this is going to be way different than their previous material and "kinda mars volta-y". I'm curious to hear.
this is good. they are swell with their instruments.
liked the first album, and i trust them do do it again, but only time will telll...i wonder how long before someone drops a this band sucks in the commenct section
this first album was ok ...i really want to hear this new shit though
I have the new album. Aren't you all jealous?? It's fcking AMAZING.
Come January/February you all will be happy little campers... As for me and the fellow above, we are happy campers now. You are all in for a serious treat!
I love this band. learning to accept silence was great, im positive this will be even better. look forward to hearing the new singer on cd. come back to Fl, fire on gorgeous will jam it out again.
I'm way into their New CD and there Live Shows have been Amazing Lately!! It so fckin' nice to hear a tight together band that shoves rock and or space through your face. CT is Place!
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this will be good